
## Last updated 2020/07/16 by ERP

##########################  Not fully worked out yet

## The calc_vis_angle function references the position_width and position_height
## variables of raw motive data files and require the following arguments:

##  gnd_plane - at baseline, this indicates the vertical distance
##    between the bottom of the "V" and the height of the grounding tool.
##    Following raw data processing using the utility functions, it must
##    indicate the vertical distance between the bottom of the "V" and the
##    height of the perches. An incorrect gnd_plane for a given tunnel set up
##    may calculate negative visual angles (as if the bird is flying outside the
##    tunnel). gnd_plane should be reported in the same units as position_width
##    and position_height (typically in meters).
##  stim_param_pos AND stim_param_neg - these reflects the
##    size of the visual stimulus displayed on either side of the tunnel.
##    E.g. positive screens displays 10cm wide bars: stim_param_pos = 0.1.
##  vertex_angle - this is included in the calc_vis_angle_mod
##    functions and it represents the acute angle each screen creates with a
##    vertical axis. It is also equal to the angle of the "V" divided by 2.
##    It's reported in degrees and is converted to radians so that it works with
##    the trig functions.
##  simplify_output - if set to TRUE, this limits output variables to
##  vis_angle_pos_deg and vis_angle_neg_deg

###   NOTE: Perhaps these arguments can eventually be supplied or referenced
###   from within each file's metadata.
###   7.14.2020 - perhaps gnd_plane, stim_param_pos, stim_param_neg, and
###   vertx_angle instead these can be referenced from the data frame itself
###   after the user has used insert_treatments.

## The first several sections of this example simply run through the importing
## and cleaning pipeline to generate an object that calc_vis_angle can apply to.

                      #####   Load packages   #####

                     #####   Source scripts    #####
## First define the directory to inspect
scripts_path <- "./R/"
## calc_vis_angle functions now included in this path

## Now list all the .R files
scripts_list <- list.files(path = scripts_path,
                           pattern = "*.R",
                           full.names = TRUE,
                           recursive = TRUE

## Using a for() loop instead of lapply() because the latter produces messages
## we don't need.
for (i in 1:length(scripts_list)) {

             #####     Working with motive objects      #####

# Lets try an examples using the all in one function (import_and_clean_viewr)

                   #####   All in one function   #####
jul_29_path <- './inst/extdata/pathviewr_motive_example_data.csv'

jul_29_all_defaults <-
  jul_29_path %>% import_and_clean_viewr()

## or we could use the utility functions in sequence

                #####   Utility functions in sequence   #####
## default arguments used for every step to see if the product mirrors the all
## in one function output

          #####   Data import   #####
jul_29 <- read_motive_csv('./inst//extdata/pathviewr_motive_example_data.csv')

          #####   Rename axes   #####
jul_29 <- relabel_viewr_axes(jul_29,
                             tunnel_length = "_z",
                             tunnel_width = "_x",
                             tunnel_height = "_y",
                             real = "_w")

          #####    Gather data   #####
jul_29_gathered <- gather_tunnel_data(jul_29)

          #####   Trim outliers   #####
jul_29_trimmed <- trim_tunnel_outliers(jul_29_gathered)

          #####   Rotate tunnel   #####
jul_29_rotated <-
  jul_29_trimmed %>% rotate_tunnel()

        #####   Select X percent    #####
jul_29_selected <-
  jul_29_rotated %>% select_x_percent()

      #####   Separate trajectories    #####
jul_29_labeled <-
  jul_29_selected %>% separate_trajectories()

      #####   Keep full trajectories    #####
jul_29_full <-
  jul_29_labeled %>% get_full_trajectories()

identical(jul_29_all_defaults, jul_29_full)
## curently false as import_and_clean_viewr includes velocity calculations

        ################    calc_vis_angle      #############

## For an experiment with the ground plane set 50cm above the bottom of a 45 degree
## "V" and sine-wave gratings with a period of 10cm displayed on either side of
## the tunnel, the following arguments would be used.
## NOTE: in this case, the position of the grounding tool was unknown and
## therefore gnd_plane is estimated as the height of the perches from the base
## of the "V".
full45 <- calc_vis_angle(jul_29_all_defaults,
                    gnd_plane = 0.5,
                    stim_param_pos = 0.1,
                    stim_param_neg = 0.1,
                    vertex_angle = 45,
                    simplify_output = FALSE)
## This produces 10 additional variables in the dataframe based on the math
## internal to calc_vis_angle.

## Use simplify_output = TRUE to output only the degrees of visual angle on the
## positive and negative sides of the tunnel
simp45 <- calc_vis_angle(jul_29_all_defaults,
                    gnd_plane = 0.5,
                    stim_param_pos = 0.1,
                    stim_param_neg = 0.1,
                    vertex_angle = 45,
                    simplify_output = TRUE)

## calc_vis_angle can accomodate different tunnel vertex angles and now
## calculates mind_dist correctly even when the bird is flying far from the
## center line.
## NOTE: This data was collected at vertex_angle = 45 so changing this argument
## is not something a user would want to do. But let's see how it affects the
## values and distribution of angles in the tunnel.
full60 <- calc_vis_angle(jul_29_all_defaults,
                    gnd_plane = 0.5,
                    stim_param_pos = 0.1,
                    stim_param_neg = 0.1,
                    vertex_angle = 60,
                    simplify_output = FALSE)

###### Visualizing the calculated angles by position in the tunnel  #####

## Plot position in cross section of the tunnel and color points by
## vis_angle_pos_deg
ggplot(full45, aes(x = position_width, y = position_height)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_pos_deg),
             shape = 1, size = 3)
# greater visual angles closer to positive (right) side of the tunnel

## Now for vertex_angle = 60
ggplot(full60, aes(x = position_width, y = position_height)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_pos_deg),
             shape = 1, size = 3)
# flipping between the graphs you can see a subtle shift in the distribution of
# angles.

      ## In response to VBB comments:
    #### _VBB_suggestions_2 #####
    ## These plots are awesome! Easy to make sense of them.
    ## One feature that would also be helpful would be to add a visualization of
    ## the tunnel itself, which would require inferring the coordinates of the
    ## tunnel. I think we can reasonably approximate some of this using the
    ## inputs from calc_vis_angle() alone.

    ## Here's what we assume:
    ## - With gnd_plane = 0.5, we assume the vertex is at -0.5 on the height
    ##   axis. Therefore the vertex is located at (0, -0.5) for (width, height);
    ##   ignoring length for now.
    ## - With vertex_angle = 45, we assume the vertex angle (duh).
    ## - It may not be feasible to know the height of the tunnel, i.e. where
    ##   on the position_height axis the walls actually end. So, I suggest we
    ##   use position_height = 0 as a first-pass approximation. Therefore, the
    ##   two topmost points of the tunnel walls will be at (?, 0) and (-?, 0),
    ##   for the positive and negative side, respectively (again, ignore length)

    ## So, with those conditions, it's time for some SohCahToa:
    ##   For the positive side:
    ##     tan(deg_2_rad(45/2)) = x / 0.5
    ##     0.5 * tan(deg_2_rad(45/2)) = x
    ##     0.2071068 = x
    ##   Therefore, the topmost point on the positive side is at (0.207, 0)
    ##   Since the tunnel is assumed symmetric about width = 0, the topmost
    ##   point on the neg side is (-0.207,0).
    ##   And for fun, the length of the hypotenuse, h, (i.e. the length of the
    ##   walls themselves) is:
    ##     cos(deg_2_rad(45/2)) = 0.5 / h
    ##     h = 0.5 / cos(deg_2_rad(45/2))
    ##     h = 0.5411961
    ##   As a check:
       sqrt((0.2071068 ^2) + (0.5^2)) ## equates to 0.5411961

    ## Also if we use the three points (two topmost and vertex), we should
    ## be able to back-calculate the vertex angle to confirm it is ~45
       get_2d_angle(x1 = -0.2071, ## (x1, y1) is topmost on negative side
                y1 = 0,
                x2 = 0,       ## (x2, y2) is vertex
                y2 = -0.5,
                x3 = 0.2071,  ## (x3, y3) is topmost on positive side
                y3 = 0)
       ## I get 44.99867, which is basically 45. So this all seems to work.

    ## Yoinking the vis_angle_pos_deg plot and adding walls:
       ggplot(full45, aes(x = position_width, y = position_height)) +
         geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_pos_deg),
                    shape = 1, size = 3) +
         geom_segment(aes(x = 0,         ## POSITIVE SIDE FIRST
                          y = -0.5,
                          xend = 0.207,
                          yend = 0)) +
         geom_segment(aes(x = 0,         ## NEGATIVE SIDE
                          y = -0.5,
                          xend = -0.207,
                          yend = 0))

    ## Judging by this visualization, I think either the vertex angle is
    ## actually greater than 45 (i.e. the "V" is wider than 45deg) or the
    ## ground plane placement should be lower.
    ## Is it worth re-measuring the tunnel in lab?

    ## Related to all this, the information of tunnel coordinates can be
    ## inferred from user inputs to cal_vis_angle. I think it would be
    ## nice to add these coordinates in as attributes to the object. That
    ## way, successive pathviewr functions can make use of these info, and
    ## also they will be available if the user wants to add them to a plot.

    ## Also, do you mind if we rename gnd_plane? We are using the ground
    ## plane as an approximator of the vertex location. So if we are to
    ## make things more generic (i.e. for other users) we could opt to
    ## rename this as vertex_height, vertex_relative_height, or something
    ## along those lines?

      #### ERP response  ####
      ## I like the idea of visualizing the tunnel walls with this plot!
      ## gnd_plane = 0.5 is only an estimate of the true distance between
      ## the height of the perches and the vertex. It's definitely worth
      ## measuring the tunnel again to make it's accurate. I can do that
      ## next time I go to the lab.
      ## The TV model dimensions are ~ 1.46m length x 0.83m height. Angled
      ## at 45 degree meaning the top corners are:
  0.83 * cos(pi/4) # vertical distance  from (0, 0) = 0.5869m
      ## gnd_plane  = 0.5, therefore the height is +0.0869m w.r.t the perches
  0.83 * sin(pi/4) # horizontal distance from (0, 0) is also 0.5869m (duhh
      ## vertex_angle = 45) therefore the top corners are:
      ## top right = (0.5869, 0.0869)
      ## top left = (-0.5869, 0.0869)

      ## checking the angles...

 get_2d_angle(x1 = -0.5869, ## (x1, y1) is topmost on negative side
           y1 = 0.0869,
           x2 = 0,       ## (x2, y2) is vertex
           y2 = -0.5,
           x3 = 0.5869,  ## (x3, y3) is topmost on positive side
           y3 = 0.0869)
      ## shows the tunnel angles at 90 degree which is correct since vertex_angle is
      ## the angle of the "V" divided by 2 (stupid system I know but we'll chat
      ## about it)

      ## Let's plot it out again with the walls included
 ggplot(full45, aes(x = position_width, y = position_height)) +
   geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_neg_deg),
              shape = 1, size = 3) +
   geom_segment(aes(x = 0,         ## POSITIVE SIDE FIRST
                    y = -0.5,
                    xend = 0.5869,
                    yend = 0.0869)) +
   geom_segment(aes(x = 0,         ## NEGATIVE SIDE
                    y = -0.5,
                    xend = -0.5869,
                    yend = 0.0869))

 ggplot(full45, aes(x = position_length, y = position_height)) +
   geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_pos_deg),
              shape = 1, size = 3) +
   geom_segment(aes(x = 0,         ## POSITIVE SIDE FIRST
                    y = -0.5,
                    xend = 0.5869,
                    yend = 0.0869)) +
   geom_segment(aes(x = 0,         ## NEGATIVE SIDE
                    y = -0.5,
                    xend = -0.5869,
                    yend = 0.0869))

       ## I think this looks reasonably close to the true scenario of flights in
      ## the tunnel but again, it all depends on how close the estimate of
      ## gnd_plane = 0.5 is to the correct measurement.
      ## With gnd_plane = 0.4 the result is...

 gnd40 <- calc_vis_angle(jul_29_all_defaults,
                         gnd_plane = 0.4,
                         stim_param_pos = 0.1,
                         stim_param_neg = 0.1,
                         vertex_angle = 45,
                         simplify_output = TRUE)

 ggplot(gnd40, aes(x = position_width, y = position_height)) +
   geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_neg_deg),
              shape = 1, size = 3) +
   geom_segment(aes(x = 0,         ## POSITIVE SIDE FIRST
                    y = -0.4,
                    xend = 0.5869,
                    yend = 0.1869)) +
   geom_segment(aes(x = 0,         ## NEGATIVE SIDE
                    y = -0.4,
                    xend = -0.5869,
                    yend = 0.1869))
      ## this also looks reasonable.. The correct measurement is probably
      ## somewhere between 0.4 and 0.5.
      ## Either way, it's probably in our best interest to include gnd_plane
      ## (or whatever name we end up using) in the insert_treatments() function
      ## and call it automatically within calc_vis_angle so the user doesn't
      ## need to worry about this.

## Now coloring points by vis_angle_neg_deg
ggplot(full45, aes(x = position_width, y = position_height)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_neg_deg),
             shape = 1, size = 3)
# greater visual angles closer to negative (left) side of the tunnel

## And now for vertex_angle = 60
ggplot(full60, aes(x = position_width, y = position_height)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_neg_deg),
             shape = 1, size = 3)
# angain a subtle shift in distribution of angles

## Perhaps we're interested in the sum of the visual angles percieved by the
## bird
full45$vis_angle_sum <- full45$vis_angle_pos_deg + full45$vis_angle_neg_deg

ggplot(full45, aes(x = position_width, y = position_height)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_sum),
             shape = 1, size = 3)
# largest visual angles at the bottom of the tunnel

## Top view of the tunnel

## vis_angle_pos_deg
ggplot(full45, aes(x = position_length, y = position_width)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_pos_deg),
             shape = 1, size = 3)

## vis_angle_neg_deg
ggplot(full45, aes(x = position_length, y = position_width)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_neg_deg),
             shape = 1, size = 3)

## vis_angle_sum
ggplot(full45, aes(x = position_length, y = position_width)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = vis_angle_sum),
             shape = 1, size = 3)
# This view is not very helpful for displaying the sum because height is an
# important factor

          ##############    Next Steps    #############

##  1. Set gnd_plane automatically by using the distance from the bottom of the
##  "V" to (0,0,0) by referencing something within rotate_tunnel().
##  2. Set vertex_angle and stim_param arguments from an insert_treatments()
##  function elsewhere in the pipeline.
##    ## suggestion from VBB -- maybe these two would be good to add as
##    ## attributes, rather than as columns, since each is a constant and
##    ## therefore it may be annoying to have them as columns running the
##    ## length of the tibble? In any case, I agree -- insert_treatments()
##    ## would be a very logical place to add this stuff in.
##      ** external to calc_vis_angle - include ordientation coordinates in
##  plots such that each point represents position and head orientation
##  3. Include head orientation to calculate visual angles based on where the
##  bird is actually looking rather than assuming a fixed gaze.
##  This one could take a while I'm still wrapping my head around quaternions.
##  4. Figure out how to visualize or otherwise use the visual angles calculated
##  from these functions.
##    - I believe this variable can be the nucleus with which to design
##    functions that more accurately estimate optic flow by calculating how it
##    changes over time in various dimensions, i.e. how it increases or
##    decreases with the bird's movements.
##    See rough work below where I'm trying to calculate these running changes.
##    Perhaps a simple derivative function could be used rather than diff() as
##    it reduces the number of data points by 1 and then can't be plotted with
##    time_sec.

## Testing area for calc_vis_angle uses in optic flow calculations

expansion_pos <- diff(full45$vis_angle_pos_deg)/diff(full45$time_sec)
expansion_neg <- diff(full45$vis_angle_neg_deg)/diff(full45$time_sec)

plot(expansion_pos, expansion_neg)

ang <- diff(full45$vis_angle_pos_deg)
time <- diff(full45$time_sec)
vecsum <- sqrt(full45$position_width^2 +
               full45$position_length^2 +
vel <- diff(vecsum)

plot(full45$time_sec, vel)
     col = 'red')
     col = 'blue')


product <- full45$position_height * full45$position_width

     col = 'red')
       col = 'blue')


     col = full45$traj_id)
vbaliga/pathviewR documentation built on March 16, 2023, 4:13 p.m.