# Test the filter generator function
test_that("Filter generator works", {
expect_equal(stoner:::get_filters(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), "")
expect_equal(get_filters("A", NULL, NULL, NULL), "WHERE scenario.touchstone IN ('A')")
expect_equal(get_filters(c("A", "B"), NULL, NULL, NULL), "WHERE scenario.touchstone IN ('A','B')")
expect_equal(get_filters(NULL, "A", NULL, NULL), "WHERE modelling_group IN ('A')")
expect_equal(get_filters(NULL, c("A", "B"), NULL, NULL), "WHERE modelling_group IN ('A','B')")
expect_equal(get_filters(NULL, NULL, "A", NULL), "WHERE disease IN ('A')")
expect_equal(get_filters(NULL, NULL, c("A", "B"), NULL), "WHERE disease IN ('A','B')")
expect_equal(get_filters(NULL, NULL, NULL, "A"), "WHERE scenario_description IN ('A')")
expect_equal(get_filters(NULL, NULL, NULL, c("A", "B")), "WHERE scenario_description IN ('A','B')")
expect_equal(get_filters("A", "D", NULL, NULL), "WHERE scenario.touchstone IN ('A') AND modelling_group IN ('D')")
expect_equal(get_filters(NULL, c("A", "B"), c("C", "D"), NULL), "WHERE modelling_group IN ('A','B') AND disease IN ('C','D')")
expect_equal(get_filters("Z", c("A", "B"), c("C", "D"), NULL), "WHERE scenario.touchstone IN ('Z') AND modelling_group IN ('A','B') AND disease IN ('C','D')")
expect_equal(get_filters("Z", c("A", "B"), c("C", "D"), "Y"), "WHERE scenario.touchstone IN ('Z') AND modelling_group IN ('A','B') AND disease IN ('C','D') AND scenario_description IN ('Y')")
write_prune_csv <- function(test, ...) {
df <- prune_csv(...)
write.csv(df, file.path(test$path, "meta", "prune.csv"),
row.names = FALSE)
prune_csv <- function(modelling_group, disease, scenario, touchstone) {
data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
modelling_group = modelling_group,
disease = disease,
scenario = scenario,
touchstone = touchstone)
# Prune-stone behaviour.
prepare_test_prune <- function(test) {
expec <- dummy_expectation(test)
resp_set_a1 <- add_responsibility_set(test, "LAP-elf", "nevis-1")
resp_set_a2 <- add_responsibility_set(test, "LAP-elf", "nevis-2")
resp_set_b1 <- add_responsibility_set(test, "EBHQ-bunny", "nevis-1")
resp_set_b2 <- add_responsibility_set(test, "EBHQ-bunny", "nevis-2")
resp_a1_1 <- add_responsibility(test, "nevis-1", resp_set_a1, "hot_chocolate", expec)
resp_a2_1 <- add_responsibility(test, "nevis-2", resp_set_a2, "hot_chocolate", expec)
resp_b1_1 <- add_responsibility(test, "nevis-1", resp_set_b1, "pies", expec)
resp_b2_1 <- add_responsibility(test, "nevis-2", resp_set_b2, "pies", expec)
bes_a1_1 <- add_burden_estimate_set(test, resp_a1_1)
bes_a2_1 <- add_burden_estimate_set(test, resp_a2_1)
bes_b1_1 <- add_burden_estimate_set(test, resp_b1_1)
bes_b2_1 <- add_burden_estimate_set(test, resp_b2_1)
bes_a1_2 <- add_burden_estimate_set(test, resp_a1_1)
bes_a2_2 <- add_burden_estimate_set(test, resp_a2_1)
bes_b1_2 <- add_burden_estimate_set(test, resp_b1_1)
bes_b2_2 <- add_burden_estimate_set(test, resp_b2_1)
add_burden_estimates(test, pathetic_data(test), bes_a1_1, resp_a1_1)
add_burden_estimates(test, pathetic_data(test), bes_a2_1, resp_a2_1)
add_burden_estimates(test, pathetic_data(test), bes_b1_1, resp_b1_1)
add_burden_estimates(test, pathetic_data(test), bes_b2_1, resp_b2_1)
add_burden_estimates(test, pathetic_data(test), bes_a1_2, resp_a1_1)
add_burden_estimates(test, pathetic_data(test), bes_a2_2, resp_a2_1)
add_burden_estimates(test, pathetic_data(test), bes_b1_2, resp_b1_1)
add_burden_estimates(test, pathetic_data(test), bes_b2_2, resp_b2_1)
list(a11 = bes_a1_1, a12 = bes_a1_2,
a21 = bes_a2_1, a22 = bes_a2_2,
b11 = bes_b1_1, b12 = bes_b1_2,
b21 = bes_b2_1, b22 = bes_b2_2)
test_that("Prune tests", {
test <- init_for_ff_prune()
# Test with all wildcards. We expect
# just the most recent 4 to remain
write_prune_csv(test, "*", "*", "*", "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$a21, res$b11, res$b21) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a22, res$b12, res$b22) %in% bes))
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$a21, res$b11, res$b21) %in% be))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a22, res$b12, res$b22) %in% be))
# Test with a single modelling group
write_prune_csv(test, "LAP-elf", "*", "*", "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$a21) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a22, res$b11, res$b21, res$b12, res$b22) %in% bes))
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$a21) %in% be))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a22, res$b11, res$b21, res$b12, res$b22) %in% be))
# Test with a modelling groups separately defined
write_prune_csv(test, c("LAP-elf", "EBHQ-bunny"), "*", "*", "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$a21, res$b11, res$b21) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a22, res$b12, res$b22) %in% bes))
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$a21, res$b11, res$b21) %in% be))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a22, res$b12, res$b22) %in% be))
# Test modelling group not found
write_prune_csv(test, "Spud", "*", "*", "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
expect_error(do_test(test), "modelling_group not found: Spud")
# Test nothing to do on valid modelling group
write_prune_csv(test, "R-deer", "*", "*", "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_true(all(unlist(res) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(unlist(res) %in% be))
# Test limiting by disease
write_prune_csv(test, "*", "flu", "*", "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$a21, res$b11, res$b21) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a22, res$b12, res$b22) %in% bes))
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$a21, res$b11, res$b21) %in% be))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a22, res$b12, res$b22) %in% be))
write_prune_csv(test, "*", "piles", "*", "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_true(all(unlist(res) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(unlist(res) %in% be))
write_prune_csv(test, "*", c("piles", "sprout-fever"), "*", "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
expect_error(do_test(test), "disease not found: sprout-fever")
# Test limiting by touchstone
write_prune_csv(test, "*", "*", "*", "nevis-1")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$b11) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a21, res$a22, res$b12, res$b21, res$b22) %in% bes))
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$b11) %in% be))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a21, res$a22, res$b12, res$b21, res$b22) %in% be))
write_prune_csv(test, "*", "*", "*", c("kili-1", "kili-2"))
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_true(all(unlist(res) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(unlist(res) %in% be))
write_prune_csv(test, "*", "*", "*", c("potato-1", "potato-2"))
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
expect_error(do_test(test), "touchstone not found: potato-1, potato-2")
# Test limiting by scenario
write_prune_csv(test, "*", "*", "pies", "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_false(any(c(res$b11, res$b21) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(c(res$a11, res$a12, res$a21, res$a22, res$b12, res$b22) %in% bes))
expect_false(any(c(res$b11, res$b21) %in% be))
expect_true(all(c(res$a11, res$a12, res$a21, res$a22, res$b12, res$b22) %in% be))
write_prune_csv(test, "*", "*", "mistletoe", "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_true(all(unlist(res) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(unlist(res) %in% be))
write_prune_csv(test, "*", "*", "puddings", "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
expect_error(do_test(test), "scenario_description not found: puddings")
# Test a multi-line combo
# We expect to prune nevis-1 from LAP-elf, and nevis-2 from EBHQ-bunny
write_prune_csv(test, c("LAP-elf", "EBHQ-bunny"), "*", "*", c("nevis-1", "nevis-2"))
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$b21) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a21, res$a22, res$b11, res$b12, res$b22) %in% bes))
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$b21) %in% be))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a21, res$a22, res$b11, res$b12, res$b22) %in% be))
write_prune_csv(test, "*", c("flu", "piles"), c("pies", "hot_chocolate"), "*")
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$a21, res$b11, res$b21) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a22, res$b12, res$b22) %in% bes))
expect_false(any(c(res$a11, res$a21, res$b11, res$b21) %in% be))
expect_true(all(c(res$a12, res$a22, res$b12, res$b22) %in% be))
test_that("Prune must be only CSV, if provided", {
test <- init_for_ff_prune()
write_prune_csv(test, "*", "*", "*", "*")
write.csv(data.frame(touchstone = "nevis-1", demographic_source="S1",
demographic_statistic_type = "T1"),
file.path(test$path, "meta", "touchstone_demographic_dataset.csv"),
"prune.csv, if specified, must be the only csv")
test_that("Empty prune CSV", {
test <- init_for_ff_prune()
write.csv(data.frame(modelling_group = character(0),
touchstone = character(0), disease = character(0),
scenario = character(0)),
file.path(test$path, "meta", "prune.csv"),
res <- prepare_test_prune(test)
bes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT id FROM burden_estimate_set")$id
be <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test$con,
"SELECT DISTINCT burden_estimate_set from burden_estimate")$burden_estimate_set
expect_true(all(unlist(res) %in% bes))
expect_true(all(unlist(res) %in% be))
test_that("Bad prune columns", {
test <- init_for_ff_prune()
write.csv(data.frame(xmodelling_group = character(0),
touchstone = character(0), disease = character(0),
scenario = character(0)),
file.path(test$path, "meta", "prune.csv"),
"Columns should be disease, modelling_group, scenario, touchstone")
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