
Defines functions coef_map_felm_iv tidy_felm_iv fmt_labels_md

# This file includes convenience functions for `modelsummary`. These functions
# accomplish tasks we can already be done using functions from the `gt`
# package. They are only here for *convenience*, and not because they
# accomplish core functions of the `modelsummary` package. Since they are only
# convenience functions, they will not be exported to the package
# documentation. Moreover, they are only semi-supported. This means that the
# maintainer does not plan to improve those functions unless someone
# contributes a pull request on Github. Bug fixes may also take longer than for
# core functions.

#' A convenience function to render markdown to html in row and column labels
#' @param tab a `gt` table object
#' @param position character string determines wither row, column or both
#'   labels should be rendered.
#' @noRd
#' @note This function only works for HTML output, since the `gt` render tools
#' are less developed for LaTeX and RTF output.
fmt_labels_md <- function(tab, position = c("both", "row", "column")) {
  out <- tab
  if (match.arg(position) %in% c("both", "row")) {
    out <- gt::fmt_markdown(out, columns = 1)
  if (match.arg(position) %in% c("both", "column")) {
    f <- function(x) stats::setNames(lapply(names(x$`_data`), gt::md), names(x$`_data`))
    out <- gt::cols_label(out, .list = f(out))

#' An unsupported and unexported function to tidy a lfe::felm instrumental
#' variable model
#' @noRd
tidy_felm_iv <- function(x, ...) {
  # we have changed the class of the model to "iv". Now, we want to use the
  # standard broom:::tidy.felm function, so we switch it back.
  class(x) <- "felm"

  # extract results
  stage2 <- generics::tidy(x, ...)
  stage1 <- generics::tidy(x$stage1, ...)

  # keep only the stage1 terms if they are not in stage2
  idx <- !stage1$term %in% stage2$term
  stage1 <- stage1[idx, , drop = FALSE]
  stage1$term <- paste("Stage 1", stage1$term)

  # combine stage1 and stage2 results
  out <- bind_rows(stage1, stage2)

#' An unsupported and unexported function to clean the term names from a lfe::felm
#' instrumental variable model
#' @noRd
coef_map_felm_iv <- function(x) {
  # this function must work for models and lists of models, so we define a
  # couple of helpers functions to extract term names from both stages of
  # estimation.
  get_stage2 <- function(m) row.names(m$coefficients)
  get_stage1 <- function(m) row.names(m$stage1$coefficients)

  # single model
  if (inherits(x, "felm")) {
    stage2 <- get_stage2(x)
    stage1 <- get_stage1(x)

    # list of models
  } else {
    stage2 <- unique(unlist(lapply(x, get_stage2)))
    stage1 <- unique(unlist(lapply(x, get_stage1)))

  # discard stage1 terms if they are also in stage2
  stage1 <- setdiff(stage1, stage2)

  # label terms as Stage 1-specific
  stage1 <- paste("Stage 1", stage1)

  # display stage1 results after stage2
  out <- c(stage2, stage1)
  stats::setNames(out, out)
vincentarelbundock/gtsummary documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 11:22 p.m.