
Defines functions dvnames

Documented in dvnames

#' Title models with their dependent variables
#' A convenience function for use with a regression model or list of regression models. Returns a named list of models, where the names are the models' respective dependent variables. Pass your list of models to \code{dvnames} before sending to \code{modelsummary} to automatically get dependent variable-titled columns.
#' @param models A regression model or list of regression models
#' @param number Should the models be numbered (1), (2), etc., in addition to their dependent variable names?
#' @param fill If \code{insight::find_response()} cannot find a response, the column title to use in its place. Set to \code{' '} to leave blank.
#' @param strip boolean FALSE returns the dependent variable names as they appear in the model. TRUE returns the dependent variable names as they appear in the data, without transformations.
#' @examples
#' m1 <- lm(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars)
#' m2 <- lm(mpg ~ hp + wt, data = mtcars)
#' # Without dvnames, column names are (1) and (2)
#' modelsummary(list(m1, m2))
#' # With dvnames, they are "mpg" and "mpg"
#' modelsummary(dvnames(list(m1,m2)))
#' @export

dvnames <- function(
    number = FALSE,
    strip = FALSE,
    fill = 'Model') {

    if (class(models)[1] != 'list') {
        models <- list(models)

    # Get dependent variables
    if (!isTRUE(strip)) {
        dvs <- tryCatch(
            sapply(models, function(f) deparse(stats::formula(f)[[2]])),
            error = function(e) NULL)
        if (is.null(dvs)) {
            dvs <- sapply(models, insight::find_response)
    } else {
        dvs <- sapply(models, insight::find_response)

    lab <- get_variable_labels_models(models)
    idx <- dvs %in% names(lab)
    if (any(idx)) {
        dvs[idx] <- lab[dvs[idx]]

    # Replace nulls with fill
    dvs <- sapply(dvs, function(x)
        ifelse(is.null(x), fill, x))
    # Append numbers
    if (number) {
        dvs <- paste0(dvs, ' (', 1:length(dvs), ')')

    # Apply names
    names(models) <- dvs

vincentarelbundock/gtsummary documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 11:22 p.m.