#' @noRd
eval_variance_from_network <- function(distribution) {
checkmate::assert_class(distribution, "dst")
mu <- mean(distribution)
if (attr(distribution, "name") %in% c(
"Hypergeometric", "Bernoulli", "Binomial"
)) {
# This case is for double-checking the moments supplied for these
# distributions, and will be included until discretes handling is
# implemented.
r <- range(distribution)
x <- seq(r[1], r[2], by = 1L)
x2 <- (x - mu)^2
p <- eval_pmf(distribution, at = x)
return(sum(p * x2))
if (attr(distribution, "name") %in% c(
"Negative Binomial", "Poisson", "Geometric"
)) {
to_add <- Inf
i <- 0
variance <- 0
while (to_add > 1e-9) {
x <- 0:99 + 100 * i
to_add <- sum(eval_pmf(distribution, x) * (x - mu)^2)
variance <- variance + to_add
i <- i + 1
# P((X - mu)^2 < x) = P(mu-sqrt(x) < X < mu+sqrt(x))
# = F(mu + sqrt(x)) - F(mu - sqrt(x))
sf2 <- function(x) {
eval_survival(distribution, at = mu + sqrt(x)) +
eval_cdf(distribution, mu - sqrt(x))
int <- try(
stats::integrate(sf2, 0, Inf, rel.tol = 1e-9, subdivisions = 200L),
silent = TRUE
if (inherits(int, "try-error")) {
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