
#' Statistic Bonus given by each Race
#' This is a table of bonuses award to from each race to the six statistics
#' @format A data frame with 6 rows and 9 variables:
#' @format A data frame with 18 rows and 12 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Dragonborn}{Race}
#'   \item{Dwarf}{Race}
#'   \item{Elf}{Race}
#'   \item{Gnome}{Race}
#'   \item{Half-elf}{Race}
#'   \item{Half-ord}{Race}
#'   \item{Halfling}{Race}
#'   \item{Human}{Race}
#'   \item{Tiefling}{Race}
#'   ...
#' }
#' @source \url{Dungeon and Dragons Fifth Edition Player's Hand Book}

vinny-paris/DnD documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:13 p.m.