
The goal of parallelGO is to provide parallel implementation (using foreach package) for gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis given labeled sets of genes. The project was inspired by the need to do a fast evaluation of biological significance of identified clusters (also known as modules or sets) within gene networks.

News and updates

2019-05-07 The package has stopped working when the provided identifiers are ensembl genes. We are investigating the issue. It still works with gene symbols.


You can install the released version of parallelGO from github with:


This package requires two Bioconductor packages: annotate and GOstats. If you don’t have these packages installed you can either install them by following instructions on the pages for these packages or, prior to installation of parallelGO from github, run this line in R:

setRepositories(ind = 1:3)

This will set the repositories to CRAN, BioC software and BioC annotation. This idea was found here.

How to use

If you have a file with human gene symbols where each symbol is assigned to a gene set you can run the analysis by invoking the following code:

out <- wrap_and_go("path_to_my_file", col_names = TRUE, delim = ",", 
                   id = "symbol", species = "human")

Mouse species and ensembl identifiers are also supported.

IMPORTANT Please prepare your file with gene identifiers in the first column and set labels in the second column.

wrap_and_go will read the file, perform some minor cleaning, map identifiers to ENTREZ gene identifiers and run GO enrichment analysis in parallel. Please read documentation for wrap_and_go to learn about additional parameters.

If you don’t have a file, but rather a data frame (dat) in memory, you can perform your analyses step by step in the same manner as it as performed by wrap_and_go:

# remove duplicated rows if present:
dat_clean <- deduplicate_rows(dat)
# map to ENTREZ gene identifiers:
dat_mapped <- map_genes(dat_clean, id = "symbol", species = "human")
# extract the universe for hypergeometric test:
universe <- unique(dat_mapped$entrez)
# remove sets with a small number of genes, OPTIONAL:
dat_large_sets <- remove_small_sets(dat_mapped, min_set_size = 30)
# run GO analysis in parallel
res <- run_go(dat_large_sets, species = "human", universe = universe)

In addition, we provide a function for filtering p-values (“raw”" or “adjusted” (default)) which can be called on the final result:

res_filtered <- filter_pvalues(res, cutoff = 0.05)

Example dataset

The package also provides a small example dataset for illustration purposes

#>        id set_label
#> 1   STPG1        24
#> 2 CACNA1G        23
#> 3  MAP3K9        24
#> 4    MDH1       156
#> 5   SYT13       159
#> 6  GABRA1        24
#> 'data.frame':    280 obs. of  2 variables:
#>  $ id       : chr  "STPG1" "CACNA1G" "MAP3K9" "MDH1" ...
#>  $ set_label: int  24 23 24 156 159 24 158 157 158 156 ...

Benchmarking using the example dataset

We benchmarked performance using the code above and the included example dataset.

macOS: MacBook Pro 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 Gb 2133 MHz LPDDR3.

Serial execution:

system.time(res <- run_go(dat_large_sets, 
                                   species = "human", 
                                   universe = universe, 
                                   run_parallel = FALSE))
Parameter run_parallel is FALSE. Computation will be run sequentially.
   user  system elapsed 
236.094  46.896 284.544

Parallel execution:

system.time(res <- run_go(dat_large_sets, 
                                   species = "human", 
                                   universe = universe))
Parameter 'cores' is not provided. Getting the number of available cores
with foreach::getDoParWorkers(). GO enrichment will be run in parallel on
4 cores using doParallelMC backend.
   user  system elapsed 
243.602  55.488 108.968

PC Windows 10 Pro, version 1809. Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300U CPU @ 1900 GHz 2.5 GHz, 8 Gb RAM

Serial execution:

system.time(res <- run_go(dat_large_sets, 
                                   species = "human", 
                                   universe = universe, 
                                   run_parallel = FALSE))
Parameter run_parallel is FALSE. Computation will be run sequentially.

   user  system elapsed 
 255.17  108.25  368.23

Parallel execution:

system.time(res <- run_go(dat_large_sets, 
                                   species = "human", 
                                   universe = universe))
Parameter 'cores' is not provided. Getting the number of available cores
with foreach::getDoParWorkers(). GO enrichment will be run in parallel on
3 cores using doParallelSNOW backend.
   user  system elapsed 
   0.14    0.03  247.44

Test with a real-life sized dataset

We also ran a test with a dataset comprised of 17,352 genes separated in 632 sets (minimum number of genes in a set was 1; maximum number of genes was 479). Without filtering on the minimum number of genes in a set parallel execution using 4 workers took 26,798.826 seconds (7.4 hours) and serial execution took 63,020.940 seconds (17.5 hours) on macOS (specs above).

Too chatty?

The functions in the package are pretty ‘chatty’ providing information about each step. If you don’t like seeing these messages, wrap functions in suppressMessages().

out <- suppressMessages(wrap_and_go("path_to_my_file", col_names = TRUE, 
delim = ",", id = "symbol", species = "human"))

vitalinakomashko/parallelGO documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:32 p.m.