Man pages for vivekbhr/vivlib
An R package for useful bioinformatics wrappers

annotate_DEoutputannotate the output file from Differential Expression wrapper
Camera_plotbubbleMake a bubble plot for CAMERA output
clusterDEgenesCluster DE genes by fold change from multiple files
DESeq_wrapperA Wrapper for DESeq2 over featurecounts output
EdgeR_wrapperA Wrapper for EdgeR over featurecounts output
fcount_meantransformTransform a featurecount output to a data frame of...
fetch_annotationFetch annotation from ENSEMBL ID to gene ID from Biomart
getIntrons_byGenesGet introns by genes
makeVoomInputMake Voom transformed input for BarCodePlot and ROAST test
plotBarCodesPerform ROAST and make BarCodePlot using a voom transformed...
plotDEgeneOverlapplot intersections of list of DE genes from multiple DESeq2...
plot_fCountSummaryPlot the output of featureCounts summary
plotHeatmapPlot heatmap of raw counts for top DEgenes using edgeR/DESeq2...
plotPathwayPlot DE output on a selected KEGG pathway map
plotStackedBarsPlot Stacked barchart of DE genes using edgeR/DESeq2 output
plotVolcanoMake an informative volcano plot using edgeR/DESeq2 output
runCameraA wrapper over CAMERA test.
spia_plotBubbleMake a bubblePlot for SPIA pathway output
spia_wrapperA wrapper over SPIA pathway perturbation analysis for mouse...
splitBAMSplit a bam file by given criteria
vivekbhr/vivlib documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:13 p.m.