Man pages for vjcitn/gwascat
representing and modeling data in the EMBL-EBI GWAS catalog

bindcadd_snvbind CADD scores of Kircher et al. 2014 to a GRanges instance
gwascat-packagerepresenting and modeling data in the NHGRI GWAS catalog
gwastaggerdata on 1000 genomes SNPs that 'tag' GWAS catalog entries
gwaswloc-classClass '"gwaswloc"'
gwcex2gvizPrepare salient components of GWAS catalog for rendering with...
gwdf_2012_02_02internal data frame for NHGRI GWAS catalog
ldtagrexpand a list of variants by including those in a VCF with LD...
locon6location information for 10000 SNPs probed on Affy GW 6.0
makeCurrentGwascatread NHGRI GWAS catalog table and construct associated...
obo2graphNELconvert a typical OBO text file to a graphNEL instance (using...
riskyAlleleCountgiven a matrix of subjects x SNP calls, count number of risky...
topTraitsoperations on GWAS catalog
traitsManhuse ggbio facilities to display GWAS results for selected...
vjcitn/gwascat documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:59 p.m.