Defines functions DR

Documented in DR

#' Downhill Riding (DR) Procedure
#' Downhill riding procedure for selecting optimal tuning parameters in clustering 
#' algorithms, using an (in)stability probe.
#' @details Parameters \code{lb,ub} are endpoints for the search for the 
#' optimal parameter. The parameter candidates are calculated in a way such that 
#' \eqn{P:=  1.1^x , x \in {lb,lb+0.5,lb+1.0,...,ub}}. 
#' Although the default range of search is sufficiently wide, in some cases 
#' \code{lb,ub} can be further extended if a warning message is given.
#' For more discussion on properties of the considered clustering algorithms and the 
#' DR procedure see \insertCite{Huang_etal_2016;textual}{funtimes} 
#' and \insertCite{Huang_etal_2018_riding;textual}{funtimes}.
#' @param X an \eqn{n\times k} matrix where columns are \eqn{k} objects to be clustered, 
#' and each object contains n observations (objects could be a set of time series).
#' @param method the clustering method to be used -- currently either 
#' \dQuote{TRUST} \insertCite{Ciampi_etal_2010}{funtimes} 
#' or \dQuote{DBSCAN} \insertCite{Ester_etal_1996}{funtimes}. If the method is \code{DBSCAN}, 
#' then set \code{MinPts} and optimal \eqn{\epsilon} is selected using DR. 
#' If the method is \code{TRUST}, then set \code{theta}, and optimal \eqn{\delta} 
#' is selected using DR.
#' @param minPts the minimum number of samples in an \eqn{\epsilon}-neighborhood of 
#' a point to be considered as a core point. The \code{minPts} is to be used only 
#' with the \code{DBSCAN} method. The default value is 3.
#' @param theta connectivity parameter \eqn{\theta \in (0,1)}, which is to be used 
#' only with the \code{TRUST} method. The default value is 0.9.
#' @param B number of random splits in calculating the 
#' Average Cluster Deviation (ACD). The default value is 500.
#' @param lb,ub endpoints for a range of search for the optimal parameter.
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' \item{P_opt}{the value of the optimal parameter. If the method is \code{DBSCAN}, then 
#' \code{P_opt} is optimal \eqn{\epsilon}. If the method is \code{TRUST}, 
#' then \code{P_opt} is optimal \eqn{\delta}.}
#' \item{ACD_matrix}{a matrix that returns \code{ACD} for different values of a 
#' tuning parameter.
#' If the method is \code{DBSCAN}, then the tuning parameter is \eqn{\epsilon}. 
#' If the method is \code{TRUST}, then the tuning parameter is \eqn{\delta}.}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{BICC}}, \code{\link[dbscan]{dbscan}}
#' @keywords ts trend
#' @author Xin Huang, Yulia R. Gel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## example 1
#' ## use iris data to test DR procedure
#' data(iris)  
#' require(clue)  # calculate NMI to compare the clustering result with the ground truth
#' require(scatterplot3d)
#' Data <- scale(iris[,-5])
#' ground_truth_label <- iris[,5]
#' # perform DR procedure to select optimal eps for DBSCAN 
#' # and save it in variable eps_opt
#' eps_opt <- DR(t(Data), method="DBSCAN", minPts = 5)$P_opt   
#' # apply DBSCAN with the optimal eps on iris data 
#' # and save the clustering result in variable res
#' res <- dbscan(Data, eps = eps_opt, minPts =5)$cluster  
#' # calculate NMI to compare the clustering result with the ground truth label
#' clue::cl_agreement(as.cl_partition(ground_truth_label),
#'                    as.cl_partition(as.numeric(res)), method = "NMI") 
#' # visualize the clustering result and compare it with the ground truth result
#' # 3D visualization of clustering result using variables Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, 
#' # and Petal.Length
#' scatterplot3d(Data[,-4],color = res)
#' # 3D visualization of ground truth result using variables Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length,
#' # and Petal.Length
#' scatterplot3d(Data[,-4],color = as.numeric(ground_truth_label))
#' ## example 2
#' ## use synthetic time series data to test DR procedure
#' require(funtimes)
#' require(clue) 
#' require(zoo)
#' # simulate 16 time series for 4 clusters, each cluster contains 4 time series
#' set.seed(114) 
#' samp_Ind <- sample(12,replace=F)
#' time_points <- 30
#' X <- matrix(0,nrow=time_points,ncol = 12)
#' cluster1 <- sapply(1:4,function(x) arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 0), ar = c(0.2)),
#'                                              n = time_points, mean = 0, sd = 1))
#' cluster2 <- sapply(1:4,function(x) arima.sim(list(order = c(2 ,0, 0), ar = c(0.1, -0.2)),
#'                                              n = time_points, mean = 2, sd = 1))
#' cluster3 <- sapply(1:4,function(x) arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 1), ar = c(0.3), ma = c(0.1)),
#'                                              n = time_points, mean = 6, sd = 1))
#' X[,samp_Ind[1:4]] <- t(round(cluster1, 4))
#' X[,samp_Ind[5:8]] <- t(round(cluster2, 4))
#' X[,samp_Ind[9:12]] <- t(round(cluster3, 4))
#' # create ground truth label of the synthetic data
#' ground_truth_label = matrix(1, nrow = 12, ncol = 1) 
#' for(k in 1:3){
#'     ground_truth_label[samp_Ind[(4*k - 4 + 1):(4*k)]] = k
#' }
#' # perform DR procedure to select optimal delta for TRUST
#' # and save it in variable delta_opt
#' delta_opt <- DR(X, method = "TRUST")$P_opt 
#' # apply TRUST with the optimal delta on the synthetic data 
#' # and save the clustering result in variable res
#' res <- CSlideCluster(X, Delta = delta_opt, Theta = 0.9)  
#' # calculate NMI to compare the clustering result with the ground truth label
#' clue::cl_agreement(as.cl_partition(as.numeric(ground_truth_label)),
#'                    as.cl_partition(as.numeric(res)), method = "NMI")
#' # visualize the clustering result and compare it with the ground truth result
#' # visualization of the clustering result obtained by TRUST
#' plot.zoo(X, type = "l", plot.type = "single", col = res, xlab = "Time index", ylab = "")
#' # visualization of the ground truth result 
#' plot.zoo(X, type = "l", plot.type = "single", col = ground_truth_label,
#'          xlab = "Time index", ylab = "")
#' }
DR <- function(X, method, minPts = 3, theta = 0.9, B = 500, lb = -30, ub = 10)
    control_para <- sapply(seq(lb, ub, by = 0.5), function(x) 1.1^x)
    Nnodes <- floor(ncol(X)/2)
    # define local minimum selection function
    para_opt <- function(M) {
        acd <- M[,2]
        max <- max(acd)
        max_idx <- which(acd == max)
        max_idx <- max_idx[length(max_idx)]
        if (max == 0) {
            return("All ACDs are 0. This may be caused by the range of controlling parameters is either too small or too large.")
        } else if (max_idx > (length(acd) - 6)) {
            return("Max ACD is found near the upper bound of controlling parameters, there is no room to check the local minimum. You might need increase the upper bound of controlling parameters.")
        } else {
            for (i in (max_idx + 3):(length(acd) - 3)) {
                if (acd[i - 1] >= acd[i] & acd[i] < acd[i + 1]) {
                    if (acd[i - 2] >= acd[i] & acd[i] < acd[i + 2]) {
                        if (acd[i - 3] >= acd[i] & acd[i] < acd[i + 3]) return(M[i, 1])
            return("Not finding a local minimum.")
    cat(sprintf("Total # of controlling parameter: %d \n",length(control_para)))
    cat(sprintf("The # of controlling parameters has been processed: \n"))
    if (method == "DBSCAN") {
        if (missing(minPts)) {
            stop("Missing parameter minPts for DBSCAN")
        } else {
            ACD <- lapply(1:length(control_para), function(x) {
                Buffer <- c()
                for (i in 1:B) {
                    Sindex <- sample(1:ncol(X), Nnodes, replace = FALSE)
                    sub_data_1 <- X[,Sindex]
                    cl_1 <- max(dbscan::dbscan(t(sub_data_1), eps = control_para[x], minPts = minPts)$cluster)
                    sub_data_2 <- X[,-Sindex]
                    cl_2 <- max(dbscan::dbscan(t(sub_data_2), eps = control_para[x], minPts = minPts)$cluster)
                    Buffer <- c(Buffer,abs(cl_1 - cl_2))
                return(list(control_para[x], mean(Buffer)))
    } else if (method == "TRUST") {
        ACD <- lapply(1:length(control_para), function(x){
            Buffer <- c()
            for (i in 1:B) {
                Sindex <- sample(1:ncol(X), Nnodes, replace = FALSE)
                sub_data_1 <- X[,Sindex]
                cl_1 <- max(CSlideCluster(sub_data_1, Delta = control_para[x], Theta = theta))
                sub_data_2 <- X[,-Sindex]
                cl_2 <- max(CSlideCluster(sub_data_2, Delta = control_para[x], Theta = theta))
                Buffer <- c(Buffer, abs(cl_1 - cl_2))
            return(list(control_para[x], mean(Buffer)))
    } else {
        stop("Missing method")
    ACD_matrix <- apply(do.call('rbind', ACD), 2, as.numeric)
    colnames(ACD_matrix) <- c("Controlling Parameter", "ACD")
    p_opt <- para_opt(ACD_matrix)
    out <- list(p_opt, ACD_matrix)
    names(out) <- c("P_opt", "ACD_matrix")
vlyubchich/funtimes documentation built on May 6, 2023, 3:21 a.m.