
# Information theory tools

#' Calculator of Shannon entropy for a vector of observations.
#' \code{shannonEntropy} calculates the Shannon entropy for a vector 
#' of observations, using empirical probability of each unique value 
#' as its probability. The input vector is assumed to contain 
#' observations from a discrete distribution. If working with continuous 
#' data, the observations should be discretized prior to using this function.
#' The base two logarithm is used, so the unit for the result is bits.
#' @param observations The observed values for which to calculate entropy.
#' @param isCounts Does \code{observations} consist of observation counts 
#'               rather than actual observations?
#' @param pseudocount Value of pseudocount to substitute for zeros; this has 
#'                    meaning if and only if \code{counts=TRUE}.
#' @param normalized Whether to normalize the entropy (into [0, 1]).
#' @return The Shannon entropy of the empirical distribution defined by 
#'         the given observations.
#' @export
shannonEntropy = function(observations, 
  isCounts=FALSE, pseudocount=1, normalized=FALSE) {
  if (isCounts) {
    num_obs = sum(observations)
    counts = insertPseudocounts(observations, pseudocount)
  } else {
    # Handle non-factor input.
    num_obs = length(observations)
    if (!is.factor(observations)) {
      observations = factor(observations, levels=unique(observations))
    counts = sapply(X=levels(observations), FUN=function(x) sum(x == observations))

  probs = sapply(X=counts, FUN=function(n) n/num_obs)
  # We're protected from zero-probability cases since we've defined the 
  # domain to be the set of unique observations.
  weighted_information = sapply(X=probs, FUN=function(p) p*log2(1/p))
  totalEntropy = sum(weighted_information)
  if (normalized) totalEntropy/log2(num_obs) else totalEntropy

#' Calculator of normalized Shannon entropy for given observations vector.
#' @seealso \code{\link{shannonEntropy}}
#' @export
normalizedShannonEntropy = function(observations, ...) {
  shannonEntropy(observations, normalized=TRUE, ...) }

#' Alias for \code{shannonEntropy}
#' @seealso \code{\link{shannonEntropy}}
#' @export
entropy = shannonEntropy

#' Alias for \code{normalizedShannonEntropy}
#' @seealso \code{\link{shannonEntropy}}, \code{\link{normalizedShannonEntropy}}
#' @export
normalizedEntropy = normalizedShannonEntropy
vreuter/SwissR documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:29 a.m.