# unified hill climbing implementation (both optimized and by spec).
hill.climbing = function(x, start, whitelist, blacklist, score, extra.args,
restart, perturb, max.iter, maxp, optimized, debug = FALSE) {
# cache nodes' labels.
nodes = names(x)
# cache the number of nodes.
n.nodes = length(nodes)
# set the iteration counter.
iter = 1
# check whether the score is score-equivalent.
score.equivalence = is.score.equivalent(score, nodes, extra.args)
# check whether the score is decomposable.
score.decomposability = is.score.decomposable(score, nodes, extra.args)
# allocate the cache matrix.
cache = matrix(0, nrow = n.nodes, ncol = n.nodes)
# nodes to be updated (all of them in the first iteration).
updated = seq_len(n.nodes) - 1L
# set the number of random restarts.
restart.counter = restart
# set the reference score.
reference.score = per.node.score(network = start, score = score,
targets = nodes, extra.args = extra.args, data = x)
# convert the blacklist to an adjacency matrix for easy use.
if (!is.null(blacklist))
blmat = arcs2amat(blacklist, nodes)
blmat = matrix(0L, nrow = n.nodes, ncol = n.nodes)
# convert the whitelist to an adjacency matrix for easy use.
if (!is.null(whitelist))
wlmat = arcs2amat(whitelist, nodes)
wlmat = matrix(0L, nrow = n.nodes, ncol = n.nodes)
if (debug) {
cat("* starting from the following network:\n")
cat("* current score:", sum(reference.score), "\n")
cat("* whitelisted arcs are:\n")
if (!is.null(whitelist)) print(whitelist)
cat("* blacklisted arcs are:\n")
if (!is.null(blacklist)) print(blacklist)
# set the metadata of the network; othewise the debugging output is
# confusing and not nearly as informative.
start$learning$algo = "hc"
start$learning$ntests = 0
start$learning$test = score
start$learning$args = extra.args
start$learning$optimized = optimized
repeat {
# build the adjacency matrix of the current network structure.
amat = arcs2amat(start$arcs, nodes)
# compute the number of parents of each node.
nparents = colSums(amat)
# set up the score cache (BEWARE: in place modification!).
nodes = nodes,
data = x,
network = start,
score = score,
extra = extra.args,
reference = reference.score,
equivalence = score.equivalence && optimized,
decomposability = score.decomposability,
updated = (if (optimized) updated else seq(length(nodes)) - 1L),
env = environment(),
amat = amat,
cache = cache,
blmat = blmat,
debug = debug)
# select which arcs should be tested for inclusion in the graph (hybrid
# learning algorithms should hook the restrict phase here).
to.be.added = arcs.to.be.added(amat = amat, nodes = nodes,
blacklist = blmat, whitelist = NULL, nparents = nparents,
maxp = maxp, arcs = FALSE)
# get the best arc addition/removal/reversal.
bestop = .Call("hc_opt_step",
amat = amat,
nodes = nodes,
added = to.be.added,
cache = cache,
reference = reference.score,
wlmat = wlmat,
blmat = blmat,
nparents = nparents,
maxp = maxp,
debug = debug)
# the value FALSE is the canary value in bestop$op meaning "no operation
# improved the network score"; break the loop.
if (bestop$op == FALSE) {
if ((restart.counter >= 0) && (restart > 0)) {
if (restart.counter == restart) {
# store away the learned network at the first restart.
best.network = start
best.network.score = sum(reference.score)
else {
# if the network found by the algorithm is better, use that one as
# starting network for the next random restart; use the old one
# otherwise.
if (best.network.score > sum(reference.score)) {
start = best.network
if (debug) {
cat("* the old network was better, discarding the current one.\n")
cat("* now the current network is :\n")
cat("* current score:", best.network.score, "\n")
else {
# store away the learned network at the first restart.
best.network = start
best.network.score = sum(reference.score)
# this is the end; if the network found by the algorithm is the best one
# it's now the 'end' one once more.
if (restart.counter == 0) break
# don't try to do anything if there are no more iterations left.
if (iter >= max.iter) {
if (debug)
cat("@ stopping at iteration", max.iter, "ignoring random restart.\n")
# increment the iteration counter.
iter = iter + 1
# decrement the number of random restart we still have to do.
restart.counter = restart.counter - 1
if (debug) {
cat("* doing a random restart,", restart.counter, "of", restart, "left.\n")
# perturb the network.
start = perturb.backend(network = start, iter = perturb, nodes = nodes,
amat = amat, whitelist = whitelist, blacklist = blacklist,
maxp = maxp, debug = debug)
# update the cached values of the end network.
start$nodes = cache.structure(nodes, arcs = start$arcs)
# update the scores of the nodes as needed.
if (best.network.score > sum(reference.score)) {
# all scores must be updated; this happens when both the network
# resulted from the random restart is discarded and the old network
# is perturbed.
reference.score = per.node.score(network = start, score = score,
targets = nodes, extra.args = extra.args, data = x)
updated = which(nodes %in% nodes) - 1L
else {
# the scores whose nodes' parents changed must be updated.
reference.score[names(start$updates)] =
per.node.score(network = start, score = score, targets = names(start$updates),
extra.args = extra.args, data = x)
updated = which(nodes %in% names(start$updates)) - 1L
# nuke start$updates from orbit.
start$updates = NULL
# update the network structure.
start = arc.operations(start, from = bestop$from, to = bestop$to,
op = bestop$op, check.cycles = FALSE, update = TRUE,
debug = FALSE)
# set the nodes whose cached score deltas are to be updated.
if (bestop$op == "reverse")
updated = which(nodes %in% c(bestop$from, bestop$to)) - 1L
updated = which(nodes %in% bestop$to) - 1L
if (debug) {
# update the test counter of the network; very useful to check how many
# score comparison has been done up to now.
start$learning$ntests = test.counter()
cat("* best operation was: ")
if (bestop$op == "set")
cat("adding", bestop$from, "->", bestop$to, ".\n")
else if (bestop$op == "drop")
cat("removing", bestop$from, "->", bestop$to, ".\n")
cat("reversing", bestop$from, "->", bestop$to, ".\n")
cat("* current network is :\n")
cat("* current score:", sum(reference.score), "\n")
# check the current iteration index against the max.iter parameter.
if (iter >= max.iter) {
if (debug)
cat("@ stopping at iteration", max.iter, ".\n")
else iter = iter + 1
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