##' High performance computation of similarities and distances for sparse and
##' dense objects.
##' The package contains efficient parallel functions for computation of
##' similarity and distance metrics on various sparse and dense
##' representations. Canonical applications of these functions are natural
##' language processing and recommender systems.
##' \code{Simdist} package uses a higher level abstraction for 2d sparse
##' representation than the standard sparse matrices software. For every
##' supported 2d representation \code{primary} and \code{secondary} dimension of
##' variation of the measurement are defined. Every function in this package
##' acts either on primary or secondary dimension. The primary reason for
##' primary/secondary division is computational - computing along primary
##' dimension is usually more efficient than along the secondary dimension. Even
##' for dense matrices the "mental model" used in the package is that of nested
##' lists - higher order grouping (i.e. document) is stored as entries along
##' primary dimension and inner elements (i.e. terms) are stored across
##' secondary dimension.
##' @section Supported representations:
##' The supported 2d representations and primary-secondary dimensions are as
##' follows:
##' \describe{
##' \item{matrix}{primary - columns, secondary - rows}
##' \item{\code{Matrix::dgCMatrix}}{primary - columns, secondary - rows}
##' \item{\code{Matrix::dgRMatrix}}{primary - rows, secondary - columns}
##' \item{\code{Matrix::dgTMatrix}}{primary - rows, secondary - columns}
##' \item{\code{slam::simple_triplet_matrix}}{primary - rows, secondary -
##' columns (not yet supported)}
##' \item{data frames in primary-secondary-value (psv) format}{primary - first
##' id column, secondary - second id column. Id and value columns could be
##' explicitly marked with \code{\link{psv}} function.}
##' \item{list of named numeric or character vectors}{primary - first list
##' level, secondary - inner vector level (not yet implemented)}
##' }
##' To minimize the risk of logical errors due to mismatched dimensions only
##' distances across same-type objects are currently implemented.
##' @section Non-conventional approach:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{Primary/secondary dimension distinction which allows treating all
##' representations as two-level nested lists.}
##' \item{For named matrices, secondary dimensions are matched by names, not
##' positionaly. This means that even for matrices the size of the secondary
##' dimension need not match. All rows in X not in Y will be considered
##' missing (aka 0s) as if it were a sparse matrix.}
##' \item{No normalization by default. All sim and dist functions accept
##' normalization or scaling functions (transformers) which allow arbitrary
##' transformation of the input matrices.}
##' \item{Cosine similarity of a vector X with 0 vector is 0, in contrast to
##' \code{proxy} package where it's 1. This preserves coordinate-wise
##' continuity in 0 and allows for a more efficient implementation.}
##' }
##' @docType package
##' @name simdist-package
##' @aliases simdist
##' @import Matrix
##' @importFrom methods setClass setGeneric setMethod new show callGeneric
##' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
##' @importFrom RcppParallel RcppParallelLibs
##' @importFrom fastmatch fmatch
##' @useDynLib simdist
##' @include transform.R
##' @include utils.R
##' @include S4utils.R
### Generic wrappers on objects of same input class
dist_same_mat_class <- function(x, y, ptrans, strans,
by = c("primary", "secondary", "row", "column"),
ref_names = NULL, pairwise, dist_fun) {
## TODO: if rownames are not given, enforce same matrix dimmension
by <- match.arg(by)
x <- to_primary_maybe(.norm(x, ptrans, strans), by)
y <- to_primary_maybe(.norm(y, ptrans, strans), by)
xsec_null <- is.null(secondary_names(x))
ysec_null <- is.null(secondary_names(y))
if (xsec_null && !ysec_null) warning ("X has no secondary names, but Y does; discarding.")
if (ysec_null && !xsec_null) warning ("Y has no secondary names, but X does; discarding.")
if (xsec_null || ysec_null) {
if (secondary_size(x) != secondary_size(y)) {
stop ("When matrices have no secondary names, secondary dimmension must match.")
out <- dist_fun(x, secondary_ix(x), y, secondary_ix(y), 0L, 0L)
} else {
xresort <- 0L
yresort <- 0L
if (is.null(ref_names)) {
## no nas here
ref_names <- c(secondary_names(x), secondary_names(y))
xix <- secondary_ix(x)
yresort <- 2L
} else {
xnnas <- !is.na(fastmatch::fmatch(secondary_names(x), ref_names))
ynnas <- !is.na(fastmatch::fmatch(secondary_names(y), ref_names))
if (!any(xnnas))
stop("No names in X matched ref_names. Are you computing on the right dimension?")
if (!any(ynnas))
stop("No names in Y matched ref_names. Are you computing on the right dimension?")
x <- secondary_subset(x, xnnas)
y <- secondary_subset(y, ynnas)
xix <- fastmatch::fmatch(secondary_names(x), ref_names)[secondary_ix(x) + 1L] - 1L
## subset copied x and y, re-sorting in place
xresort <- 1L
yresort <- 1L
yix <- fastmatch::fmatch(secondary_names(y), ref_names)[secondary_ix(y) + 1L] - 1L
out <- dist_fun(x, xix, y, yix, xresort, yresort)
xnames <- primary_names(x)
ynames <- primary_names(y)
if (pairwise) {
data.frame(x = if(is.null(xnames)) 1:primary_size(x) else xnames,
y = if(is.null(ynames)) 1:primary_size(y) else ynames,
val = c(out),
stringsAsFactors = F)
} else {
if(!is.null(xnames) || !is.null(ynames))
dimnames(out) <- list(xnames, ynames)
dist_df <- function(x, y, ptrans = NULL, strans = NULL,
by = c("primary", "secondary", "row", "column"),
ref_names = NULL, pairwise, dist_fun) {
by <- match.arg(by)
x <- to_primary_maybe(.norm(x, ptrans, strans), by)
y <- to_primary_maybe(.norm(y, ptrans, strans), by)
xsec <- secondary_ids(x)
ysec <- secondary_ids(y)
if (is.null(ref_names)) {
ref_names <- sort(unique(c(secondary_names(x), secondary_names(y))))
check_nas <- FALSE
} else {
check_nas <- TRUE
xix <-
if (is.factor(xsec)) fastmatch::fmatch(levels(xsec), ref_names)[xsec]
else fastmatch::fmatch(xsec, ref_names)
yix <-
if (is.factor(ysec)) fastmatch::fmatch(levels(ysec), ref_names)[ysec]
else fastmatch::fmatch(ysec, ref_names)
xnames <- primary_names(x)
ynames <- primary_names(y)
out_mat <-
if (check_nas) {
xnnas <- !is.na(xix)
ynnas <- !is.na(yix)
dist_fun(primary_ix(x)[xnnas], xix[xnnas] - 1L, sparse_vals(x)[xnnas],
primary_ix(y)[ynnas], yix[ynnas] - 1L, sparse_vals(y)[ynnas],
length(xnames), length(ynames))
} else {
dist_fun(primary_ix(x), xix - 1L, sparse_vals(x),
primary_ix(y), yix - 1L, sparse_vals(y),
length(xnames), length(ynames))
## out <- data.frame(x = xnames[rep(1:length(xnames), each = length(ynames))],
## y = ynames[rep(1:length(ynames), times = length(ynames))],
## dist = c(out_mat))
## class(out) <- class(x)
if (pairwise) {
structure(list(x = xnames,
y = ynames,
val = c(out_mat)),
class = class(x))
} else {
dimnames(out_mat) <- list(xnames, ynames)
setGeneric("generic_dist", signature = c("x", "y"),
function(x, y, ptrans = NULL, strans = NULL,
by = c("primary", "secondary", "row", "column"),
ref_names = NULL, pairwise = FALSE, ..., dist_type) {
.generic_2d_mat_dist <- function(x, y, ptrans, strans,
by = c("primary", "secondary", "row", "column"),
ref_names = NULL, pairwise = FALSE, ..., dist_type) {
fun <- function(x, xix, y, yix, xreorder, yreorder) {
self <- FALSE
if (is.matrix(x)) {
## fixme: move this to C
if (xreorder) {
xord <- order(xix)
xix <- xix[xord]
x <- x[xord, ]
if (yreorder) {
yord <- order(yix)
yix <- yix[yord]
y <- y[yord, ]
C_dense_dist(dist_type, xix, x, yix, y, pairwise, self)
} else if (inherits(x, "dgTMatrix")) {
C_triplet_dist(dist_type, x@i, xix, x@x, y@i, yix, y@x,
primary_size(x), primary_size(y),
pairwise, self,
xreorder, yreorder)
} else if (inherits(x, "dsparseMatrix")) {
## x and y can be either RsparseMatrix or CsparseMatrix
xix, x@p, x@x, yix, y@p, y@x,
primary_size(x), primary_size(y),
pairwise, self,
xreorder, yreorder)
} else stop("unsuported matrix type")
dist_same_mat_class(x, y, ptrans, strans, by, ref_names = ref_names,
pairwise = pairwise, dist_fun = fun)
setMethod("generic_dist", signature("ANY", "NULL"),
function(x, y, ptrans = NULL, strans = NULL,
by = c("primary", "secondary", "row", "column"),
ref_names = NULL, pairwise = FALSE, ..., dist_type) {
generic_dist(x, x, ptrans = ptrans, strans = strans, by = by,
ref_names = ref_names, pairwise = pairwise, ..., dist_type = dist_type)
setMethod("generic_dist", signature("matrix", "matrix"), .generic_2d_mat_dist)
setMethod("generic_dist", signature("dgRMatrix", "dgRMatrix"), .generic_2d_mat_dist)
setMethod("generic_dist", signature("dgCMatrix", "dgCMatrix"), .generic_2d_mat_dist)
setMethod("generic_dist", signature("dgTMatrix", "dgTMatrix"), .generic_2d_mat_dist)
setMethod("generic_dist", signature("data.frame", "data.frame"), {
function(x, y, ptrans = NULL, strans = NULL,
by = c("primary", "secondary", "row", "column"),
ref_names = NULL, pairwise = pairwise, ..., dist_type) {
self <- FALSE
fun <- function(xpix, xsix, xval, ypix, ysix, yval, nrows, ncols) {
xpix, xsix, xval,
ypix, ysix, yval,
nrows, ncols,
pairwise, self,
1L, 1L)
dist_df(x, y, ptrans, strans, by, ref_names = ref_names, pairwise = pairwise, dist_fun = fun)
setGeneric("generic_aggr_dist", signature = c("x", "y"),
function(x, y = NULL, vecs, ptrans = NULL, strans = NULL,
by = c("primary", "secondary", "row", "column"),
precompute = TRUE, pairwise = FALSE, ...,
aggr_type, dist_type) {
.generic_aggr_mat_dist <- function(x, y = NULL, vecs, ptrans, strans,
by = c("primary", "secondary", "row", "column"),
precompute = TRUE, pairwise = FALSE, ...,
aggr_type, dist_type) {
self <- FALSE
aggr_type <- toupper(aggr_type)
dist_type <- toupper(dist_type)
fun <- function(x, xix, y, yix, ...) {
if (inherits(x, "dgTMatrix")) {
C_triplet_aggr_dist(aggr_type, dist_type, vecs,
x@i, xix, x@x, y@i, yix, y@x,
primary_size(x), primary_size(y),
pairwise, self, precompute)
} else if (inherits(x, "dsparseMatrix")) {
C_sparse_aggr_dist(aggr_type, dist_type, vecs,
xix, x@p, x@x, yix, y@p, y@x,
primary_size(x), primary_size(y),
pairwise, self, precompute)
} else stop("unsuported matrix type")
dist_same_mat_class(x, y, ptrans, strans, by, ref_names = primary_names(vecs),
pairwise = pairwise, dist_fun = fun)
setMethod("generic_aggr_dist", signature("ANY", "NULL"),
function(x, y = NULL, vecs, ptrans = NULL, strans = NULL,
by = c("primary", "secondary", "row", "column"),
ref_names = NULL, ..., aggr_type, dist_type) {
generic_aggr_dist(x, x, vecs, ptrans = ptrans, strans = strans, by = by,
ref_names = ref_names, ...,
aggr_type = aggr_type, dist_type = dist_type)
setMethod("generic_aggr_dist", signature("dgRMatrix", "dgRMatrix"), .generic_aggr_mat_dist)
setMethod("generic_aggr_dist", signature("dgCMatrix", "dgCMatrix"), .generic_aggr_mat_dist)
setMethod("generic_aggr_dist", signature("dgTMatrix", "dgTMatrix"), .generic_aggr_mat_dist)
setMethod("generic_aggr_dist", signature("data.frame", "data.frame"), {
function(x, y, vecs, ptrans = NULL, strans = NULL,
by = c("primary", "secondary", "row", "column"),
precompute = TRUE, pairwise = FALSE, ...,
aggr_type, dist_type) {
self <- FALSE
dist_type <- toupper(dist_type)
aggr_type <- toupper(aggr_type)
fun <- function(xpix, xsix, xval, ypix, ysix, yval, nrows, ncols) {
C_triplet_aggr_dist(aggr_type, dist_type, vecs,
xpix, xsix, xval,
ypix, ysix, yval,
nrows, ncols,
pairwise, self, precompute)
dist_df(x, y, ptrans, strans, by, ref_names = primary_names(vecs),
pairwise = pairwise, dist_fun = fun)
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