#' @title Read a csv file from AKFIN with CIA (Catch-in-Areas) data
#' @description Function to read a csv file from AKFIN with CIA (Catch-in-Areas) data.
#' @param fn : filename for bycatch estimates from the Catch-in-Areas database
#' @param minYear : min fishery year to extract
#' @return tibble with columns "year","target","gear code","adfg stat area","nmfs stat area",
#' "haul count","biomass","number","conf flag","vessel count", and "gear". Units for biomass
#' and number are kg and one's (i.e., unscaled number of crab).
#' @details CIA data begins in 2009. Biomass is in kg.
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @export
#--read file
tmp = readr::read_csv(fn);
#----extract relevant columns
# tmp1 = tmp[,c(2,8,14,15,17,26,28,30,31,32)]; <-OLD WAY (number of columns changed)
tmp1 = tmp[,c("Crab Year",
"Trip Target Name",
"Agency Gear Code",
"ADFG Stat Area Code",
"Reporting Area Code",
"Haul Count",
"Estimated Crab Weight (kg)",
"Estimated Number")];
names(tmp1) = c("year","target","gear code","adfg stat area","nmfs stat area","haul count","biomass","number");
tmp1[["conf flag"]] =1;#--AKFIN dropped column in 2021
tmp1[["vessel count"]]=1;#--AKFIN dropped column in 2021
#--convert gear codes to types
tmp1$gear = akfinConvert_GearCodeToType(tmp1$`gear code`);
#--add lat-lons based on ADFG stat areas
dfrLLs = akfinConvert_ADFGStatAreasToLatLons(tmp1[["adfg stat area"]]);
tmp1$lat = dfrLLs$lat;
tmp1$lon = dfrLLs$lon;
#--extract required years
tblCIA = tmp1 |> subset(minYear<=year);
#' @title Read a csv file from AKFIN with CAS (Catch Accounting System) data
#' @description Function to read a csv file from AKFIN with CAS (Catch Accounting System) data.
#' @param fn : filename for bycatch estimates from the Catch Accounting System database
#' @param bycatch_species_code : FMA species code (default = "BTCR", for bairdi Tanner crab)
#' @param minYear : min fishery year to extract
#' @return tibble with columns "year","gear","area","target","num",and "wgt".
#' Units for biomass (\code{wgt}) and number (\code{num}) are kg and one's (i.e., unscaled number of crab).
#' @details Valid CAS data begins in 1991 and ends in 2009 (it overlaps with the CIA database a bit).
#' The "gear" reported here is represents gear "type" as used in the Conversion functions.
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @export
#--read the file
tmp <-readr::read_csv(fn);
names(tmp)<-c("year","gear","area","species code","species name","num","wgt","load");
#--extract info only on requested bycatch species
tmp<-tmp[tmp$`species code`==bycatch_species_code,];
#--extract year info
#--extract gear and target info
tmp$gear<-tolower(tmp$gear); #gear to lower case
#--create final table
#------num values are in one's, wgt values in kg
#' @title Read a csv file from AKFIN with NORPAC length report data
#' @description Function to read a csv file from AKFIN with NORPAC length report data.
#' @param fn - filename for size composition data from the NORPAC database
#' @return tibble with columns "year","gear","area","sex","size",and "N",
#' "gear code","lat","lon",and "adfg stat area". "gear" here represents the
#' gear "type" from the Conversion functions whereas "gear code" represents the
#' gear "code" from those functions.
#' Units for N are counts (one's) of sampled crab.
#' @details Valid NORPAC data begins in 1986, but is typically used starting in 1991, to the present.
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom wtsUtilities Sum
#' @importFrom wtsUtilities count
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#--process input bycatch size frequencies to get observed numbers-at-size by year, gear, area, and sex
cols.NatZ<-c("Year","Haul Offload Date","Gear Description","NMFS Area","Sex","Length (cm)","Frequency","LatDD Start","LonDD Start","LatDD End","LonDD End");
names(dfrp)<-c("year","date","gear description","area","sex","size","N","lat_s","lon_s","lat_e","lon_e");
#------extract lat, lon and convert to stat areas
dfrp<-dfrp |> rowwise() |>
mutate(lat=Sum(c(lat_s,lat_e)/count(c(lat_s,lat_e))),lon=Sum(c(lon_s,lon_e)/count(c(lon_s,lon_e)))) |>
dfrp$`adfg stat area`<-stat_areas;
#----need crab year, not year
#------extract month from date column
dfrp$month<-gsub("[^[:upper:]_]","",toupper(dfrp$date)); #Notes: '_' extends previous expression to entire "word"
#------calculate crab year (cy = y-1*(month in [jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun]))
dfrp$crabyear<-dfrp$year-as.numeric(dfrp$month %in% c("JAN","FEB","MAR","APR","MAY","JUN"))
#--convert gear descriptions to gear "types" (fixed, trawl)
dfrp$gear<-akfinConvert_GearDescToType(dfrp$`gear description`);
#--convert gear descriptions to gear "codes" ("PTR","NPT", etc)
dfrp$`gear code`<-akfinConvert_GearDescToCode(dfrp$`gear description`);
#----convert sex codes to sex (male, female)
#----keep only necessary columns
dfrp<-dfrp[,c("crabyear","gear","area","sex","size","N","gear code","lat","lon","adfg stat area")];
#----rename columns
#--set missing location info to NA's
dfrp$`adfg stat area`[idx]<-NA;
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