.cleanC <- function(x) gsub(".__C__", "", x)
.cleanT <- function(x) gsub(".__T__", "", x)
#' Refer to the API documentation
#' \code{API} opens a browser to the API documentation
#' @param website (logical default TRUE) launch the API website
#' @param shiny (logical default FALSE) whether to launch the shiny version
#' of the API (experimental)
#' @return Documentation via the GitHub wiki
#' @examples
#' ## Runnable example does nothing
#' API(website = FALSE)
#' @author Vincent J Carey
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment shinydashboard shiny
#' @importFrom utils methods
#' @importFrom methods extends
#' @export API
API <- function(website = TRUE, shiny = FALSE) {
    if (shiny) {
    } else if (website) {
    } else {

.packageAPI <- function(packname = "MultiAssayExperiment") {
    ns <- getNamespace(packname)
    nsElements <- ls(ns, all.names = TRUE)
    nsNS <- get(".__NAMESPACE__.", ns) # probably volatile?
    classes <- .cleanC(grep(".__C__", nsElements, value = TRUE))
    todrop <- sapply(classes, function(x) extends(x, "language"))
    if (any(todrop)) classes <- classes[-which(todrop)]
    TmethsWithin <- .cleanT(grep(packname, grep(".__T__", nsElements,
                                               value = TRUE),
                                value = TRUE))
    TmethsWithout <- .cleanT(grep(packname, grep(".__T__", nsElements,
                                                value = TRUE),
                                 value = TRUE, invert = TRUE))
    Mcmeths <- lapply(classes, function(x) utils::methods(class = x))
    names(Mcmeths) <- classes
    # list(nsElements = nsElements, nsNS = nsNS, classes = classes,
    # cmeths = cmeths)
    list(classes = classes, Mcmeths = Mcmeths, TmethsWithin = TmethsWithin,
         TmethsWithout = TmethsWithout)

.apiDash <- function() {
  ui <- dashboardPage(
    dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),
      textInput("packname", "Package", "MultiAssayExperiment")
      # Boxes need to be put in a row (or column)
      #    fluidRow(
      #      box(plotOutput("plot1", height = 250)),
      #      box(
      #        title = "Controls",
      #        sliderInput("slider", "Number of observations:", 1, 100, 50)
      #      )
      #    )
          title = "API explorer",
          # The id lets us use input$tabset1 on the server to
          # find the current tab
          id = "tabset1", height = "250px",
          tabPanel("Methods(inside)", tableOutput("ls2")),
          tabPanel("Methods(outside)", tableOutput("ls3")),
          width = 9

  server <- function(input, output) {

    getconts <- reactive( {
      papi <- .packageAPI( input$packname )
      list(classDF = data.frame(classes = papi$classes),
           methsInDF = data.frame(methsIn = papi$TmethsWithin),
           methsOutDF = data.frame(methsOut = papi$TmethsWithout))
    output$ls1 <- renderTable( getconts()$classDF )
    output$ls2 <- renderTable( getconts()$methsInDF )
    output$ls3 <- renderTable( getconts()$methsOutDF )

  shinyApp(ui, server)
waldronlab/MultiAssayShiny documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:04 a.m.