
# Read in base16 hex colors:
base16 <- read.csv("data/colors.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Colors to use from base16:
colorout <- list(normal   = "base05",
                 negnum   = "base08",
                 zero     = "base09",
                 number   = "base0A",
                 date     = "base0C",
                 string   = "base0B",
                 const    = "base0E",
                 false    = "base08",
                 true     = "base0A",
                 infinite = "base0F",
                 stderror = "base04",
                 warn     = "base0D",
                 error    = "base08")

# Create a dataset which has for each scheme, each color type (normal, number
# etc.)
df <- data.frame(scheme = rep(unique(base16$scheme), each = length(colorout)))
df$type <- rep(names(colorout), length(unique(df$scheme)))
colorout <- data.frame(type = names (colorout), base = unlist(colorout))
df <- merge(df, colorout, by = "type")
df <- merge(df, base16, by = c("scheme", "base"))

# Colors to match to (from source of colorout::show256Colors):
c256 <- read.table("data/256Colors.dat")$V1

# Convert these to RGB:
rgb256 <- data.frame(t(do.call(cbind, lapply(c256, col2rgb))))

# Find the color that matches as close as possible:
df$colorout.number <- apply(col2rgb(df$color), 2, FUN = function(x) {
                            dist <- (rgb256$red   - x[1])^2 +
                                    (rgb256$green - x[2])^2 +
                                    (rgb256$blue  - x[3])^2
base16 <- df
save(base16, file = "data/base16.rda")
walshc/base16colorout documentation built on May 3, 2019, 11:51 p.m.