EMPIRgrid: Grid of the Bivariate Empirical Copula

EMPIRgridR Documentation

Grid of the Bivariate Empirical Copula


Generate a gridded representation of the bivariate empirical copula (see EMPIRcop, Salvadori et al., 2007, p. 140). This function has the primary intention of supporting 3-D renderings or 2-D images of the copulatic surface, but many empirical copula functions in copBasic rely on the grid of the empirical copula—unlike the functions that support parametric copulas.


EMPIRgrid(para=NULL, deluv=0.05, verbose=FALSE, ...)



A vector (single element) of parameters—the U-statistics of the data (see example);


A delta value of the both the u and v axes (grid edges) for empirical copula estimation by the EMPIRcop function;


A logical controlling whether the progress during grid building is to be shown; and


Additional arguments to pass to EMPIRcop.


An R list of the gridded values of u, v, and \mathbf{C}_{n}(u,v) values of the bivariate empirical copula is returned. (Well only \mathbf{C}_{n}(u,v) is in the form of a grid as an R matrix.) The deluv used to generated the grid also is returned.


The extensive suite of examples is included here because the various ways that algorithms involving empirical copulas can be tested. The figures also provide excellent tools for education on copulas.


W.H. Asquith


Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

EMPIRcop, EMPIRcopdf


## Not run: 
psp <- simCOP(n=490, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE) * 150
# Pretend psp is real data, the * 150 is to clearly get into an arbitrary unit system.

# The sort=FALSE is critical in the following two calls to pp() from lmomco.
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(psp[,1], sort=FALSE)   # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(psp[,2], sort=FALSE)   # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV) # our U-statistics

# The follow function is used to make 3-D --> 2-D transformation
# From R Graphics by Murrell (2005, p.112)
"trans3d" <-                         # blackslashes seem needed for the package
function(x,y,z, pmat) {              # for user manual building but bad syntax
  tmat <- cbind(x,y,z,1) %*% pmat    # because remember the percent sign is a
  return(tmat[,1:2] / tmat[,4])      # a comment character in LaTeX.

the.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv)
cop.diag <- diagCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=uv, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE)
empcop   <- EMPIRcopdf(para=uv) # data.frame of all points

the.persp <- persp(the.grid$empcop, theta=-25, phi=20,
                   xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")

# EXAMPLE 1: PLOT NUMBER 2 (see change in interaction with variable 'the.grid')
the.persp <- persp(x=the.grid$u, y=the.grid$v, z=the.grid$empcop, theta=-25, phi=20,
                   xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")

the.diag <- trans3d(cop.diag$t, cop.diag$t, cop.diag$diagcop, the.persp)
lines(the.diag, lwd=4, col=3, lty=2)

points(trans3d(empcop$u, empcop$v, empcop$empcop, the.persp),
       col=rgb(0,1-sqrt(empcop$empcop),1,sqrt(empcop$empcop)), pch=16)
# the sqrt() is needed to darken or enhance the colors

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 0.2, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(0.2, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=6)
S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 0.2, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, dercop=TRUE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(0.2, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=6, lty=2)

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 0.85, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, wrtV=TRUE)
thelines <- trans3d(S$t, rep(0.85, length(S$t)), S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2)
S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 0.85, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, dercop=TRUE)
thelines <- trans3d(S$t, rep(0.85, length(S$t)), S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2, lty=2)

empder <- EMPIRgridder(empgrid=the.grid)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(0.2, length(the.grid$v)), the.grid$v, empder[3,], the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=4, col=6) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# An asymmetric example to demonstrate that the grid is populated with the
# correct orientation---meaning U is the horizontal and V is the vertical.
"MOcop" <- function(u,v, para=NULL) { # Marshall-Olkin copula
   alpha <- para[1]; beta  <- para[2]; return(min(v*u^(1-alpha), u*v^(1-beta)))
# EXAMPLE 2: PLOT NUMBER 1 # See the asymmetry
uv <- simCOP(1000, cop=MOcop, para=c(0.4,0.9)) # The parameters cause asymmetry.
mtext("Simulation from a defined Marshall-Olkin Copula")
the.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=0.025)

# The second plot by image() will show a "hook" of sorts along the singularity.
image(the.grid$empcop, col=terrain.colors(40)) # Second plot is made
mtext("Image of gridded Empirical Copula")

empcop <- EMPIRcopdf(para=uv) # data.frame of all points
# The third plot is the 3-D version overlain with the data points.
the.persp <- persp(x=the.grid$u, y=the.grid$v, z=the.grid$empcop, theta=240, phi=40,
                   xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")
points(trans3d(empcop$u, empcop$v, empcop$empcop, the.persp),
       col=rgb(0,1-sqrt(empcop$empcop),1,sqrt(empcop$empcop)), pch=16)
mtext("3-D representation of gridded empirical copula with data points")

# The fourth plot shows a simulation and the quasi-emergence of the singularity
# that of course the empirical perspective "knows" nothing about. Do not use
# the Kumaraswamy smoothing because in this case the singularity because
# too smoothed out relative to the raw empirical, but of course the sample size
# is large enough to see such things. (Try kumaraswamy=TRUE)
empsim <- EMPIRsim(n=1000, empgrid = the.grid, kumaraswamy=FALSE)
mtext("Simulations from the Empirical Copula") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
psp <- simCOP(n=4900, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE) * 150
# Pretend psp is real data, the * 150 is to clearly get into an arbitrary unit system.

# The sort=FALSE is critical in the following two calls to pp() from lmomco.
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(psp[,1], sort=FALSE)   # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(psp[,2], sort=FALSE)   # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV) # our U-statistics

deluv <- 0.0125 # going to cause long run time with large n
# The small deluv is used to explore solution quality at U=0 and 1.
the.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=deluv)
the.persp <- persp(x=the.grid$u, y=the.grid$v, z=the.grid$empcop, theta=-25, phi=20,
                   xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 1, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(1, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2)

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 0, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(0, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2)

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 1, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, dercop=TRUE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(1, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2, lty=2)

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 2*deluv, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, dercop=TRUE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(2*deluv, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2, lty=2)

empder <- EMPIRgridder(empgrid=the.grid)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(2*deluv,length(the.grid$v)),the.grid$v,empder[3,],the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=4, col=5, lty=2)

  ix <- 1:length(attributes(empder)$rownames)
  for(i in ix) {
     u <- as.numeric(attributes(empder)$rownames[i])
     S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, u, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, dercop=TRUE)
     # The red line is the true.
     plot(S$t, S$seccop, lwd=2, col=2, lty=2, type="l", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
          xlab="V, NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY", ylab="V, VALUE")
     lines(the.grid$v, empder[i,], lwd=4, col=5, lty=2) # empirical
     mtext(paste("Conditioned on U=",u," nonexceedance probability"))
dev.off() #
## End(Not run)

wasquith/copBasic documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 11:39 a.m.