EuvCOP | R Documentation |
Compute the expected value of U
given a V
(the Y
direction) through the conditional distribution function G(Y)
using the appropriate partial derivative of a copula (\mathbf{C}(u,v)
) with respect to V
. The inversion of the partial derivative is the conditional quantile function. Basic principles provide the expectation for a y \ge 0
E[Y] = \int_0^\infty yf(y)\mathrm{d}y = \int_0^\infty \bigl(1-G_y(Y)\bigr)\mathrm{d}y\mbox{,}
which for the setting here becomes
E[U \mid V = v] = \int_0^1 \bigl(1 - \frac{\delta}{\delta v} \mathbf{C}(u,v)\bigr)\mathrm{d}u\mbox{.}
This function solves the integral using the derCOP2
function. This avoids a call of the derCOPinv2
through its uniroot()
inversion of the derivative. The example shown for EuvCOP()
below does a validation check using conditional simulation, which is dependence (of course) of the design of the copBasic package, as part of simple isolation of a horizontal slice of the simulation and computing the mean of the V
within the slice.
EuvCOP(v=seq(0.01, 0.99, by=0.01), cop=NULL, para=NULL, asuv=FALSE, nsim=1E5,
subdivisions=100L, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol=rel.tol, ...)
v |
Nonexceedance probability |
cop |
A copula function with vectorization as in |
para |
Vector of parameters or other data structures, if needed, to pass to the copula; |
asuv |
Return a data frame of the |
nsim |
Number of simulations for Monte Carlo integration when the numerical integration fails (see Note); |
subdivisions |
Argument of same name passed to |
rel.tol |
Argument of same name passed to |
abs.tol |
Argument of same name passed to |
... |
Additional arguments to pass to |
Value(s) for the expectation are returned.
The author is well aware that the name of this function does not contain the number 2
as the family of functions also sharing this with respect to v
nature. It was a design mistake in 2008 to have used the 2
. The uv
in the function name is the moniker for this with respect to v
There can be the rare examples of the numerical integration failing. In such circumstances, Monte Carlo integration is performed and the returned vector becomes a named vector with the sim
identifying values stemming from the simulation.
para <- list(cop=RFcop, para=0.9) para <- list(cop=COP, para=para, reflect=1, alpha=0, beta=0.3) EuvCOP(c(0.0001, 0.0002, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1), cop=composite1COP, para=para) # sim #[1] 0.001319395 0.002238238 0.006905300 0.034608078 0.173451788
W.H. Asquith
, derCOP2
# We can show algorithmic validation using a highly asymmetric case of a
# copula having its parameter also nearly generating a singular component.
v <- c(0.2, 0.8); n <- 5E2; set.seed(1)
para <- list(cop=HRcop, para=120, alpha=0.4, beta=0.05)
UV <- simCOP(n, cop=composite1COP, para=para, graphics=FALSE) # set TRUE to view
sapply(v, function(vv) EuvCOP(vv, cop=composite1COP, para=para))
# [1] 0.3051985 0.7059999
sapply(v, function(vv) mean( UV$U[UV$V > vv - 50/n & UV$V < vv + 50/n] ) )
# [1] 0.2796518 0.7092755 # general validation is thus shown as n-->large
# If visualized, we see in the lower corner than heuristics suggest a mean further
# to the right of the "singularity" for v=0.2 than v=0.80. For v=0.80, the
# "singularity" appears tighter given the upper tail dependency contrast of the
# coupla in the symmetrical case (alpha=0, beta=0) and changing the parameter to
# a Spearman Rho (say) similar to the para settting in this example. So, 0.70 for
# the mean given v=0.80 makes sense. Further notice that the two estimates of the
# mean are further apparent for v=0.2 relative to v=0.80. Again, this makes sense
# when the copula is visualized even at small n let alone large n.
# See additional Examples under EvuCOP().
## Not run:
n <- 5000; Vlo <- rep(0.001, n); Vhi <- rep(0.95, n); Theta <- 3
Ulo <- simCOPmicro(Vlo, cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta); dlo <- density(Ulo)
Uhi <- simCOPmicro(Vhi, cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta); dhi <- density(Uhi)
dlo$x[dlo$x < 0] <- 0; dhi$x[dhi$x < 0] <- 0
dlo$x[dlo$x > 1] <- 1; dhi$x[dhi$x > 1] <- 1
Ulomu <- EuvCOP(Vlo[1], cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta); print(Ulomu)
# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
# 0.0000669 0.0887330 0.2006123 0.2504796 0.3802847 0.9589315
# Ulomu -----> 0.2502145
Uhimu <- EuvCOP(Vhi[1], cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta); print(Uhimu)
# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
# 0.01399 0.90603 0.93919 0.9157600 0.95946 0.99411
# Uhimu -----> 0.9154093
UV <- simCOP(n, cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta,
cex=0.6, pch=21, bg="palegreen", col="darkgreen")
abline(h=Vlo[1], col="salmon", lty=3) # near the bottom to form datum for density
abline(h=Vhi[1], col="purple", lty=3) # near the top to form datum for density
lines(dlo$x, dlo$y/max(dlo$y)/2 + Vlo[1], col="salmon", lwd=2)
# re-scaled density along the line already drawn near the bottom (Vlo)
# think rug plotting to bottom the values plotting very close to the line
lines(dhi$x, 1-dhi$y/max(dhi$y)/2 - (1-Vhi[1]), col="purple", lwd=2)
# re-scaled density along the line already drawn near the top (Vhi)
# think rug plotting to bottom the values plotting very close to the line
uv <- seq(0.001, 0.999, by=0.001) # for trajectory of E[U | V=v]
lines(EuvCOP(uv, cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta), uv, col="blue", lwd=3.5, lty=2)
points(Ulomu, Vlo[1], pch=16, col="salmon", cex=2)
points(Uhimu, Vhi[1], pch=16, col="purple", cex=2) #
## End(Not run)
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