blomatrixCOP: A Matrix of Blomqvist-like Betas of a Copula

blomatrixCOPR Documentation

A Matrix of Blomqvist-like Betas of a Copula


Compute the Blomqvist-like Betas matrix \beta^\circ_\mathbf{C}-matrix of a copula, which is defined at presumably strategic points within \mathcal{I}^2, as (for as.blomCOPss=FALSE argument)

\beta^\circ_\mathbf{C} = \frac{\mathbf{C}(u^\circ,v^\circ)}{\mathbf{\Pi}(1/2, 1/2)} - 1\mbox{,}

where the u^\circ and v^\circ are of two types of gridded locations in \mathcal{I}^2 space and if u^\circ = 1/2 and v^\circ = 1/2, then central location of the matrix is Blomqvist Beta (blomCOP). The definition of \beta^\circ_\mathbf{C} is such that the matrix is entirely zero for the independence copula (\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v)) (P) when \mathbf{C}(u^\circ,v^\circ) = \mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) at the medial location u,v=1/2. Also, the definition here might be unique to the copBasic package. The decile version (blomatrixCOPdec) of this function uses u^\circ \in (1, 5, 9) / 10 and v^\circ \in (1, 5, 9) / 10. Whereas, the quartile version (blomatrixCOPiqr) of this function uses u^\circ \in (25, 50, 75) / 100 and v^\circ \in (25, 50, 75)/100. If as.blomCOPss=TRUE argument is set (default operation), then the coordinate locations in the matrix become the \beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} of blomCOPss. As a rule \beta^\circ_\mathbf{C} \ne \beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}.


blomatrixCOPdec(cop=NULL, para=NULL, as.sample=FALSE, as.blomCOPss=TRUE,
                  ctype=c("weibull", "hazen", "1/n",
                          "bernstein", "checkerboard"), ...)
blomatrixCOPiqr(cop=NULL, para=NULL, as.sample=FALSE, as.blomCOPss=TRUE,
                  ctype=c("weibull", "hazen", "1/n",
                          "bernstein", "checkerboard"), ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the \hat\beta^\circ_\mathbf{C}-matrix at which point the ctype argument will be passed to multiple calls of EMPIRcop;


A logical to trigger blomCOPss for each of the (u,v) locations where for the blomCOPss calls (\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v})): u \mapsto (u,u) \mapsto \mathbf{u} and v \mapsto (v,v) \mapsto \mathbf{v};


Argument of the same as EMPIRcop; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


The matrix for \beta^\circ_\mathbf{C} is returned depending on whether the decile or quartile version has been called.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

blomCOP, blomCOPss


round(blomatrixCOPdec(cop=P), digits=8);     round(blomatrixCOPiqr(cop=P), digits=8)
#          U|V=0.10 U|V=0.50 U|V=0.90        #          U|V=0.25 U|V=0.50 U|V=0.75
# U|V=0.90        0        0        0        # U|V=0.75        0        0        0
# U|V=0.50        0        0        0        # U|V=0.50        0        0        0
# U|V=0.10        0        0        0        # U|V=0.25        0        0        0

round(blomatrixCOPdec(cop=PSP, as.blomCOPss=TRUE), digits=8)
#           U|V=0.10   U|V=0.50   U|V=0.90
# U|V=0.90 0.4736842  0.8181818  0.5153268
# U|V=0.50 0.8181818  0.3333333  0.6459330
# U|V=0.10 0.8901099  0.4736842  0.1708292

round(blomatrixCOPdec(cop=PSP, as.blomCOPss=FALSE), digits=8)
#            U|V=0.10   U|V=0.50  U|V=0.90
# U|V=0.90 0.09890110 0.81818182 4.2631579
# U|V=0.50 0.05263158 0.33333333 0.8181818
# U|V=0.10 0.01010101 0.05263158 0.0989011

## Not run: 
td <- c(0.10, 0.50, 0.90)
UVn <- simCOP(n=5000, cop=glueCOP, col=8,
          para=list(glue=0.4, cop1 =PLcop,           cop2=PLcop,
                             para1=PLpar(rho=-0.5), para2=PLpar(rho=+0.5)))
points(td, rep(td[3], 3), cex=2, lwd=2, pch=3, col="red")
points(td, rep(td[2], 3), cex=2, lwd=2, pch=3, col="red")
points(td, rep(td[1], 3), cex=2, lwd=2, pch=3, col="red")

print(blomatrixCOPdec(as.sample=TRUE, para=UVn, ctype="weibull"))
#             U|V=0.10 U|V=0.50 U|V=0.90
# U|V=0.90 -0.08222222   -0.580   -0.190
# U|V=0.50  0.30800000    0.112    0.264
# U|V=0.10  0.84000000    0.620    0.262

BMdn <- blomatrixCOPdec(cop=glueCOP,
          para=list(glue=0.4,  cop1=PLcop,            cop2=PLcop,
                              para1=PLpar(rho=-0.5), para2=PLpar(rho=+0.5)))
print(round(BMdn, digits=8))
#             U|V=0.10   U|V=0.50   U|V=0.90
# U|V=0.90 -0.08110464 -0.5569028 -0.2053772
# U|V=0.50  0.33449815  0.1202744  0.2424668
# U|V=0.10  0.75217766  0.6013719  0.2424668 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
set.seed(1); nsim <- 2000
para.pop <- list( cop1=GHcop,             cop2=PLcop,  alpha=0.359,
                 para1=c(4.003, 1.099),  para2=0.882,   beta=0.292)
UVs <- simCOP(nsim, cop=composite2COP, para=para.pop)
Rho <- rhoCOP(as.sample=TRUE, para=UVs) # Spearman Rho
BMn <- blomatrixCOPdec(as.sample=TRUE, para=UVs, ctype="weibull")

parafn <- function(k) {
  c(exp(k[1])+1, exp(k[2]), exp(k[3]), pnorm(k[4]), pnorm(k[5]))
parafn_list <- function(k) {
  k <- parafn(k)
  list(cop1=GHcop, para1=c(k[1], k[2]), alpha=k[4],
       cop2=PLcop, para2=k[4],          beta=k[5])
BLOM_ofun <- function(para, statmat=NULL, parafn=NULL, rho=NA) {
   para <- parafn(para)
   new.para <- list(cop1=GHcop, para1=para[1:2], alpha=para[4],
                    cop2=PLcop, para2=para[3],    beta=para[5])
   bm <- blomatrixCOPdec(cop=composite2COP, para=new.para)
   err <- sum((statmat - bm)^2) + (rhoCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=new.para) - rho)^2
   #print(c(para, err))

run1 <- function(graphics=TRUE, nsim=0) {
  par.init <- c(log(1), log(1), log(1), qnorm(0.5), qnorm(0.5))
  rt       <- optim(par.init, BLOM_ofun, statmat=BMn, parafn=parafn, rho=Rho)
  para     <- parafn(rt$par) <- list(  cop1=GHcop,      cop2=PLcop,   alpha=para[4],
                    para1=para[1:2], para2=para[3],  beta=para[5])
  uv <- simCOP(nsim, cop=composite2COP,, graphics=graphics, col=2)
  rmse <- round(rmseCOP(uv[,1], uv[,2], ctype="weibull",
                        cop=composite2COP,, digits=8)
  if(graphics) mtext(paste0("RMSE(run1)=", rmse))
system.time(RUN1 <- run1(nsim=nsim))
par.init <- c(log(RUN1$para$para1[1]), log(RUN1$para$para1[2]),
              log(RUN1$para$para2), qnorm(RUN1$para$alpha), qnorm(RUN1$para$beta))

RMSE_ofun <- function(para, parafn=NULL) {
   para <- parafn(para)
   new.para <- list(cop1=GHcop, para1=para[1:2], alpha=para[4],
                    cop2=PLcop, para2=para[3],    beta=para[5])
   new.rmse <- rmseCOP(UVs[,1], UVs[,2], cop=composite2COP, para=new.para)
   #print(c(para, new.rmse))
run2 <- function(graphics=TRUE, nsim=0, par.init=NULL) {
  if(is.null(par.init)) {
    par.init <- c(log(1), log(1), log(1), qnorm(0.5), qnorm(0.5))
  rt       <- optim(par.init, RMSE_ofun, parafn=parafn)
  para     <- parafn(rt$par) <- list(  cop1=GHcop,      cop2=PLcop,   alpha=para[4],
                    para1=para[1:2], para2=para[3],  beta=para[5])
  uv <- simCOP(nsim, cop=composite2COP,, graphics=graphics, col=4)
  rmse <- round(rmseCOP(uv[,1], uv[,2], ctype="weibull",
                        cop=composite2COP,, digits=8)
  if(graphics) mtext(paste0("RMSE(run2)=", rmse))
system.time(RUN2.1 <- run2(nsim=nsim, par.init=par.init))
system.time(RUN2.2 <- run2(nsim=nsim, par.init=NULL    ))

GIVN <- c(para.pop$alpha, para.pop$para1, para.pop$beta, para.pop$para2)
FIT1   <- c(RUN1$para$alpha, RUN1$para$para1, RUN1$para$beta, RUN1$para$para2)
FIT1   <- round(FIT1, digits=3)
FIT2.1 <- c(RUN2.1$para$alpha, RUN2.1$para$para1, RUN2.1$para$beta, RUN2.1$para$para2)
FIT2.1 <- round(FIT2.1, digits=3)
FIT2.2 <- c(RUN2.2$para$alpha, RUN2.2$para$para1, RUN2.2$para$beta, RUN2.2$para$para2)
FIT2.2 <- round(FIT2.2, digits=3)
nms    <- c("what", "alpha", "para1_1", "para1_2", "beta", "para2")
GIVN   <- c("given",   GIVN);  FIT2.1 <- c("by_Blom1", FIT2.1)
FIT1   <- c("by_RMSE", FIT1);  FIT2.2 <- c("by_Blom2", FIT2.2)
names(GIVN)   <- nms; names(FIT1)   <- nms
names(FIT2.1) <- nms; names(FIT2.2) <- nms
RESL <- cbind(data.frame(GIVN), data.frame(FIT1), data.frame(FIT2.1), data.frame(FIT2.2))
print(RESL) #
## End(Not run)

wasquith/copBasic documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 11:39 a.m.