agemixpatdat: Age-mixing pattern model data.

Description Usage Format


This is an example datalist that could be created from the function pattern.modeller. It contains two elements. The first is a subsetted dataframe of relationships from 15-30 year old men and women that were ongoing during the year prior to year 30 of the simulation. This dataframe includes population-average partner age predictions from a linear mixed effects model. The second element is a dataframe that contains key age-mixing pattern outputs from the model. These outputs can be found in the second dataframe.




The first dataframe in the list has 16579 rows and 26 variables. The second dataframe has 1 row and 14 variables. More detailed descriptions of the contents of the dataframes can be found in pattern.modeller

wdelva/RSimpactHelp documentation built on Dec. 26, 2019, 3:42 a.m.