  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
vers <- packageVersion("LDATS")
today <- Sys.Date()


This vignette outlines the code base for the LDATS package. It was constructed using LDATS version r vers on r today.


To obtain the most recent version of LDATS, install the most recent version from GitHub:


Analytical Pipeline

The full LDATS analysis can be executed using the LDA_TS function, which is the top-level of the coding pipeline's hierarchy of functions:

Each component model's function (LDA_set() and TS()) can be run independently, as well.

Controls Lists

To minimize the length of argument lists and facilitate simple default usage throughout the pipeline, we implement an options/controls list approach, where each of the main functions (LDA_TS, LDA_set, and TS) and its subfunctions have a control argument that takes a list to replace the defaults returned by its _control function:

weecology/LDATS documentation built on March 28, 2020, 11:20 a.m.