portalcasting-app: Build and Launch the Portal Forecast Web Application

portalcasting appR Documentation

Build and Launch the Portal Forecast Web Application


run_app constructs and launches a local version of the web application by running shiny::runApp pointed to the app subdirectory in the local portalcasting package folder.

global_list creates a list of values that are globally available in an app run.


run_app(main = ".")

global_list(main = ".")



character value of the name of the main component of the directory tree.


global_list: a list of values that will be globally available in the app.
run_app runs the app itself.

See Also

Other shinyapp: portalcasting app selection helpers, portalcasting app server, portalcasting app ui


## Not run: 
   main1 <- file.path(tempdir(), "app")
   setup_dir(main = main1)

   global_list(main = main1)

   if (getShinyOption("shiny.launch.browser", FALSE)) {
     run_app(main = main1)

   unlink(main1, recursive = TRUE)
## End(Not run)

weecology/portalcasting documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, noon