prepare-newmoons: Prepare Lunar Data for the Portalcasting Repository

prepare newmoonsR Documentation

Prepare Lunar Data for the Portalcasting Repository


Get time information (calendar dates, census periods, and newmoon numbers) associated with trapping events (achieved and missed) based on a lunar survey schedule.
add_forecast_newmoons adds future newmoon dates to the newmoon table from prepare_newmoons associated with the forecast.


prepare_newmoons(main = ".")

add_forecast_newmoons(main = ".", newmoons = NULL)



character value of the name of the main component of the directory tree.


data.frame of newmoon data.


Some version of a newmoons data.frame.
prepare_newmoons: fully appended and formatted data.frame (also saved out if settings$save = TRUE).
add_forecast_newmoons: fully appended and formatted data.frame.

See Also

Content preparation functions: directory filling, prepare covariates, prepare metadata, prepare models, prepare rodents


## Not run: 
   main1 <- file.path(tempdir(), "newmoons")

   create_dir(main = main1)
   fill_resources(main = main1)
   fill_forecasts(main = main1)
   fill_fits(main = main1)
   fill_models(main = main1)

   prepare_newmoons(main = main1)

   unlink(main1, recursive = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

weecology/portalcasting documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, noon