
Defines functions enriched_performance

#' @title Performance map profile
#' @description Function to create a performance map profile to be used as the type of a process map. It results in a process map describing process time.
#' @param FUN A summary function to be called on the process time of a specific activity, e.g. mean, median, min, max
#' @param units The time unit in which processing time should be presented (mins, hours, days, weeks)
#' @param flow_time The time to depict on the flows: the inter start time is the time between the start timestamp of consecutive activity instances,
#' the idle time is the time between the end and start time of consecutive activity instances.
#' @export enriched_performance

enriched_performance <- function(FUN = mean, units = "days", flow_time = c("inter_start_time","idle_time"),columnName = NULL) {
	flow_time <- match.arg(flow_time)
	attr(FUN, "flow_time") <- flow_time
	attr(FUN, "perspective") <- "performance"
	attr(FUN, "units") <- units
	if (is.null(columnName)) { 
	    attr(FUN, "columnName") <- paste0("performance_",units)
	} else {
	    attr(FUN, "columnName") <- columnName
wfeijen/Uitbreiden_ProcessMap documentation built on May 28, 2019, 1:23 p.m.