
Defines functions .onUnload install_scvelo .onLoad

# global reference to scvelo (will be initialized in .onLoad)
scvelo <- NULL
matplotlib <- NULL
pyplot <- NULL
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
    prefix = "www",
    directoryPath = system.file("www", package = pkgname)
    # reticulate::configure_environment(pkgname, force = TRUE)
    # use superassignment to update global reference to scvelo
    # scvelo <<- reticulate::import("scvelo", delay_load = TRUE)
    # matplotlib <<- reticulate::import("matplotlib", convert = TRUE)
    # matplotlib$use("Agg", force = TRUE)
    # pyplot <<- reticulate::import("matplotlib.pyplot", delay_load = TRUE)
    # human_gene_transcript_seu <- RunUMAP(human_gene_transcript_seu, dims = 1:30)

install_scvelo <- function(method = "auto", conda = "auto") {
    reticulate::py_install("scvelo", method = method, conda = conda, pip = TRUE)
    reticulate::py_install("matplotlib", method = method, conda = conda)

.onUnload <- function(libname, pkgname) {
whtns/seuratTools documentation built on June 28, 2024, 8:30 p.m.