Man pages for whtns/seuratTools
Tools for Managing Seurat Objects

add_census_slotadd census assay to a seurat object
add_percent_mitoAnnotate percent mitochondrial reads per cell
add_read_count_colAnnotate Low Read Count Category
allTranscriptsPlot All Transcripts Server
allTranscriptsuiPlot All Transcripts UI Module
annotate_cell_cycleAnnotate Cell Cycle
annotate_excludedAnnotate Exclusion Criteria
append_to_project_dbUpdate a database of seuratTools projects
arrange_ptime_heatmapsArrange processed monocle CDS objects containing heatmaps
assign_clusters_to_cdsAssign Clusters to CDS
build_bigwig_dbCreate a database of bigwigfiles
by_row_corr_between_pt_heatmapscalculate row-wise correlation between two dataframes
calc_cor_across_heatmapscalculate correlation between heatmap matrices in processed...
calc_pseudotime_heatmapcalculate pseudotime heatmaps
ccScoreCell Cycle Score
ccScoreuiCell Cycle Score UI
celltype_markersRetinal Cell Type Marker Genes
changeEmbedParamsChange Embedding Parameters
changeEmbedParamsuiChange Embedding Parameters UI
clustering_workflowClustering Workflow
combine_colsReformat Seurat Object Metadata
combine_loomsCombine Loom Files
convert_human_seu_to_mouseConvert Seurat Objects from Human to Mouse
convert_monoclev2_to_seuv3Convert a Seurat V3 object to a Monocle v2 object
convert_mouse_seu_to_humanConvert Seurat Objects from Mouse to Human
convert_seu_list_to_multimodalconvert seurat list to multimodal object
convert_seurat_to_sceconvert seurat object to cds
convert_seu_to_cdsConvert a Seurat Object to a Monocle Cell Data Set
convert_seuv3_to_monoclev2Convert a Seurat V3 object to a Monocle v2 object
convert_symbols_by_speciesConvert gene symbols between mouse and human
convert_v3_to_v5Convert seurat object to seurat V5 format
create_project_dbCreate a database of seuratTools projects
create_proj_matrixCreate a Table of single Cell Projects
cross_species_integrateIntegrate Seurat Objects from Mouse to Human
default_helperDefault Shiny Helper
diffexDifferential Expression
diffexuiDifferential Expression UI
dockerSeuratAppCreate a seurat app on a shinyproxy docker instance
dot-send_enrichr_queryGene enrichment using Enrichr.
dropdownButtonCustom Dropdown Button
enframe_markersEnframe seurat markers
filter_low_rc_cellsFilter our Cells from Seurat below read count threshold
filter_merged_seuFilter a Single Seurat Object
filter_merged_seusFilter a List of Seurat Objects
filter_rows_to_topFilter Rows to Top
find_all_markersFind All Markers
findMarkersFind Markers
findMarkersuiFind Markers UI
flip_pseudotimeFlip Pseudotime
format_new_metadataAdd Seurat Object Metadata
genes_to_transcriptsGene Symbols to Ensembl Transcript Ids
gene_test_plotPlot Gene expression over pseudotime on reference and query...
getEnrichedPathwaysGet enriched pathways based on marker genes from EnrichR.
get_metaGet Metadata for a project
get_transcripts_from_seuGet Transcripts in Seurat Object
global_cellalignGlobal Alignment of two trajectories with cellAlign
harmony_integrateIntegrate small datasets with harmony
human_to_mouse_homologsGene Homologs Between Human and Mouse
integrateProjIntegrate Projects Server Function
integrateProjuiIntegrate Project UI
integration_workflowIntegration Workflow
label_transferTransfer Labels Between Seurat Objects
learn_graph_by_resolutionLearn Monocle Graph by Resolution
list_plot_typesCollate list of variables to be plotted
load_bigwigsLoad Bigwigs
load_counts_by_tximportRun tximport on a set of cells
load_metaLoad Sample Metadata for a given project
load_seurat_from_projLoad Seurat Files from a single project path
load_seurat_pathRead in Gene and Transcript Seurat Objects
local_cellalignAlign two trajectories via cellalign
make_bigwig_dbMake Bigwig Database
make_seuratTools_clean_namesClean Vector of seuratTools Names
mem_strProfile the memory of an s4object
merge_small_seusMerge Small Seurat Objects
metadata_from_batchRetrieve Metadata from Batch
minimalSeuratAppCreate a minimal seurat app
monocleMonocle Server Module
Monocle2_diffexMonocle2 differential expression
monocleuiMonocle UI Module
nilnil operator
pad_sample_filespad sample numbers to prep for armor
pathwayEnrichmentpathway enrichment
pipePipe operator
plot_all_ptimesPlot a Set of Heatmaps Based on a provided pseudotime
plot_all_transcriptsPlot All Transcripts
plot_cdsPlot a Monocle Cell Data Set
plot_cell_cycle_distributionPlot cell cycle distribution grouped by metadata
plot_cellsPlot cells of a monocle cell data set
plotClustreeplot clustree server
plotClustree_UIplot clustree ui
plotCoveragePlot Coverage Module
plotDimRedPlot Dimensional Reduduction
plotDimReduiPlot Dimensional Reduduction UI
plot_featurePlot Feature
plot_feature_in_ref_query_ptimePlot Expression of a Given Feature of a set of Pseudotimes
plot_gene_coverage_by_varPlot BigWig Coverage for Genes of Interest by a Given...
plotHeatmapPlot Heatmap
plotHeatmapuiPlot Heatmap ui
plotly_settingsPlotly settings
plot_markersPlot Cluster Marker Genes
plot_monocle_featuresPlot feature expression on a Monocle Cell Data Set
plot_multiple_branches_heatmapPlot monocle pseudotime over multiple branches
plot_pseudotimePlot pseudotime on a Monocle Cell Data Set
plot_pseudotime_heatmapplot pseudotime heatmap
plot_readcountPlot Read Count
plotReadCountPlot Read Count
plotReadCountuiPlot Read Count UI
plot_scveloplot scvelo
plot_transcript_compositionPlot Transcript Composition
plot_varPlot Metadata Variables
plot_violinPlot Violin plot
plotViolinPlot Violin Server
prep_armor_metaprep armor metadata file
prep_slider_valuesPrep Slider Values
process_monocle_childPreprocess a Monocle v2 object for heatmap based on provided...
propagate_spreadsheet_changesPropagate Metadata Changes
query_experimentQuery Assay
read_project_dbRead a database of seuratTools projects
record_experiment_dataRecord Experiment Metadata
reference_integrateTransfer labels between gene or transcript objects
reformatMetadataDRReformat Seurat Object Metadata Server
reformatMetadataDRuiReformat Seurat Object Metadata UI
regress_by_featuresRegress Seurat Object by Given Set of Genes
reintegrate_seuReintegrate (filtered) seurat objects
rename_from_x_notationRename cell ids from annoying old notation
rename_seuratGive a new project name to a seurat object
reorg_seurat_filesReorganize seurat objects to a multimodal format
reset_seu_metaReset Seurat Metadata
run_BEAMRun BEAM from Monocle2
run_censusRun Census
run_enrichmentbrowserRun Enrichment Browser on Differentially Expressed Genes
run_hmapRun heatmap from Monocle2
run_seurat_deRun Seurat Differential Expression
save_seuratSave seurat object to /output/sce/_seu.rds
sce_from_tibblesCreate Single Cell Experiment from Tibbles
scvelo_expressionplot scvelo expression
set_colnames_txiSet Column Names from 'tximport'
SetDefaultAssayReset default assay
seu_calcnCalculate Read Count Metrics for a Seurat object
seu_complex_heatmapPlot Annotated Complexheatmap from Seurat object
seu_from_tibblesCreate a Seurat Object from a set of tibbles
seu_from_tximportCreate a seurat object from output of tximport and a table of...
seuratAppCreate a shiny app for a project on disk
seurat_clusterRun Louvain Clustering at Multiple Resolutions
seurat_find_markersFind Cell Type Markers in a Seurat Object
seurat_integrateBatch Correct Multiple Seurat Objects
seurat_integration_pipelineRun Seurat Integration
seurat_pipelineRun Seurat Pipeline
seurat_preprocessPreprocess Seurat Object
seurat_reduce_dimensionsDimensional Reduction
seuratToolsBoxcustom collapsible box
seuratTools-packageseuratTools: Tools for Managing Seurat Objects
seurat_v5_integrateBatch Correct Multiple Seurat Objects
seurat_v5_integration_pipelineRun Seurat Integration
stash_marker_featuresStash Marker Genes in a Seurat Object
subset_by_metaSubset by new metadata
swap_counts_from_featureSwap counts from Feature
tableSelectedCreate Table of Selected Cells
tableSelecteduiCreate Table of Selected Cells UI
threshold_monocle_genesThreshold monocle genes
transcripts_to_genesEnsembl Transcript Ids to Gene Symbols
unite_metadataUnite metadata
update_exp_metaUpdate experiment Metadata
update_human_gene_symbolsUpdate human gene symbols in seurat object
update_project_dbUpdate a database of seuratTools projects
update_seu_metaUpdate Seurat Metadata from Project
update_seuratTools_objectUpdate a seuratTools Object
velocyto_assayrun velocyto on a gene or transcript level seurat object
velocyto_seurun velocyto on a seurat object
velocyto_seurat_from_loomRun RNA Velocity starting with only a loom File
whtns/seuratTools documentation built on July 15, 2024, 5:46 a.m.