
Defines functions plot_series

Documented in plot_series

#' plotting function for series datastream.
#' simple function to plot series data quickly.
#' @param s a series data stream or a dataframe approximating one. requires columns numeric \code{Date}, numeric \code{Depth}.right now also requires to have at least 2 rows that is so i can calculate the sampling period. see readme for more information about this. 
#' @param show_gaps boolean defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, will print blocks at the top of the plotting area to indicate data gaps.
#' @param new boolean defaults to TRUE. draw a new plot if this is TRUE otherwise draw on whatever you have up.
#' @param points boolean defaults to TRUE. draw points.
#' @param lines boolean defaults to TRUE. draw lines.
#' @param pch,cex just reasonable defaults do whatever you want.
#' @param col.lines color of the lines if drawn.
#' @param col.points color of the points if drawn.
#' @param ... all the other good plotting stuff. gets passed to \code{plot}, \code{points}, and \code{lines} so think about it.
#' @export

plot_series <- function(s, show_gaps = TRUE, new = TRUE, points = TRUE, lines = TRUE, pch = 16, cex = .5, col.lines = "black", col.points = "black", col.gaps = col.lines, ylim, gap_plotting_buffer = 0.15, ylab = "Depth (meters)", xlab = "", axes = TRUE, ...) {
  GAP_PLOTTING_BUFFER <- gap_plotting_buffer
  if(nrow(s) < 2) stop("i need two points to figure out what the sampling period is...") # i guess the series sattagstream should know what its sampling period is
  if(missing(ylim)) {
    ylim <- c(min(-s$Depth, na.rm = TRUE), 10)
  if(show_gaps) {
    ylim[2] <- abs(ylim[1]) * GAP_PLOTTING_BUFFER
  if(new) plot(s$Date, -s$Depth, type = 'n', ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, axes = axes, ...)
  gaps <- findgaps2(data.frame(Start = s$Date, End = s$Date, What = "Message"), tolerance = s$Date[2] - s$Date[1])
  serstretch <- gaps$stretchid
  userstretch <- unique(serstretch)
  for(n in 1:length(userstretch)) {
    dese_ser <- serstretch == userstretch[n]
    curcurs <- s[dese_ser, ]
    if(points) points(curcurs$Date, -curcurs$Depth, pch = pch, cex = cex, col = col.points, ...)
    if(lines) lines(curcurs$Date, -curcurs$Depth, col = col.lines, ...)
  if(show_gaps) {
    gapy1 <- abs(ylim[1]) * (GAP_PLOTTING_BUFFER / 3)
    gapy2 <- ylim[2]
    rect(gaps$gap_st, rep(gapy1, gaps$ngaps), gaps$gap_en, rep(gapy2, gaps$ngaps), col = col.gaps, border = NA)
    axis(2, at = mean(c(gapy1, gapy2)), labels = c("Gaps"), las = 1)
williamcioffi/sattagutils documentation built on June 3, 2022, 10:21 a.m.