
# context("spotratecurve class")

terms <- c(1, 11, 26, 27, 28)
rates <- c(0.0719, 0.056, 0.0674, 0.0687, 0.07)

test_that("it should create spotratecurve", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "discrete", "actual/365", "actual")
  expect_s4_class(curve, "SpotRateCurve")
  expect_s4_class(curve, "SpotRate")
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve), rates)
  expect_true(all(curve@terms == terms))
  expect_s4_class(curve@compounding, "Discrete")
  expect_s4_class(curve@daycount, "Daycount")
  expect_equal(curve@calendar, "actual")

test_that("it should create spotratecurve with SpotRate", {
  spr <- spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  curve <- spotratecurve(spr, terms)
  expect_s4_class(curve, "SpotRateCurve")
  expect_s4_class(curve, "SpotRate")
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve), rates)
  expect_true(all(curve@terms == terms))
  expect_s4_class(curve@compounding, "Simple")
  expect_s4_class(curve@daycount, "Daycount")
  expect_equal(curve@calendar, "actual")

test_that("it should create spotratecurve with SpotRate and Term", {
  spr <- spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  terms_ <- term(terms, "years")
  curve <- spotratecurve(spr, terms_)
  expect_s4_class(curve, "SpotRateCurve")
  expect_s4_class(curve, "SpotRate")
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve), rates)
  expect_true(all(curve@terms@units == "day"))
  expect_equal(curve@terms, todays(curve@daycount, terms_))
  expect_s4_class(curve@terms, "Term")
  expect_s4_class(curve@compounding, "Simple")
  expect_s4_class(curve@daycount, "Daycount")
  expect_equal(curve@calendar, "actual")

test_that("it should check if terms and rates have the same length", {
    spotratecurve(rates, terms[-1], "discrete", "actual/365", "actual")

test_that("it should check if terms are unique", {
      rates, rep(1, length(rates)), "discrete", "actual/365",

test_that("it should check if terms positive", {
    spotratecurve(rates, -terms, "discrete", "actual/365", "actual")

test_that("it should create a spotratecurve using a spotrate", {
  spr <- spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  curve <- spotratecurve(spr, terms)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve), rates)
  expect_true(all(curve@terms == terms))
  expect_s4_class(curve@compounding, "Simple")
  expect_s4_class(curve@daycount, "Daycount")
  expect_equal(curve@calendar, "actual")

test_that("it should handle terms if they are not ordered", {
  spr <- spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  .terms <- sample(terms)
  ix <- order(.terms)
  curve <- spotratecurve(spr, .terms)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve), rates[ix])
  expect_true(all(as.numeric(curve@terms) == terms))

test_that("it should return the curves length", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  expect_equal(length(curve), 5)

test_that("it should check if indexed the elements is spotrate", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  expect_s4_class(curve[1], "SpotRateCurve")

test_that("it should index the elements", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[11]]), 0.056)
  expect_true(curve[[11]]@terms == 11)
  expect_true(all(curve[[c(1, 11)]]@terms == c(1, 11)))
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[c(1, 11)]]), c(0.0719, 0.056))

test_that("it should return a NA spotrate for unexistent indexes", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  expect_s4_class(curve[[10]], "SpotRateCurve")
  expect_true(curve[[10]]@terms == 10)
  expect_equal(length(curve[[10]]), 1)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[c(10, 11)]]), c(NA, 0.056))
  expect_equal(length(curve[[c(10, 11)]]), 2)

test_that("it should replace or insert elements into the curve", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  # insert one new element
  curve[[10]] <- 0.051
  expect_s4_class(curve[[10]], "SpotRateCurve")
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[10]]), 0.051)
  expect_equal(length(curve), length(terms) + 1)
  expect_equal(match(10, unclass(curve@terms)), 2)
  # insert more new elements
  curve[[c(8, 9)]] <- c(0.048, 0.049)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[c(8, 9)]]), c(0.048, 0.049))
  expect_equal(match(c(8, 9), unclass(curve@terms)), c(2, 3))
  # 2
  curve[[c(12, 13)]] <- 0.049
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[c(12, 13)]]), c(0.049, 0.049))
  # replace one element
  len_ <- length(curve)
  curve[[11]] <- 0.051
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[11]]), 0.051)
  expect_equal(length(curve), len_)
  # replace more elements
  len_ <- length(curve)
  curve[[c(1, 11)]] <- c(0.051, 0.051)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[c(1, 11)]]), c(0.051, 0.051))
  expect_equal(length(curve), len_)
  # 2
  curve[[c(1, 11)]] <- 0.05
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[c(1, 11)]]), c(0.05, 0.05))
  expect_equal(length(curve), len_)
  # insert and replace
  len_ <- length(curve)
  curve[[c(29, 26, 25)]] <- 0.07
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[c(25, 26, 29)]]), c(0.07, 0.07, 0.07))
  expect_equal(length(curve), len_ + 2)
  # 2
  curve[[c(31, 28, 35)]] <- c(0.071, 0.072, 0.073)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[c(31, 28, 35)]]), c(0.072, 0.071, 0.073))

test_that("it should replace with another spotrate", {
  # replace one element with another spotrate
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  curve[[13]] <- curve[1]
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[13]]), as.numeric(curve[1]))
  curve[[c(31, 28, 35)]] <- curve[[c(1, 11, 26)]]
    as.numeric(curve[[c(31, 28, 35)]]),
    as.numeric(curve[[c(1, 11, 26)]])[c(2, 1, 3)]

test_that("it should insert a spotratecurve into another spotratecurve", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates[-1], terms[-1], "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  curve_1 <- spotratecurve(rates[1], terms[1], "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  curve[[]] <- curve_1
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve), as.numeric(rates))
  expect_true(all(curve@terms == terms))
  curve[[]] <- spotratecurve(0, 1, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[1]), 0)
  expect_true(curve[1]@terms == 1)
  curve[[]] <- spotratecurve(
    c(0.05, 0.5), c(1, 3), "simple", "actual/365",
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[c(1, 3)]]), c(0.05, 0.5))
  expect_true(all(curve[[c(1, 3)]]@terms == c(1, 3)))

test_that("it should warn when inserting a spotratecurve into another spotratecurve with different slots", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(
    rates[-1], terms[-1], "simple", "actual/365",
  curve_1 <- spotratecurve(rates[1], terms[1], "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  expect_warning(curve[[]] <- curve_1)

test_that("it should return NA elements with [[", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  x <- curve[[100]]

test_that("it should replace with NA with [[", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  curve[[11]] <- curve[[100]]

test_that("it should return the curve head", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  hr <- head(curve, 3)
  expect_s4_class(hr, "SpotRateCurve")
  expect_equal(length(hr), 3)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(hr), head(rates, 3))
  expect_true(all(hr@terms == head(terms, 3)))

test_that("it should return the curve tail", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  hr <- tail(curve, 3)
  expect_s4_class(hr, "SpotRateCurve")
  expect_equal(length(hr), 3)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(hr), tail(rates, 3))
  expect_true(all(hr@terms == tail(terms, 3)))

test_that("it should subset the curve with boolean index", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  curve1 <- curve[terms > 20]
  expect_s4_class(curve1, "SpotRateCurve")
  expect_true(all(curve1@terms > 20))
  # recicle rule
  ix <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
  curve1 <- curve[ix]
  expect_s4_class(curve1, "SpotRateCurve")
  expect_true(all(curve1@terms == terms[ix]))
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve1), rates[ix])

test_that("it should remove a term from spotrate curve by using negative index", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  expect_equal(length(curve[[-11]]), length(curve) - 1)
  expect_true(all(curve[[-11]]@terms == terms[-2]))
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[-11]]), rates[-2])

test_that("it should index spotratecurve by position", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  expect_equal(curve[[11]], curve[2])

test_that("it should remove a spotratecurve element by its strict position", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  expect_equal(curve[[-11]], curve[-2])

test_that("it should replace spotratecurve elements using its strict position", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  # test 1
  curve[2] <- 0.051
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[11]]), 0.051)
  expect_equal(length(curve), length(terms))
  # test 2
  curve[c(2, 3)] <- c(0.051, 0.052)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(curve[[c(11, 26)]]), c(0.051, 0.052))
  expect_equal(length(curve), length(terms))

test_that("it should fail trying to replace spotratecurve elements using out of bounds strict index", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  # test 1
  expect_error(curve[100, strict = TRUE] <- 0.051)
  expect_error(curve[-2, strict = TRUE] <- 0.051)

test_that("it should coerce a spotratecurve into a data.frame", {
  curve <- spotratecurve(rates, terms, "simple", "actual/365", "actual")
  df <- as.data.frame(curve)
  expect_equal(df$terms, term(terms))
  expect_equal(df$rates, spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365", "actual"))

# test_that("it should interpolate", {
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, simpleCompounding(), as.daycount("actual/365"))
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms, spr, interp=linear)
#   expect_true(curve[21] == 0.0636)
#   expect_true(all(curve[c(11, 21, 26)] == c(0.0560, 0.0636, 0.0674)))
# })
# test_that("it should create a curve using dates", {
#   library(bizdays)
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, simpleCompounding(), as.daycount("actual/365"), Calendar(name="Actual"))
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms+Sys.Date(), spr, refdate=Sys.Date(), interp=linear)
#   expect_s4_class(curve, "SpotRateCurve")
#   expect_s4_class(terms(curve), "Date")
#   expect_true(all(terms(curve) == terms+Sys.Date()))
#   expect_true(all(terms(curve, as.x=TRUE) == terms))
# })
# test_that("it should interpolate a curve using dates", {
#   library(bizdays)
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, simpleCompounding(), as.daycount("actual/365"), Calendar(name="Actual"))
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms+as.Date("2014-07-01"), spr, refdate=as.Date("2014-07-01"))
#   expect_true(curve["2014-07-02"] == 0.0719)
#   expect_equal(rates(curve[c("2014-07-02", "2014-07-03")]), c(0.0719, 0.07031))
#   expect_true(curve["2014-07-04"] == curve[3])
# })
# test_that("it should replace a curve element using dates", {
#   library(bizdays)
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, simpleCompounding(), as.daycount("actual/365"), Calendar(name="Actual"))
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms+as.Date("2014-07-01"), spr, refdate=as.Date("2014-07-01"))
#   curve["2014-07-02"] <- 1
#   expect_true(curve["2014-07-02"] == 1)
#   curve["2014-07-03"] <- 1
#   expect_true(curve[2] == 1)
#   curve[c("2014-07-04", "2014-07-05")] <- 1
#   expect_true(all(curve[c(3, 4)] == 1))
# })
# test_that("it should create a curve using numeric and dates", {
#   library(bizdays)
#   cal <- Calendar(name="Actual")
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, simpleCompounding(), as.daycount("actual/365"), cal)
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms, spr, refdate=Sys.Date(), interp=linear)
#   expect_s4_class(curve, "SpotRateCurve")
#   expect_s4_class(terms(curve), "Date")
#   .terms <- sapply(terms, function(x) add.bizdays(Sys.Date(), x, cal))
#   expect_true(all(terms(curve) == .terms))
#   expect_true(all(terms(curve, as.x=TRUE) == terms))
# })
# test_that("it should interpolate a curve using dates and numbers", {
#   library(bizdays)
#   cal <- Calendar(name="Actual")
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365", cal)
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms, spr, refdate="2014-07-01", interp=linear)
#   expect_true(curve["2014-07-02"] == curve[1])
#   expect_equal(rates(curve[c("2014-07-02", "2014-07-03")]), rates(curve[c(1, 2)]))
#   expect_true(curve["2014-07-04"] == curve[3])
# })
# test_that("it should compute forward rates", {
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365")
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms, spr)
#   rate <- as.spotrate(0.05439928, "simple", "actual/365")
#   expect_error(forwardrate(curve, 1, 1), "to term must be greater than from." )
#   expect_equal(forwardrate(curve, 1, 11), rate, tolerance=1e-6)
#   expect_equal(forwardrate(curve, 1, forward=1), curve[1])
#   expect_equal(forwardrate(curve, 1, forward=10), rate, tolerance=1e-6)
#   f1 <- curve[10]
#   f2 <- forwardrate(curve, 10, forward=1)
#   expect_equal(compound(f1, 10) * compound(f2, 1), compound(curve[11], 11) )
#   f1 <- curve[1]
#   f2 <- forwardrate(curve, 1, forward=1)
#   expect_equal(compound(f1, 1) * compound(f2, 1), compound(curve[2], 2),
#     tolerance=1e-5)
#   expect_error(forwardrate(curve, 1),
#     "to or forward arguments must be provided." )
# })
# test_that("it should compute forward rates (vectorized)", {
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365")
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms, spr)
#   rate <- as.spotrate(c(0.05439928, 0.05439928), "simple", "actual/365")
#   expect_equal(forwardrate(curve, 1, c(11, 11)), rate, tolerance=1e-6)
#   expect_equal(forwardrate(curve, c(1, 1), c(11, 11)), rate, tolerance=1e-6)
#   expect_equal(forwardrate(curve, c(1, 1), 11), rate, tolerance=1e-6)
#   # expect_equal(forwardrate(curve, 1, forward=c(1, 1)), curve[c(1, 1)])
#   # expect_equal(forwardrate(curve, 1, forward=10), rate, tolerance=1e-6)
# })
# test_that("it should compute forward rates using dates", {
#   library(bizdays)
#   cal <- Calendar(name="Actual")
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365", cal)
#   refdate <- as.Date("2014-07-01")
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms+refdate, spr, refdate=refdate)
#   rate <- as.spotrate(0.05439928, "simple", "actual/365", cal)
#   expect_error(forwardrate(curve, refdate+1, refdate+1),
#     "to term must be greater than from.")
#   expect_equal(forwardrate(curve, refdate+1, refdate+11), rate, tolerance=1e-6)
#   expect_equal(forwardrate(curve, refdate+1, forward=1), curve[1])
#   expect_equal(forwardrate(curve, refdate+1, forward=10), rate, tolerance=1e-6)
#   f1 <- curve[refdate+10]
#   f2 <- forwardrate(curve, refdate+10, forward=1)
#   expect_equal(compound(f1, 10) * compound(f2, 1),
#     compound(curve[refdate+11], 11) )
#   f1 <- curve[refdate+1]
#   f2 <- forwardrate(curve, refdate+1, forward=1)
#   expect_equal( compound(f1, 1) * compound(f2, 1),
#     compound(curve[refdate+2], 2), tolerance=1e-5)
# })
# test_that("it should compound curve", {
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365")
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms, spr)
#   expect_equal(compound(curve, 11), 1.00168767)
#   expect_equal(compound(curve, c(11, 26)), c(1.00168767, 1.004801096))
#   library(bizdays)
#   cal <- Calendar(name="Actual")
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365", cal)
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms, spr, refdate="2014-07-01", interp=linear)
#   expect_equal(compound(curve, "2014-07-12"), 1.00168767)
#   expect_equal(compound(curve, c("2014-07-12", "2014-07-27")),
#     c(1.00168767, 1.004801096))
# })
# test_that("it should call [[ which returns a numeric value", {
#   spr <- as.spotrate(rates, "simple", "actual/365")
#   curve <- as.spotratecurve(terms, spr)
#   i <- curve[[21]]
#   expect_true(is.numeric(i))
#   expect_true(i == 0.0636)
#   expect_error(curve[[1:10]])
#   expect_error(curve[[-1]])
# })

# test_that("it should append a SpotRate to a SpotRateCurve", {
#     curve[32] <- 0.0643
#     expect_equal(length(curve), 6)
#     expect_equal(terms(curve), c(1, 11, 26, 27, 28, 32))
#     expect_equal(rates(curve), c(0.0719, 0.056, 0.0674, 0.0687, 0.07, 0.0643))
#     curve[3] <- 0.07
#     expect_equal(length(curve), 7)
#     expect_equal(terms(curve), c(1, 3, 11, 26, 27, 28, 32))
#     expect_equal(rates(curve), c(0.0719, 0.07, 0.056, 0.0674, 0.0687, 0.07, 0.0643))
#     curve[3] <- 0.06
#     expect_equal(length(curve), 7)
#     expect_equal(terms(curve), c(1, 3, 11, 26, 27, 28, 32))
#     expect_equal(rates(curve), c(0.0719, 0.06, 0.056, 0.0674, 0.0687, 0.07, 0.0643))
#     curve[c(3,7,6)] <- c(0.059, 0.058, 0.057)
#     expect_equal(length(curve), 9)
#     expect_equal(terms(curve), c(1, 3, 6, 7, 11, 26, 27, 28, 32))
#     expect_equal(rates(curve), c(0.0719, 0.059, 0.057, 0.058, 0.056, 0.0674, 0.0687, 0.07, 0.0643))
# })
# test_that("it should find the neighbors for a given term", {
#     expect_equal(neighbors(curve, 11), c(11, 11))
#     expect_equal(neighbors(curve, 21), c(11, 26))
# })
# test_that("it should define a datum and a Calendar to a curve", {
# 	terms <- c(1, 11, 26, 27, 28)
# 	rates <- c(0.0719, 0.056, 0.0674, 0.0687, 0.07)
# 	curve <- SpotRateCurve(rates, terms, datum="2013-10-28")
# 	expect_equal(datum(curve), as.Date("2013-10-28"))
# })
# test_that("it should define a name to a curve", {
# 	terms <- c(1, 11, 26, 27, 28)
# 	rates <- c(0.0719, 0.056, 0.0674, 0.0687, 0.07)
# 	curve <- SpotRateCurve(rates, terms, name="CURVE")
# 	expect_equal(name(curve), "CURVE")
# })

# test_that("it should return the curve\"s tail", {
# 	terms <- c(1, 11, 26, 27, 28, 30)
# 	rates <- c(0.0719, 0.056, 0.0674, 0.0687, 0.07, 0.07)
# 	curve <- SpotRateCurve(rates, terms)
# 	expect_s4_class(tail(curve), "SpotRateCurve")
# 	expect_equal(length(tail(curve, 3)), 3)
# 	expect_equal(tail(curve), curve)
# 	expect_error(tail(curve, 10))
# })
wilsonfreitas/R-fixedincome documentation built on June 30, 2023, 7:46 a.m.