Scenario-class: Class 'Scenario'

Description Slots


Set individual slots in a Scenario object (data, design matrix, etc.) listed by help("Scenario-class").



Numeric vector of length length(contrasts). Used to formulate logical propositions involving contrasts.


list of numeric vectors, each length L. Each vector is a contrast of the beta_{l, .}'s of interest.


RNA-seq count data matrix with G rows (for genes) and N columns (for libraries/samples).


Design matrix, with N rows and L columns. Same format as in edgeR::glmFit, with RNA-seq libraries/samples as rows and each beta_{l, .} as a column.


List of numeric vectors of length P. Each numeric vector v denotes a logical proposition that involves the contrasts list and bounds vector. Each element of v is the index of a contrast in contrasts. For each gene, the MCMC will estimate the posterior probability that each contrast (of the beta parameters) denoted in v is greater than its corresponding value in bound. See the tutorial vignette for more details


a list containing supplementary information about the scenario: for example, how the data were simulated, if applicable

wlandau/fbseq documentation built on May 4, 2019, 8:43 a.m.