
# PooledSurvey <- function(...) {
#   dataList <- list(...)
#   if (length(dataList) > 1) {
#     dataList <- lapply(dataList, as.SurveyQuestion)
#     attrList <- lapply(dataList, getQProps)
#     dataList <- lapply(dataList, ensureSampleSizeAvailable)
#     #Create keys of question names (with duplicates resolved) to question ids
#     surveyQs <- lapply(dataList, function(x)unique(x[c("question", "questionId")])) %>%
#       lapply(dplyr::mutate_each, funs = "as.character") %>%
#       lapply(function(qs) {
#         while(anyDuplicated(qs$question)) {
#           qs$question[duplicated(qs$question)] <-
#             paste0(qs$question[duplicated(qs$question)], "1")
#         }
#         qs
#       })
#     #create new set of unique question ids that combines matching
#     #question names across surveys
#     newQids <- lapply(surveyQs, magrittr::extract2, "question") %>% unlist %>% unique %>%
#       data.frame(question = ., questionId = paste0("Q",seq_along(.)))
#     #map from input data question names to duplicate resolved question names
#     #to new global unique ids
#     dataList <- mapply(function(s, q){
#       s$questionId %<>% match(q$questionId) %>% magrittr::extract(q$question, .) %>%
#         match(newQids$question) %>% magrittr::extract(newQids$questionId, .)
#       s}, dataList, surveyQs, SIMPLIFY = F)
#     #TODO: rather than suppress all warnings, preconvert factors
#     suppressWarnings(answers <- dplyr::bind_rows(dataList, .id = "Survey"))
#     answers <- dplyr::mutate(answers, question = factor(question),
#                              questionId = factor(questionId),
#                              type = factor(type),
#                              Survey = factor(Survey))
#     #class(answers) <- c("PooledSurvey", class(answers))
#     answers <- addClass("PooledSurvey")
#   }  #else answers <- ensureSampleSizeAvailable(dataList[[1]])
#   #answers <- as.SurveyQuestion(answers, pooledProperties)
#   answers <- as.SurveyQuestion(answers, qProps)
#   answers
# }

PooledSurvey <- function(...) {
  dataList <- list(...)
  if (length(dataList) > 1) {
    attrList <- lapply(dataList, getQProps)
    dataList <- lapply(dataList, ensureSampleSizeAvailable)
    #Create keys of question names (with duplicates resolved) to question ids
    surveyQs <- lapply(attrList, function(x) {
      qs <- x[c("question", "questionId")] %>%
        dplyr::mutate_each_(funs = "as.character")
      while(anyDuplicated(qs$question)) {
        qs$question[duplicated(qs$question)] <-
          paste0(qs$question[duplicated(qs$question)], "1")
    #create new set of unique question ids that combines matching
    #question names across surveys
    newQids <- lapply(surveyQs, magrittr::use_series, "question") %>%
      unlist %>% unique %>%
      data.frame(question = ., questionId = seq_along(.))
    surveyQs <- merge(surveyQs, newQids)
    #map from input data question names to duplicate resolved question names
    #to new global unique ids
    lapply(dataList, updateQuestionId, old = surveyQs$questionId,
           new = surveyQs$newQids)
#     dataList <- mapply(function(s, q){
#       s$questionId %<>% match(q$questionId) %>% magrittr::extract(q$question, .) %>%
#         match(newQids$question) %>% magrittr::extract(newQids$questionId, .)
#       s}, dataList, surveyQs, SIMPLIFY = F)

    #TODO: rather than suppress all warnings, preconvert factors
    suppressWarnings(answers <- dplyr::bind_rows(dataList, .id = "Survey"))
    answers <- dplyr::mutate(answers, question = factor(question),
                             questionId = factor(questionId),
                             type = factor(type),
                             Survey = factor(Survey))
    #class(answers) <- c("PooledSurvey", class(answers))
    answers <- addClass("PooledSurvey")
  }  #else answers <- ensureSampleSizeAvailable(dataList[[1]])
  #answers <- as.SurveyQuestion(answers, pooledProperties)
  answers <- as.SurveyQuestion(answers, qProps)
wmurphyrd/monkeywrangler documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:46 a.m.