### internal functions to read Columbus GPS data
## read data from csv format:
columbus_csv <- function (path, tzone_gps = NULL, tzone_out = NULL) {
d <- suppressWarnings(read.csv(path, header = FALSE, fill = TRUE)) %>%
d <- d[-c(1:5), -10]
d <- d %>%
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(!V2:V6, as.numeric))
d <- d %>%
lat_hem = stringr::str_extract(V5, "[a-zA-Z]"),
lat = readr::parse_number(V5),
lat = ifelse(lat_hem == "N", lat, lat * -1),
lon_meridian = stringr::str_extract(V6, "[a-zA-Z]"),
lon = readr::parse_number(V6),
lon = ifelse(lon_meridian == "W", lon * -1, lon),
hr = substr(V4, 1, 2),
min = substr(V4, 3, 4),
sec = substr(V4, 5, 6)
d %>%
date_utc = lubridate::ymd(V3),
time_utc = chron::times(stringr::str_c(hr, min, sec, sep = ":")),
Date_Time = lubridate::ymd_hms(paste(date_utc, time_utc)),
Date_Time = lubridate::force_tzs(Date_Time, tzones = tzone_gps, tzone_out = tzone_out)
) %>%
dplyr::select(Date_Time, lat, lon,
gps_index = V1,
tag = V2,
height = V7,
speed = V8,
heading = V9
## read data from nmea format:
columbus_nmea <- function(path, tzone_gps = NULL, tzone_out = NULL, filter_fix = NULL) {
t_nmea <- readr::read_lines(path)
lgl_gpgga <- stringr::str_detect(t_nmea, 'GPGGA')
t_gpgga <- t_nmea[lgl_gpgga]
t_gpmrc <- t_nmea[!lgl_gpgga]
l_gpgga <- stringr::str_split(t_gpgga, ',')
l_gprmc <- stringr::str_split(t_gpmrc, ',')
lgl_15 <- purrr::map_lgl(l_gpgga, ~length(.) == 15)
lgl_13 <- purrr::map_lgl(l_gprmc, ~length(.) == 13)
l_gpgga <- l_gpgga[lgl_15]
l_gprmc <- l_gprmc[lgl_13]
nmea_enf <- function(l, e_num) {
l_var <- purrr::map(l, e_num)
v_var <- unlist(l_var)
dvar <- tibble::enframe(v_var, name = NULL)
d_gpgga <- purrr::map_dfc(1:14, ~nmea_enf(l_gpgga, .)) %>%
d_gprmc <- purrr::map_dfc(1:12, ~nmea_enf(l_gprmc, .)) %>%
d_gpgga <- purrr::set_names(d_gpgga, c('gpgga', 'time', 'latitude', 'gpgga_lat_hem', 'longitude', 'gpgga_lon_hem', 'gpgga_fix',
'gpgga_sats', 'gpgga_accuracy','gpgga_alt', 'gpgga_alt_units', 'gpgga_geoidal_sep',
'gpgga_geoidal_unit', 'gpgga_seconds'))
d_gprmc <- purrr::set_names(d_gprmc, c('gprmc', 'time', 'gprmc_fix', 'latitude', 'gprmc_lat_hem', 'longitude', 'gprmc_lon_hem',
'gprmc_speed', 'gprmc_bearing', 'gprmc_date', 'gprmc_variation', 'gprmc_ew'))
d_gps <- dplyr::inner_join(d_gpgga, d_gprmc) %>% suppressMessages()
d_gps <- purrr::map_df(d_gps, ~stringr::str_remove_all(., '[*]'))
d_gps <- d_gps %>%
dplyr::select(time:gpgga_alt, gprmc_speed:gprmc_date) %>%
dplyr::relocate(gprmc_date) %>%
dplyr::rename_with(., ~stringr::str_replace_all(., 'gpgga_|gprmc_', ''))
d_deg <- d_gps %>%
dplyr::select(starts_with(c('lat', 'lon'))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(deg_lat = substr(latitude, start = 1, stop = 2),
lat_char = max(nchar(latitude)),
mm_lat = substr(latitude, start = 3, stop = lat_char),
deg_lon = substr(longitude, start = 1, stop = 3),
lon_char = max(nchar(longitude)),
mm_lon = substr(longitude, start = 4, stop = lon_char)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(deg_lat, mm_lat, deg_lon, mm_lon), as.numeric)) %>%
suppressWarnings() %>%
dplyr::mutate(ds_lat = mm_lat / 60,
ds_lon = mm_lon / 60,
lat = deg_lat + ds_lat,
lon = (deg_lon + ds_lon),
lat = ifelse(lat_hem == 'N', lat, lat*-1),
lon = ifelse(lon_hem == 'E', lon, lon*-1)) %>%
dplyr::select(lat, lon)
gps_bind <- dplyr::bind_cols(d_gps, d_deg)
if (isTRUE(filter_fix)) {
v_gps <- gps_bind %>%
dplyr::filter(fix %in% c('1', '2'))
} else {
v_gps <- gps_bind
v_gps <- v_gps %>%
dplyr::mutate(date_utc = lubridate::dmy(date),
hr = substr(time, 1, 2),
min = substr(time, 3, 4),
sec = substr(time, 5, 6),
time_utc = chron::times(stringr::str_c(hr, min, sec, sep = ":")),
Date_Time = lubridate::ymd_hms(paste(date_utc, time_utc)),
Date_Time = lubridate::force_tzs(Date_Time, tzones = tzone_gps, tzone_out = tzone_out),
Date = as.Date(Date_Time)) %>%
suppressWarnings() %>%
dplyr::select(Date_Time, Date, lat, lon,
gps_fix = fix,
sats_inuse = sats,
gps_accuracy = accuracy,
gps_altitude = alt,
gps_bearing = bearing,
gps_speed = speed) %>%
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(dplyr::starts_with(c('gps', 'sats'))), as.numeric))
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