
Defines functions extractConvertCoord convertCoord.individual convertCoord

Documented in convertCoord convertCoord.individual extractConvertCoord

#' Convert coordinate from different coordinate systems to AutoNavi system
#' This function is a wrap of coordinate convert API of AutoNavi Map Service.\cr
#' While how to input the origin coordinate is sill unstable and
#'  95\% sure that it will have a breaking change in the future.
#' Please consider carefully if introduced this function in product environment.
#' @param locations Required. \cr
#' String coordinate point from other coordinate system
#' @param key Optional.\cr
#' Amap Key. \cr
#' Applied from AutoNavi Map API official website\url{https://lbs.amap.com/dev/}
#' @param coordsys Optional.\cr
#' Coordinate System. \cr
#' Support: `gps`,`mapbar`,`baidu` and `autonavi`-not convert
#' @param sig Optional.\cr
#' Digital Signature.\cr
#' How to use this argument?
#' Please check here{https://lbs.amap.com/faq/account/key/72}
#' @param output Optional.\cr
#' Output Data Structure. \cr
#' Support JSON, XML and data.table. The default value is data.table.
#' @param keep_bad_request Optional.\cr
#' Keep Bad Request to avoid breaking a workflow,
#' especially meaningful in a batch request
#' @param ... Optional.\cr
#' For compatibility only
#' @return
#' Returns a JSON, XML or data.table of results
#' containing detailed geocode information.
#' See \url{https://lbs.amap.com/api/webservice/guide/api/convert}
#' for more information.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(amapGeocode)
#' # Before the `convertCoord()` is executed,
#' # the token should be set by `option(amap_key = 'key')`
#' # or set by key argument in `convertCoord()`
#' # get result of converted coordinate system as a data.table
#' convertCoord("116.481499,39.990475", coordsys = "gps")
#' # get result of converted coordinate system as a XML
#' convertCoord("116.481499,39.990475", coordsys = "gps", to_table = FALSE)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{convertCoord}}
convertCoord <-
           key = NULL,
           coordsys = NULL,
           sig = NULL,
           output = "data.table",
           keep_bad_request = TRUE,
           ...) {
      # handle multiple or solo locations,
      # parallel operation will be applied
      # if a strategy has been chosen by `future::plan()`
      ls_queries <-
          key = key,
          coordsys = coordsys,
          sig = sig,
          output = output,
          keep_bad_request = keep_bad_request

      # if there is only one keyword, there is no need
      # to return a list which only contain one element.
      if (length(locations) == 1)
        ls_queries <- ls_queries[[1]]

      # detect return list of raw requests or `rbindlist` parsed data.table
      if (output == "data.table" && length(locations) != 1) {
      } else {

#' Convert an individual coordinate from
#' different coordinate systems to AutoNavi system
#' @param locations Required. \cr
#' String coordinate point from other coordinate system
#' @param key Optional.\cr
#' Amap Key. \cr
#' Applied from AutoNavi Map API official website\url{https://lbs.amap.com/dev/}
#' @param coordsys Optional.\cr
#' Coordinate System. \cr
#' Support: `gps`,`mapbar`,`baidu` and `autonavi`-not convert
#' @param sig Optional.\cr
#' Digital Signature.\cr
#' How to use this argument?
#' Please check here{https://lbs.amap.com/faq/account/key/72}
#' @param output Optional.\cr
#' Output Data Structure. \cr
#' Support JSON, XML and data.table. The default value is data.table.
#' @param keep_bad_request Optional.\cr
#' Keep Bad Request to avoid breaking a workflow,
#' especially meaningful in a batch request
#' @param ... Optional.\cr
#' For compatibility only
#' @return
#' Returns a JSON, XML or data.table of results
#' containing detailed geocode information.
#' See \url{https://lbs.amap.com/api/webservice/guide/api/convert}
#' for more information.
convertCoord.individual <- function(locations,
                                    key = NULL,
                                    coordsys = NULL,
                                    sig = NULL,
                                    output = "data.table",
                                    keep_bad_request = TRUE,
                                    ...) {
  # Arguments check ---------------------------------------------------------
  # Check if key argument is set or not
  # If there is no key, try to get amap_key from option and set as key
  if (is.null(key)) {
    if (is.null(getOption("amap_key"))) {
        "Please set key argument or set amap_key globally by this command
                 options(amap_key = your key)",
        call. = FALSE
    key <- getOption("amap_key")

  # Check wether output argument is data.table
  # If it is, override argument, because the API did not support data.table
  # the convert will be performed locally.
  if (output == "data.table") {
    output <- NULL

  # assemble url and parameter ----------------------------------------------

  base_url <- "https://restapi.amap.com/v3/assistant/coordinate/convert"

  query_parm <- list(
    key = key,
    locations = locations,
    coordsys = coordsys,
    sig = sig,
    output = output

  # GET a response with full url --------------------------------------------

  res <-
    httr::RETRY("GET", url = base_url, query = query_parm)

  if (!keep_bad_request) {
  } else {
                                 "makes an unsuccessfully request"))

  res_content <-

  # Transform response to data.table or return directly ------------

  if (is.null(output)) {
  } else {
#' Extract converted coordinate points from convertCoord request
#' @param res Required.\cr
#' Response from convertCoord.
#' @return
#' Returns a data.table
#' which extracts converted coordinate points from request of convertCoord.
#' See \url{https://lbs.amap.com/api/webservice/guide/api/convert}
#' for more information.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(amapGeocode)
#' # Before the `convertCoord()` is executed,
#' # the token should be set by `option(amap_key = 'key')`
#' # or set by key argument in `convertCoord()`
#' # get result of converted coordinate system as a XML
#' convertCoord("116.481499,39.990475", coordsys = "gps", to_table = FALSE) %>%
#'   # extract result of converted coordinate system as a data.table
#'   extractConvertCoord()
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{convertCoord}}
extractConvertCoord <- function(res) {
  # Detect what kind of response will go to parse ------------------------------
  # If there is a bad request, return a data.table directly.
  if (length(res) == 0) {
      lng = "Bad Request",
      lat = "Bad Request"
  } else {
    xml_detect <-
      any(stringr::str_detect(class(res), "xml_document"))
    # Convert xml2 to list
    if (isTRUE(xml_detect)) {
      # get the number of retruned address
      res <-
      res <-

    # check the status of request
    request_stat <-

    # If request_stat is failure
    # Return the failure information
    if (request_stat == "0") {
        call. = FALSE

    # parse lng and lat from location
    location_in_coord <-
      # Internal Function from Helpers, no export
      lng = location_in_coord[[1]],
      lat = location_in_coord[[2]]
womeimingzi11/amapGeocode documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 6:24 a.m.