
Defines functions rcmap_quick

Documented in rcmap_quick

#' rCrimemap using pre-processed JSON data - a faster version of rcmap()
#' @param period Specific month of interest between Dec 2010 and Jan 2014 in 'yyyy-mm' format (e.g. 2014-01)
#' @param map_size Resolution of the map (e.g. Full HD = c(1920 x 1080))
#' @param map_center Center of the map, Lichfield is approx. center of England & Wales
#' @param provider: Base map service provider (e.g. "OpenStreetMap.BlackAndWhite") (see http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/index.html)
#' @param zoom Zoom level of the map
#' @param marker Place a marker at the center? (default = NULL)
#' ## Create a heatmap with default settings
#' rcmap_quick()
#' ## Be more specific
#' rcmap_quick(period = "2014-01", map_size = c(1920,1080), provider = "MapQuestOpen.OSM")

rcmap_quick <- function(period = "2014-01",                  ## reformatted data from 2010-12 to 2014-01
                        map_size = c(960, 500),              ## resolution of map
                        map_center = "Lichfield",            ## adjust center of the map, Lichfield is approx. center of England & Wales
                        provider = "OpenStreetMap.BlackAndWhite",        ## base map provider
                        zoom = 6,                            ## start from 7
                        marker = NULL)                       ## no marker unless specified
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ## References
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ## https://github.com/ramnathv/rMaps
  ## http://data.police.uk
  ## http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/index.html
  ## http://leaflet.github.io/Leaflet.heat/dist/leaflet-heat.js
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ## Download data (reformatted and stored in author's Bitbucket account)
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ## Make sure the input is valid
  all_year_month <- format(seq(as.Date("2010-12-01"), length=38, by="months"), "%Y-%m")
  if (!period %in% all_year_month) {  
    ## Set period to latest available dataset
    period <- all_year_month[length(all_year_month)]
    ## Display error message
    cat("[rCrimemap]: The input period is out of range! The latest dataset '",
        period, "' is used instead.\n", sep = "")
  ## Download reformatted JSON data directly from Bitbucket
  cat("[rCrimemap]: Downloading '", period, "-json.rda' from author's Bitbucket account ...\n", sep = "")
  con <- url(paste0("http://woobe.bitbucket.org/data/rCrimemap/", period, "-json.rda"))
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ## Create Leaflet object with Heat Map
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ## Display
  cat("[rCrimemap]: Creating Leaflet with Heat Map ...\n")
  ## Approx. centroid
  suppressMessages(latlon <- geocode(paste0(map_center, ", UK")))
  ## Create Leaflet
  L2 <- rMaps::Leaflet$new()
  L2$params$width <- map_size[1]
  L2$params$height <- map_size[2]
  L2$setView(c(latlon$lat, latlon$lon), zoom)
  L2$tileLayer(provider = provider)   ## OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
  ## Set Marker
  if (!is.null(marker)) {
    suppressMessages(latlon <- geocode(paste(marker, ", UK")))
    L2$marker(c(latlon$lat, latlon$lon), bindPopup = marker)
  ## Add leaflet-heat plugin. Thanks to Vladimir Agafonkin
  L2$addAssets(jshead = c("http://leaflet.github.io/Leaflet.heat/dist/leaflet-heat.js"))
  ## Add javascript to modify underlying chart
  L2$setTemplate(afterScript = sprintf("<script>
                                          var addressPoints = %s
                                          var heat = L.heatLayer(addressPoints).addTo(map)           
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ## Return Leaflet object
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
woobe/rCrimemap documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:47 a.m.