
nmatches <- function(x, pattern, ignore.case=FALSE)
  ret <- grep(x=x, pattern=pattern, ignore.case=ignore.case)
  if (length(ret) == 0)
    return( 0L )
    return( ret )

get.format <- function(filename)
  if (nmatches(x=filename, pattern="[.]f$", ignore.case=TRUE))
    return( "f77" )
  else if (nmatches(x=filename, pattern="[.]f90$", ignore.case=TRUE))
    return( "f90" )
    warn(paste("Unable to determine format of ", filename, "; skipping", sep=""))
    return( NULL )

# control for continuation lines
continuation <- function(loc, subr, format)
  if (format == "f90")
    symbol <- "&"
    adj <- 0L
    symbol <- "[$]"
    adj <- 1L
  ct <- 0L
  vars <- ""
  n <- nmatches(x=subr[loc+adj], pattern=symbol)
  while (n)
    ct <- ct + 1L
    n <- nmatches(x=subr[loc+ct+adj], pattern=symbol)
  vars <- subr[loc:(loc+ct)]
  vars <- gsub(x=vars, pattern=symbol, replacement=" ")
  vars <- paste(vars, collapse="")
  return( vars )
wrathematics/f2cp documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:49 a.m.