#' Spatial random effects
#' Generate multiresolution spatial basis functions on a given domain
#' @param loc matrix of locations (both point observations and quadrature locations) that are to be included in the Cox process model. The columns must be named \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @param n.1 number of basis functions that make up the first (coarsest) resolution
#' @param n.res number of resolutions to use
#' @param bw.scale multiplier used to set the bandwidths of the basis functions. Bandwidth for the \code{k}th resolution is set to \code{bw.scale * min.dist}, where \code{min.dist} is the minimum distance between basis function centers in the \code{k}th resolution (default is 1.5).
#' @param res.scale relative increase in the number of basis functions to use for each resolution (default is 3)
#' @param xlim bounds (in the x dimension) of the region to be spanned by the basis functions (optional)
#' @param ylim bounds (in the y dimension) of the region to be spanned by the basis functions (optional)
#' @return \code{SRE}, the spatial random effect design matrix, with a row for each location and a column for each basis function. The \code{(i,j)}th entry of this matrix is the value of basis function \code{j} at location \code{i}.
#' @details Use multiresolution bisquares to generate Cressie-style spatial random effects on a domain defined by bounds \code{xlim} and \code{ylim} (Cressie, 2008). The default is to use three spatial resolutions: coarse, mid, and fine (the number of resolutions is controlled by the parameter \code{n.res}). By default, the coarsest resolution consists of 16 basis functions (controlled by the parameter \code{n.1}) and each successive resolution has three times as many basis functions as the next coarser resolution (controlled by parameter \code{res.scale}). Each basis function is a bisquare centered at some point, and the bandwidth of the bases at each resolution is proportional to the smallest distance between bisquare centers at that resolution (so the bandwidth gets smaller as the resolution gets finer, because with more basis functions at fine resolution, they are closer together). The actual value of the bandwidth for a specific resolution is obtained by finding the smallest disance between center points at that resolution, then multiplying that distance by parameter \code{res.scale}. The domain is a rectangle and if the \code{xlim} or \code{ylim} parameters are omitted, the extreme values of \code{loc$x} or \code{loc$y} will be substituted, respectively.
#' @references Cressie, N., & Johannesson, G. (2008). Fixed rank kriging for very large spatial data sets. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 70(1), 209-226.
#' @export
SRE <- function(loc, n.1=16, n.res=3, bw.scale=1.5, res.scale=3, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL) {
  if (!is.null(xlim)) XX <- range(loc$x) else XX <- xlim
  if (!is.null(ylim)) YY <- range(loc$y) else YY <- ylim
  n.grid <- n.1
  SRE <- matrix(NA, nrow(loc), 0)

  if (n.res == 0) return("All possible resolution layers have been eliminated.\n")

  # Set up three different spatial resolutions:
  for (r in 1:n.res) {
    margin <- 1 / 2 / sqrt(n.grid)

    # Find the limits of this grid scale
    xlim <- c(margin, 1-margin) * diff(XX) + min(XX)
    ylim <- c(margin, 1-margin) * diff(YY) + min(YY)

    # Find the grid points at this scale
    len.xx <- round(sqrt(n.grid / (diff(YY) / diff(XX))))
    len.yy <- round(sqrt(n.grid / (diff(XX) / diff(YY))))
    xx <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], len=len.xx)
    yy <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], len=len.yy)
    closest <- min(xx[2] - xx[1], yy[2] - yy[1])
    points <- data.frame(x=rep(xx, times=len.yy), y=rep(yy, each=len.xx))

    # Evaluate the basis functions at the locations given in loc
    dist <- sqrt(outer(loc$x, points$x, '-')^2 + outer(loc$y, points$y, '-')^2)
    SRE <- cbind(SRE, apply(dist, 2, function(z) bisquare(z, bw.scale*closest)))

    #Get the number of points for the next scale of the grid
    n.grid <- n.grid * res.scale

  # Remove random effect components that don't project onto any locations
  indx <- which(colSums(SRE)==0)
  if (length(indx)>0) SRE <- SRE[,-indx]

wrbrooks/cox documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:58 a.m.