MicrobiotaProcess: A comprehensive R package for managing and analyzing microbiome and other ecological data within the tidy framework

Bioc platform

Anatomy of a MPSE

The structure of the MPSE class.

The structure of the MPSE class.

Overview of the design of MicrobiotaProcess package

The Overview of the design of MicrobiotaProcess package

The Overview of the design of MicrobiotaProcess package

:writing_hand: Authors

Shuangbin Xu and Guangchuang Yu

School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University

If you use MicrobiotaProcess in published research. Please cite the paper:

Shuangbin Xu, Li Zhan, Wenli Tang, Qianwen Wang, Zehan Dai, Land Zhou, Tingze Feng, Meijun Chen, Tianzhi Wu, Erqiang Hu, Guangchuang Yu*. MicrobiotaProcess: A comprehensive R package for deep mining microbiome. The Innovation. 2023, 4(2):100388. doi: 10.1016/j.xinn.2023.100388.

:arrow_double_down: Installation

Get the released version from Bioconductor:

## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported ## the url of mirror
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
## BiocManager::install("BiocUpgrade") ## you may need this

the development version from github:

if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly=TRUE))

:book: Vignette

For more details, please refer to the online vignette.

:sparkling_heart: Contributing

We welcome any contributions! By participating in this project you agree to abide by the terms outlined in the Contributor Code of Conduct.

xiangpin/MicrobitaProcess documentation built on July 28, 2024, 1:43 p.m.