Man pages for xiangpin/ggadd
An R Package To Add Geometric Layers On Circular Or Other Layout Tree Of "ggtree"

geom_fruitplot tree with associated data in another method.
position_dodgexDodge overlapping objects side-to-side which can be shifted...
position_identityxadjust identity position which can be shifted vertically or...
position_jitterdodgexSimultaneously dodge and jitter, and the whole layer can be...
position_jitterxJitter points to avoid overplotting, and the whole points can...
position_points_jitterxRandomly jitter the points in a ridgeline plot which can be...
position_points_sinaxadjust ridgeline plot position which can be shifted...
position_raincloudxCreate a cloud of randomly jittered points below a ridgeline...
position_stackxStack overlapping objects which can be shifted vertically or...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
xiangpin/ggadd documentation built on May 19, 2024, 7:20 a.m.