Man pages for xmarquez/AuthoritarianismBook
Replication Package for the Book Non-Democratic Politics by Xavier Marquez

all_electionsA list of all elections in both the NELDA and the PIPE...
all_gwfSelection from the Geddes, Wright, and Frantz Autocratic...
all_gwf_extended_yearlySelection from the Geddes, Wright, and Frantz Autocratic...
all_gwf_periodsSelection from the Geddes, Wright, and Frantz Autocratic...
all_war_participants_yearlyList of War Participants by Gleditsch.
archigosThe Archigos dataset of political regimes, v. 4.1
democracyAll Democracy Scores Dataset
democracy_mentions_yearlyMentions of democracy in constitutional documents, V. 1.0
economic_dataCombined GDP dataset
extended_udsExtended Unified Democracy Scores (UDS)
farissFariss latent variable index of repression
interstate_dyads_yearlyList of Interstate War Dyads by Gleditsch
kailitz_yearlyThe Steffen Kailitz Dataset of Authoritarian Regime Types
liedThe Lexical Index of Democracy, v. 3
magaloniSelection from the Autocracies of the World dataset v. 1.0
magaloni_extendedSelection from the Autocracies of the World dataset v. 1.0
navco_2Selection from the NAVCO dataset v. 2.0
neldaThe NELDA v.4 dataset (selection)
personal_scoresLatent variable index of personalism, v. 1.0
PIPESelection from the Political Institutions and Political...
polity_annualSelection from the POLITY IV dataset
population_dataPopulation of Independent States
powell_thynePowell-Thyne coup data (V2015.09.30)
RossA selection from Ross and Mahdavi's Oil and Gas dataset
svolik_institutionsMilan Svolik's Institutions in Dictatorship Dataset
svolik_leaderMilan Svolik's Leaders in Dictatorship Dataset
swiid_summary_5Summary of the Standardized World Income Inequality Database
vdemA selection of indexes from the V-Dem dataset, version 6.1
wahman_teorellA selection from the Authoritarian Regimes Data Set, v. 5.0
worldWorld map data, in country-year format, for use with ggplot2.
xmarquez/AuthoritarianismBook documentation built on May 4, 2019, 1:24 p.m.