swiid_summary_5: Summary of the Standardized World Income Inequality Database

Description Usage Format Variable descriptions References See Also


This is a summary (with confidence estimates for each country-year_ of the Standardized World Income Inequality Database (Solt 2009, 2016), version 5.0. The original data is available at http://fsolt.org/swiid/




An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 13090 rows and 19 columns.

Variable descriptions


Standardized country name. This is the same across all datasets in this package, so you can always join them by country_name and year. Character with 167 distinct values. Most common: New Zealand (184), Singapore (186), United Kingdom (184). NAs = 0.


Gleditsch-Ward numeric country code. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Numeric. Max = 950, min = 2, distinct = 167, mean = 415.435, sd = 250.843, NAs = 0.


Year. Numeric. Max = 2013, min = 1960, distinct = 54, mean = 1993.976, sd = 12.43, NAs = 0.


The type of estimate. There are four types: Market gini (before taxes and transfers), net gini (after taxes and transfers), relative redistribution, and absolute redistribution. Factor with 4 levels. Most common: gini_net (4551), gini_market (4549), rel_red (1995), abs_red (1995). NAs = 0.


The average value of the estimate. (The original dataset provides 500 different values using multiple imputation - see Solt for details). Numeric. Max = 72.85, min = -11.13, distinct = 13090, mean = 32.789, sd = 15.856, NAs = 0.


The standard error of the mean. Numeric. Max = 23.161, min = 0.057, distinct = 13090, mean = 2.071, sd = 1.744, NAs = 0.


Lower bound of the 95% confidence interval. Numeric. Max = 68.164, min = -45.875, distinct = 13090, mean = 28.73, sd = 16.333, NAs = 0.


Upper bound of the 95% confidence interval. Numeric. Max = 102.297, min = -0.265, distinct = 13090, mean = 36.849, sd = 16.106, NAs = 0.


Country name in the original dataset. Factor with 174 levels. Most common: Australia (182), New Zealand (184), Norway (182), Singapore (186), Sweden (182), United Kingdom (184), United States (182). NAs = 0.


Gleditsch-Ward alphabetic country code. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Character with 167 distinct values. Most common: NEW (184), SIN (186), UKG (184). NAs = 0.


Correlates of War numeric country code. Differs from GWn for a few country-years. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Numeric. Max = 950, min = 2, distinct = 167, mean = 415.479, sd = 250.857, NAs = 0.


Region. Character with 20 distinct values. Most common: Eastern Europe (1262), Northern Europe (1466), South America (1166). NAs = 0.


Continent. Character with 5 distinct values. Most common: Americas (2610), Asia (3248), Europe (4926). NAs = 0.


Date at which the state entered the system of states according to Gleditsch and Ward, or NA if it has never been a member. Other.


Date at which the state ceased to be a member of the system of states according to Gleditsch and Ward, or NA if it still exists. Other.


Indicator of whether the state is a microstate, according to Gleditsch's list of microstates. Logical. TRUE = 56, FALSE = 13034, NAs = 0.


Latitude. Numeric. Max = 64.963, min = -40.901, distinct = 167, mean = 25.859, sd = 27.2, NAs = 0.


Longitude. Numeric. Max = 178.065, min = -106.347, distinct = 167, mean = 19.398, sd = 64.105, NAs = 0.


Whether the country-year is in the Gleditsch-Ward system of states. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Logical. TRUE = 12820, FALSE = 270, NAs = 0.


Solt, Frederick (2009). "Standardizing the World Income Inequality Database." Social Science Quarterly 90 (2): 231-42. http://fsolt.org/swiid/.

Solt, Frederick (2016). "The Standardized World Income Inequality Database." Social Science Quarterly, n/a-n/a. doi:10.1111/ssqu.12295.

See Also

Other economic data: economic_data, population_data

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