Man pages for xzhoulab/SPARK
Spatial Pattern Recognition via Kernels

ACATCombining P values for all kernels (Vector-Based)
CombinePValuesSummarized the multiple p-values via Cauchy combination rule
ComputeGaussianLCompute Gaussian kernel matrix
ComputeGaussianPLCalculate Gaussian Parameter L based on Eculidean Distance
ComputeTestQuantRcpp_covCompute the testing quantities with covariates, float format
ComputeTestQuantRcpp_GaussianCompute the testing quantities for linear mixed model, float...
ComputeTestQuantRcpp_nocovCompute the testing quantities without covariates, float...
ComputeWeightsRcppCompute the kernel weights using psedu-counts
CovariatesAIVariance component estimation with covariates using Average...
CreateSPARKObjectCreate the SPARK object with filtering step
ED_cppCompute Euclidean distance matrix by rows
FilteringGenesCellsFiltering out the genes that are lowly expressed acorss cells...
noCovariatesAIVariance component estimation without covariates using...
NormalizeVSTAnscombe variance stabilizing transformation: NB
NormalizeVSTfastAnscombe variance stabilizing transformation (Time Efficient)
rcpp_hello_worldSimple function using Rcpp
spark.aiFitting the count-based spatial model using average...
SPARK-classEach SPARK object has a number of slots which store...
spark.fitFitting the count-based spatial model to estimate the...
sparkg_swFast Test for the Gaussian version of SPARK through...
sparkg_sw_skTest for single kernel in the fast version of SPARK-G
SPARK-packageSpatial Pattern Recognition via Kernels
spark.testTesting multiple kernel matrices
spark.test_eachTesting one kernel matrix to identify spatial pattern
spark.vcFitting the count-based spatial model to estimate the...
spark.weightsComputing gene specific weights for combining multiple...
sparkxThe main function that testing multiple kernels with...
sparkx_pvalCalculate SPARK-X P-values
sparkx.skTesting for single kernel with non-parametric framework
sparkx.sksgTesting for single gene with each kernel with non-parametric...
SparseSysMatEigenDo inverse of sparse sysmetric matrix
sp_means_RcppCalculate column-wise or row-wise mean
sp_nz_count_RcppCount column-wise or row-wise non-zero elements of sparse...
sp_sums_RcppCalculate column-wise or row-wise sum
sp_vars_RcppCalculate column-wise or row-wise variance
SysMatEigenDo inverse of sysmetric matrix
transloc_funcTransforming the coordinate
xzhoulab/SPARK documentation built on Nov. 20, 2022, 2:54 p.m.