
Defines functions ars

Documented in ars

#' Adapative Rejection Sampling
#' `ars` generates random sample from log-concave densify function interested by users using adapative rejection sampling.
#' This function takes a numeric argument n and a function argument f
#' to generate random numbers from the given distribution in the specified sample size,
#' based on adapative rejection sampling method. For more detials, see Gilks and Wild (1992).
#' @param N - numeric: sample size (number of observations).
#' @param fn - function: log-concave function that is proporitional to the sampling density.
#' @param l - numeric: the lower bound of the density function. The default is -Inf.
#' @param u - numeric: the upper bound of the density function. The default is Inf.
#' @param center - numeric: estimated center of function. The default is 0.
#' @param step - numeric: value of bandwidth around center used to find the starting abscissaes. The default is 0.5.
#' @return \code{ars} returns a vector of sampled values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##  Sample from Standard Normal Distribution
#' ars(N = 10000, fn = dnorm, l = -Inf, u = Inf, center = 0, step = 0.5)
#' ## Sample from Gamma Distribution
#' gamma_test <- function(x){
#' k <- dgamma(x, shape = 7.5, scale = 1)
#' return(k)
#' }
#' ars(N = 10000, fn = gamma_test, l = 0.1, u = 20)
#' @author
#' Vincent Myers, Yanting Pan, and Zhenni Ye, based on Gilks and Wild (1992).
#' @references
#' W. R. Gilks, P. Wild. (1992), "Adaptive Rejection Sampling for Gibbs Sampling," Applied Statistics 41:337–348.

ars <- function(N,
                l = -Inf,
                u = Inf,
                center = 0,
                step = 0.5){

    ##**************************** Input ****************************##

    ## check N
    if(is.numeric(N) == FALSE) {stop('Please provide numeric sample size N', call. = FALSE)}
    if (N %% 1 != 0 || N < 1) {stop("Please provide positive integer for sample size", call. = FALSE)}
    ## check fn
    if(is.function(fn) == FALSE) {stop('Please provide fn as an function', call. = FALSE)}
    ## check bounds
    if (!is.numeric(l) || !is.numeric(u)) {stop('Please provide the numeric boundary', call. = FALSE)}
    if (l == u) {stop('Please provide the valid boundary', call. = FALSE)}
    if (l > u) {
      warning('The lower bound should be less than the upper bound, swaping values', call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
      tmp <- l
      l <- u
      u <- tmp
    if (center >= 1e8 || center <= -1e8){
      stop('Please provide valid boundary instead of using the defualt', call. = FALSE)}

    ##**************************** Initiatlization ****************************##

    ## take log scale of the density function
    FUN <- function(x,fun=fn){

    ## find the starting abscissaes
    iter  = 1
    ## case 1: finite input as starting abscissaes
    if (l != -Inf && u != Inf){
      ### check whether the point is defined on the function
      define_check(l, FUN)
      define_check(u, FUN)
      inif <- c(l, u)
      ### uniform case:
      test1 <- Deriv(l, FUN, l, u)
      test2 <- Deriv(u, FUN, l, u)
      if ((abs(test1) < 1e-8) && (abs(test1) < 1e-8)){
        return (set = runif(n = N, l, u))

    ## case 2: infinite lower bound and finite upper bound
    if (l == -Inf && u != Inf){
      if (u < center ) {  # u < 0
        center <- u - step   # find the lower bound begining with u-0.5
      ll <- center
      test <- Deriv(ll, FUN, l, u)
      ### push the samller starting abscissae left unitl find the first one whose diff is postive
      while (-Inf < test && test <= 0 && iter <= 50){
        ll <- ll - step
        test <- Deriv(ll, FUN, l, u)
        iter = iter + 1
      ### check define
      define_check(ll, FUN)
      define_check(u, FUN)
      inif <- c(ll, u)

    ## case 3: finite lower bound and infinit upper bound
    if (l != -Inf && u == Inf){
      if (l > center) {    # l > 0
        center = l + step  # find the upper bound begining with l + 0.5
      uu <- center   # uu = 0 if l < 0; if l > 0,  uu = l + 0.5
      test <- Deriv(uu, FUN, l, u)
      ### push the larger starting abscissae right unitl find the first one whose diff is negative
      while (0 <=  test && test < Inf && iter <= 50){
        uu <- uu + step
        test <- Deriv(uu, FUN, l, u)
        iter = iter + 1
      ### check define
      define_check(l, FUN)
      define_check(uu, FUN)
      inif <- c(l, uu)

    ## case 4: -inf lower bound and inf upper bound
    if (l == -Inf && u == Inf){
      ll <- center - step
      uu <- center + step
      test1 <- Deriv(ll, FUN, l, u)
      test2 <- Deriv(uu, FUN, l, u)
      ### push the samller starting abscissae left unitl find the first one that the diff is postive
      while (-Inf < test1 && test1 <= 0 && iter <= 50){
        ll <- ll - step
        test1 <- Deriv(ll, FUN, l, u)
        iter = iter + 1
      ### push the larger starting abscissae right unitl find the first one that the diff is negative
      while (0 <= test2 && test2 < Inf && iter <= 50){
        uu <- uu + step
        test2 <- Deriv(uu, FUN, l, u)
        iter = iter + 1
      define_check(ll, FUN)
      define_check(uu, FUN)
      inif <- c(ll,uu)

    if (iter > 50) {stop ("Initial points cannot be found.Please re-enter the boundary or (and) center of the function", .call = FALSE)}

    ##**************************** Sampling & Updating  ****************************##

              ##******************* Main Function  *******************##

    p <- sort(inif)
    ## check for log-concave
    if (Check_logconcave(fn, p) == FALSE) stop('Please provide the log-concave density', call. = FALSE)

    i <- 1
    set <- rep(0, N)
    min_bound <- ifelse(l == -Inf, -1e8, l)
    max_bound <- ifelse(u == Inf, 1e8, u)
    par <- setParams(fn, min_bound, max_bound, p) # calculate parameters for initial set of fixed points

    ## loop through iterations
    while (i <= N){
      y <- runif(1)
      unif <- runif(1)
      x_val <- invCDF(y, par$int_x, par$m_p, par$b_vec, par$nc, par$shift, par$adj)
      exp_pdf <- expPDF(x_val, p, par$int_x, par$m_p, par$lf_p)
      squeeze <- lowerPDF(fn, x_val, p)
      #### if squeeze test is passed, accept and iterate
      if ((squeeze / exp_pdf) > unif){
        set[i] <- x_val
        i <- i + 1
      } else {  # if squeeze test failed, perform rejection test
        ### if rejection test passed, accept and iterate
        if ((fn(x_val) / exp_pdf) > unif){
          set[i] <- x_val
          i <- i + 1
        ### whether the rejection test fails or not, add candidate point to fixed points
        p <- sort(c(p, x_val))
        ### check log-concave
        if (Check_logconcave(fn, p) == FALSE) stop('Please provide the log-concave density', call. = FALSE)
        par <- setParams(fn, min_bound, max_bound, p)
yantingpan/ars documentation built on May 21, 2019, 10:14 a.m.