
Defines functions calcDeriv lowerPDF expPDF expCDF invCDF setParams

# The two main functions are ars() and setParams().
# The calcDeriv() and expCDF() functions are used by setParams().
# The setParams(), lowerPDF(), expPDF(), and invCDF() functions are used by ars().
# setParams() calculates the parameters of the enveloping function for a set of fixed points;
# those parameters are used in ars() for all of the other function calls.

## calculate slope of tangent lines
## fn: function needed to take derivative
## p: fixed points; intially provided by user, and updated after every rejection
calcDeriv <- function(fn, p){
  dif <- 1e-10
  p1 <- fn(p)
  p2 <- fn(p + dif)
  slope <- (p2 - p1) / dif

## function to calculate lower squeeze function
## fn: density function
## x: an abscissa point
lowerPDF <- function(fn, x, p){
  ### squeeze function only applies if x is between the min and max fixed points
  if (x <= min(p) | x >= max(p)){
  } else {
    w <- findInterval(x, c(-Inf, p, Inf)) # find which section of squeeze line applies to x
    y <- ((p[w] - x)*log(fn(p[w-1])) + (x - p[w-1])*log(fn(p[w])))/(p[w] - p[w-1]) # value of squeeze at x

## function to compute piecewise exponential PDF
## x: abscissae points
## p: fixed points; intially provided by user, and updated after every rejection
## int_x: intersection point for lines in log of enveloping function
## m_p: slope of lines in log of enveloping function at each fixed point p (uses y = mx + b form)
## lf_p: value of log of user-provided function at fixed points p
expPDF <- function(x, p, int_x, m_p, lf_p){
  b_vec <- lf_p - p*m_p  # calculate b in y=mx+b format for each tangent line
  w <- findInterval(x, c(-Inf, int_x, Inf))  # find section of enveloping function that applies to x
  y <- m_p[w]*x + b_vec[w]  # calculate y=log(env(x))

## function to compute piecewise exponential CDF
## x: abscissae points
## p: fixed points; intially provided by user, and updated after every rejection
## int_x: intersection point for lines in log of enveloping function
## m_p: slope of lines in log of enveloping function at each fixed point p (uses y = mx + b form)
## lf_p: value of log of user-provided function at fixed points p
expCDF <- function(x, p, int_x, m_p, lf_p){
  exp_cdf <- rep(0, length(x))
  b_vec <- lf_p - p*m_p # calculate b in y=mx+b format for each tangent line
  which_section <- findInterval(x, c(-Inf, int_x, Inf)) # break x vector into sections denoting related enveloping line
  nsections <- max(which_section)

  ### calculate starting point of each segment of piecewise CDF
  piece_difs <- rep(0, length(int_x)+1)
  for (j in 1:length(int_x)){
    left <- ifelse(m_p[j] == 0, exp(b_vec[j]) * int_x[j], (1/m_p[j])*exp(m_p[j]*int_x[j] + b_vec[j]))
    right <- ifelse(m_p[j+1] == 0, exp(b_vec[j+1]) * int_x[j], (1/m_p[j+1])*exp(m_p[j+1]*int_x[j] + b_vec[j+1]))
    piece_difs[j+1] <- right - left
  piece_difs_cumul <- cumsum(piece_difs) # vertical adjustment to pieces of CDF to create continuity

  for (k in 1:nsections){ # loop through pieces of piecewise function, computing F(x) for each x
    x_section <- x[which_section == k]
    if (m_p[k] == 0){
      y_section <- exp(b_vec[k]) * x_section
    } else {
      y_section <- (1/m_p[k])*exp(m_p[k]*x_section + b_vec[k])
    exp_cdf[which_section == k] <- y_section - piece_difs_cumul[k]

  adj <- min(exp_cdf) # set minimum point of CDF to zero
  nc <- max(exp_cdf - adj) # normalizing constant
  norm_exp_cdf <- (exp_cdf - adj) / nc # normalized piecewise CDF
  return(list(cdf=norm_exp_cdf, difs=piece_difs_cumul, norm.const = nc, adj = adj))

## function to take invert the CDF at a given point for F(x)
## y: value of squeeze at x
## int_x: intersection point for lines in log of enveloping function
## m_p: slope of lines in log of enveloping function at each fixed point p (uses y = mx + b form)
## b_vec: b in (y = mx + b)
## nc: normalizing constant so that max point of enveloping CDF is 1
## shift: vertical shift for each segment of enveloping function to create a continuous CDF
## adj: vertical shift for the entire enveloping CDF so that F(x) = 0 at min_bound
invCDF <- function(y, int_x, m_p, b_vec, nc, shift, adj){
  n <- length(m_p) - 1
  breaks <- rep(0, n)
  for (j in 1:n){
    if (m_p[j] == 0){
      breaks[j] <- (exp(b_vec[j]) * int_x[j] - shift[j] - adj)/nc
    } else {
      breaks[j] <- ((1/m_p[j])*exp(m_p[j]*int_x[j] + b_vec[j]) - shift[j] - adj)/nc
  loc <- findInterval(y, c(-Inf, breaks, Inf))
  if (m_p[loc] == 0){
    x_output <- (nc*y + shift[loc] + adj) / exp(b_vec[loc])
  } else{
    x_output <- (log(m_p[loc]*(nc*y + shift[loc] + adj)) - b_vec[loc])/m_p[loc]

## calculate the parameters for the enveloping function for a given set of fixed points p
## fn: density function
## min_bound / max_bound: the boundaries on the function; all fixed points should be within min_bound and max_bound
## p: fixed points; intially provided by user, and updated after every rejection
setParams <- function(fn, min_bound, max_bound, p){

  x <- sort(c(min_bound, max_bound, p)) # critical x-values
  m_p <- calcDeriv(function(x) log(fn(x)), p) # calculate slope of tangent lines
  lf_p <- log(fn(p)) # calculate value of log function at eval point

  ### compute intersection points
  n <- length(p)
  int_x <- (lf_p[2:n] - lf_p[1:n-1] - p[2:n]*m_p[2:n] + p[1:n-1]*m_p[1:n-1]) / (m_p[1:n-1] - m_p[2:n])

  ### calculate parameters for inverse CDF
  exp_cdf <- expCDF(x, p, int_x, m_p, lf_p)  # y-output for piecewise linear PDF
  nc <- exp_cdf$norm.const
  shift <- exp_cdf$difs
  adj <- exp_cdf$adj
  b_vec <- lf_p - p*m_p

  ### return the parameters needed by the invCDF function
  return(list(m_p = m_p, lf_p = lf_p, int_x = int_x, b_vec = b_vec, nc=nc, shift=shift, adj = adj))
yantingpan/ars documentation built on May 21, 2019, 10:14 a.m.