Defines functions imd_headers_classes getIMD

Documented in getIMD

# IMD.r
# parse the imd.csv file and get all the details in the way I want it


# constants ---------------------------------------------------------------
# stuff that we assume remains unchanged through different IMD releases, but maybe might change

# format as per readr::read_csv
#                            xxxxImdIncEmpEduHeaCriBarLivAciAopChiDduGeoWidIndOutxxxxx
.csv.column.types.all    <- "ccccdiidiidiidiidiidiidiidiidiidiidiidiidiidiidiidii_____"
.csv.column.types.scores <- "ccccd__d__d__d__d__d__d__d__d__d__d__d__d__d__d__d_______"

# format for data.table::fread
imd_headers_classes <- function(scores.only = TRUE) {
  z <- ifelse(scores.only, "integer", "NULL")
    c( rep("character", 4),
       rep( c("numeric", z, z), 16),
       rep( "NULL", 5))

# to rename headers
imd_headers <- data.frame(rbind(
  c("LSOA11CD",               "LSOA code (2011)"),
  c("LSOA11NM",               "LSOA name (2011)"),
  c("LAD13CD",                "Local Authority District code (2013)"),
  c("LAD13NM",                "Local Authority District name (2013)"),
  c("IMD",                    "Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) Score"),
  c("Income",                 "Income Score (rate)"),
  c("Employment",             "Employment Score (rate)"),
  c("Education",              "Education, Skills and Training Score"),
  c("Health",                 "Health Deprivation and Disability Score"),
  c("Crime",                  "Crime Score"),
  c("Barriers",               "Barriers to Housing and Services Score"),
  c("Living",                 "Living Environment Score"),
  c("IDACI",                  "Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) Score (rate)"),
  c("IDAOPI",                 "Income Deprivation Affecting Older People (IDAOPI) Score (rate)"),
  c("CYP_subdomain",          "Children and Young People Sub-domain Score"),
  c("Adult_subdomain",        "Adult Skills Sub-domain Score"),
  c("Geographical_subdomain", "Geographical Barriers Sub-domain Score"),
  c("Wider_subdomain",        "Wider Barriers Sub-domain Score"),
  c("Indoors_subdomain",      "Indoors Sub-domain Score"),
  c("Outdoors_subdomain",     "Outdoors Sub-domain Score")
), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# comments ----------------------------------------------------------------
# the higher the score, the more deprived
# when ranking, 1 = most deprived

# default file ------------------------------------------------------------

.defaultPath <- "H:/DATASETS/IMD/IMD2015"
.defaultFile <- "File_7_ID_2015_All_ranks__deciles_and_scores_for_the_Indices_of_Deprivation__and_population_denominators.csv"

# getIMD ------------------------------------------------------------

#' get Index of Multiple Deprivation data
#' load and prepare the data from .csv file.
#' \describe{
#'  \item{default path}{\code{H:/DATASETS/IMD/IMD2015}}
#'  \item{default file}{\code{File_7_ID_2015_All_ranks__deciles_and_scores_for_the_Indices_of_Deprivation__and_population_denominators.csv}}
#' }
#' headers are renamed as follows:
#' \tabular{rr}{
#'   \emph{new name}        \tab \emph{old name}\cr
#'   LSOA11CD               \tab LSOA code (2011)\cr
#'   LSOA11NM               \tab LSOA name (2011)\cr
#'   LAD13CD                \tab Local Authority District code (2013)\cr
#'   LAD13NM                \tab Local Authority District name (2013)\cr
#'   IMD                    \tab Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) Score\cr
#'   Income                 \tab Income Score (rate)\cr
#'   Employment             \tab Employment Score (rate)\cr
#'   Education              \tab Education, Skills and Training Score\cr
#'   Health                 \tab Health Deprivation and Disability Score\cr
#'   Crime                  \tab Crime Score\cr
#'   Barriers               \tab Barriers to Housing and Services Score\cr
#'   Living                 \tab Living Environment Score\cr
#'   IDACI                  \tab Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) Score (rate)\cr
#'   IDAOPI                 \tab Income Deprivation Affecting Older People (IDAOPI) Score (rate)\cr
#'   CYP_subdomain          \tab Children and Young People Sub-domain Score\cr
#'   Adult_subdomain        \tab Adult Skills Sub-domain Score\cr
#'   Geographical_subdomain \tab Geographical Barriers Sub-domain Score\cr
#'   Wider_subdomain        \tab Wider Barriers Sub-domain Score\cr
#'   Indoors_subdomain      \tab Indoors Sub-domain Score\cr
#'   Outdoors_subdomain     \tab Outdoors Sub-domain Score
#' }
#' @param path path to file
#' @param file filename of the .csv file containing everything
#' @param scores.only \code{TRUE} (default) to strip ranking and deciles, \code{FALSE} to keep everything
#' @return the IMD dataset as.data.table
#' @export
#' @examples IMD2015 <- getIMD()
getIMD <- function( path = .defaultPath,
                    file = .defaultFile,
                    scores.only = TRUE) {

  file <- paste(path, file, sep = "/")

  #read_csv method 0.2 seconds
  cols <- ifelse(scores.only, .csv.column.types.scores, .csv.column.types.all)
  IMD <- read_csv(file, col_types = cols)
  IMD <- as.data.table(IMD)

  #fread method 0.4 seconds
  #IMD <- fread(file, colClasses = imd_headers_classes(scores.only))

  setnames(IMD, old = imd_headers[, 2], new = imd_headers[, 1])

yapweiliang/IndexMultipleDeprivation documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:30 p.m.