
Defines functions addDomainInfo

Documented in addDomainInfo

#' @title Add domain information to the return (sf) dataframe
#' @description Uses the esrimeta function to get information about the field
#' domains in the returned dataframe and joins the domain information to the
#' dataframe. This is especially important for the codedValue type domains that
#' are essentially factors and you loose information without replacing the data.
#' @param df The returned (sf) df from esri2sf/esri2df.
#' @param url The url for the Map/Feature server layer/table.
#' @param token string for authentication token (if needed).
#' @return An {sf} dataframe
addDomainInfo <- function(df, url, token = "") {
  #Get Field Metadata
  layerTableFields <- esrimeta(url, token = token, fields = TRUE)

  #Check for domain column
  if (!('domain' %in% names(layerTableFields))) {

  #Check that domain column is logical (all NA so domains to handle)
  if ('logical' %in% class(layerTableFields[['domain']])) {

  #Check that domain column is a dataframe
  if (!('data.frame' %in% class(layerTableFields[['domain']]))) {
    stop("The domain field in the layerTableFields is not a dataframe. Edits need to be made to the addDomainInfo() function. Please start an issue at 'https://github.com/yonghah/esri2sf/issues/new/choose' so that the issue can be fixed.")

  #Check that domain dataframe is the same length as the layerTableFields dataframe.
  if (nrow(layerTableFields) != nrow(layerTableFields[['domain']])) {
    stop("The domain dataframe in the layerTableFields is not the same length as the layerTableFields dataframe. Please start an issue at 'https://github.com/yonghah/esri2sf/issues/new/choose' so that the issue can be fixed.")

  #Reformat layerTableFields so that its all one dataframe
  domainDF <- layerTableFields[['domain']]
  names(domainDF) <- paste0("domain_", names(domainDF))
  layerTableFields <- dplyr::bind_cols(layerTableFields[,-which(names(layerTableFields) == 'domain')], domainDF)

  #Check handled domain types
  handledDomainTypes <- c('codedValue', 'range')
  domainTypes <- stats::na.omit(layerTableFields[['domain_type']])
  if (!all(domainTypes %in% handledDomainTypes)) {
    newDomainTypes <- domainTypes[!(domainTypes %in% handledDomainTypes)]
    stop(paste0("Field domain of type(s): ", paste0("'", newDomainTypes, "'", collapse = ", "), " found in the function esri2sf:::getDomainInfo(). Please start an issue at 'https://github.com/yonghah/esri2sf/issues/new/choose' so that the novel domain type can be handled by the package."))

  if (length(stats::na.omit(layerTableFields[['domain_type']])) == 0) {
  } else {
    #replace values in df with domain information (codedValue domains)
    codedFields <- layerTableFields[!is.na(layerTableFields[['domain_type']]) & layerTableFields[['domain_type']] == 'codedValue',]
    if (nrow(codedFields) > 0) {
      # row = split(codedFields,codedFields$name)[[1]]
      for (row in split(codedFields,codedFields$name)) {
        #Get coded values df
        codedValues <- row[['domain_codedValues']][[1]]
        names(codedValues) <- paste0('domain_codedValues_', names(codedValues))

        #Join dataframes
        df[[row[['name']]]] = as.character(df[[row[['name']]]])
        codedValues[['domain_codedValues_code']] = as.character(codedValues[['domain_codedValues_code']])
        df <- dplyr::left_join(df, codedValues, by = `names<-`('domain_codedValues_code', row[['name']]))

        #Clean up join an insert updated column to the same place as original
        oldLocation <- which(names(df) == row[['name']])
        df <- df[,-oldLocation]
        df <- dplyr::rename(df, `names<-`('domain_codedValues_name', row[['name']]))
        df <- dplyr::relocate(df, row[['name']], .before = oldLocation)
    #range domains are ignored

yonghah/esri2sf documentation built on June 2, 2022, 8:18 a.m.