conti.W_update = function(W, Beta, Mu, rho, data_info, white_coefs, verbose,
rho1_max = 1e+20, h_tol = 1e-8){
## Read data ####
n_expls = data_info$n_expls
intcpt = data_info$intcpt
idx_intcpt = ifelse(intcpt=="none", data_info$n_expls, data_info$n_expls + 1)
n_resps = data_info$n_resps
X1 = data_info$X1
Y = data_info$Y
Sr = data_info$Sr
Se = data_info$Se
n_obs = data_info$n_obs
n_coefs = data_info$n_coefs
n_nodes = data_info$n_nodes
if (intcpt == "none") {
X = X1
} else{
X = cbind(X1, rep(1,n_obs))
colnames(X)[idx_intcpt] <- "(Intcpt)"
## Initialize parameters ####
W = W * white_coefs;
if(intcpt == "none") { w = c(W) } else { vectorizing(W, idx_intcpt) }
if(intcpt == "none") { beta = c(Beta) } else { vectorizing(Beta, idx_intcpt)}
if(intcpt == "none") { mu = c(Mu) } else { vectorizing(Mu, idx_intcpt) }
alpha = 0.0
rho1 = 1.0
h = Inf
if (intcpt == "none"){
obj1 = function(w, alpha, rho1){
obj0cpp_conti_noint(w, beta, mu, rho, alpha, rho1, X, Y, white_coefs,
idx_intcpt, n_resps, n_obs, n_nodes, n_coefs,
Sr, Se)}
grad1 = function(w, alpha, rho1){
grad0cpp_conti_noint(w, beta, mu, rho, alpha, rho1, X, Y, white_coefs,
idx_intcpt, n_resps, n_obs, n_nodes, n_coefs,
Sr, Se)}
} else { # for non-intercept case
obj1 = function(w, alpha, rho1){
obj0cpp_conti_int(w, beta, mu, rho, alpha, rho1, X, Y, white_coefs,
idx_intcpt, n_resps, n_obs, n_nodes, n_coefs,
Sr, Se)}
grad1 = function(w, alpha, rho1){
grad0cpp_conti_int(w, beta, mu, rho, alpha, rho1, X, Y, white_coefs,
idx_intcpt, n_resps, n_obs, n_nodes, n_coefs,
Sr, Se)}
while (rho1 < rho1_max) {
if (verbose == TRUE){ cat("rho 1 =", rho1, " and alpha = ", alpha, "\n") }
obj2 = function(w){obj1(w, alpha, rho1)}
grad2 = function(w){grad1(w, alpha, rho1)}
w_new_temp = lbfgs::lbfgs(obj2, grad2, w, invisible = 1)$par
if (intcpt == "none"){
W_new_temp = matricizing(w_new_temp, n_expls, n_resps, coef_only = T)
W_new = W_new_temp * white_coefs
W1_new = W_new
} else {
W_new_temp = matricizing(w_new_temp, n_expls, n_resps)
W_new = W_new_temp * white_coefs
W1_new = W_new[-idx_intcpt, ] # coef part only
h_new = sum(diag(expm::expm(Se %*% W1_new^2 %*% t(Sr)))) - n_nodes
if (h_new > 0.25 * h) rho1 = rho1 * 10
W = W_new;
if (intcpt == "none") w = c(W) else w = vectorizing(W, idx_intcpt)
h = h_new
if (h <= h_tol) break
alpha <- alpha + rho1 * h
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