
#' @title Carbon R6 class
#' @description The Carbon generator creates a new `Carbon`-object, which is the class containing
#' all the app logic. The class is based on the [R6][R6::R6Class] OO-system and
#' is thus reference-based with methods and data attached to each object, in
#' contrast to the more well known S3 and S4 systems.
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @section Initialization:
#' A new 'Carbon'-object is initialized using the `new()` method on the generator:
#' \tabular{l}{
#'  `x <- carbon$new(code = clipr::read_clip())`
#' }
#' @section Fields:
#' \foldstart{Public Fields}
#' Description of fields of the R6 object that can be set by the user can be found
#'  in the following [page][carbonate::carbon-fields].
#' \foldend
#' @section Methods:
#' \foldstart{Interacting with Browser}
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' [$carbonate][carbonate::carbon-carbonate] \tab Using RSelenium fetch the carbon image output \cr
#' [$browse][carbonate::.browse] \tab open [$uri][carbonate::carbon-uri] in the browser
#' }
#' \foldend
#' \foldstart{ Aesthetics }
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' [$set_template][carbonate::carbon-set-fields] \tab set $template \cr
#' [$get_templates][carbonate::carbon-get-fields] \tab get a list of possible templates \cr
#' [$set_window_control_theme][carbonate::carbon-set-fields] \tab  set $windows_control_theme \cr
#' [$get_windows_control_themes][carbonate::carbon-get-fields] \tab get a list of possible window control themes\cr
#' [$set_font_family][carbonate::carbon-set-fields] \tab set $font_family\cr
#' [$get_font_families][carbonate::carbon-get-fields] \tab get a list of possible fonts
#' }
#' \foldend
#' \foldstart{ URI Building }
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' [$uri][carbonate::carbon-uri] \tab construct valid carbon.js uri \cr
#' [$options][carbonate::carbon-options] \tab return all current carbon options\cr
#' [$encode][carbonate::carbon-encode] \tab URL encode a string for the $uri \cr
#' [$tiny][carbonate::carbon-tinyurl]  \tab Create tinyurl from [$uri][carbonate::carbon-uri] \cr
#' [$rtweet][carbonate::carbon-rtweet]  \tab Send tweets containing media generated from carbon
#' }
#' \foldend
#' \foldstart{ Webdriver Settings }
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' [$chromeOptions][carbonate::carbon-chrome] \tab construct a chromeOptions object \cr
#' [$chrome_start][carbonate::carbon-chrome] \tab start a chrome session \cr
#' [$chrome_stop][carbonate::carbon-chrome] \tab stop a chrome session \cr
#' [$start][carbonate::carbon-selenium] \tab start a RSelenium session \cr
#' [$stop][carbonate::carbon-selenium] \tab stop a RSelenium session \cr
#' [$stop_all][carbonate::carbon-selenium] \tab stop all active RSelenium sessions \cr
#' [$get_port][carbonate::carbon-selenium] \tab Get active port  \cr
#' [$set_port][carbonate::carbon-selenium] \tab Set new port
#' }
#' \foldend
#' @rdname carbon
#' @export
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom clipr read_clip
#' @importFrom details details
carbon <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "Carbon",
  public = list(
    initialize = function(code = clipr::read_clip(), yml = "~/carbon.yml", silent_yml = FALSE) {
      self$code <- code
      private$parse_yml(yml, silent = silent_yml)
    code = NULL,
    palette = c(r = 171, g = 184, b = 195, a = 1),
    template = "seti",
    window_control_theme = "none",
    language = "r",
    add_drop_shadow = TRUE,
    drop_shadow_offset_y = 20,
    drop_shadow_blur_radius = 68,
    add_window_control = TRUE,
    auto_adjust_width = TRUE,
    padding_vertical = 48,
    padding_horizontal = 32,
    add_line_number = FALSE,
    font_family = "Hack",
    font_size = 14,
    line_height_percent = 133,
    square_image = FALSE,
    relative_export_size = 1,
    add_watermark = FALSE,
    add_tinyurl = FALSE,
    tinyurl_location = "southeast",
    tweet = FALSE,
    tweet_status = "Created in R using the Carbonate \U0001f4e6",
    add_timestamp = FALSE,
    maxiter = 20,
    carbons = list(),
    download_path = tempdir(),
    chrome_args = c("--disable-gpu", "--window-size=1280,800"),
    chrome_pref = list(
      "profile.default_content_settings.popups" = 0L,
      "download.prompt_for_download" = FALSE,
      "download.directory_upgrade" = TRUE,
      "safebrowsing.enabled" = TRUE,
      "download.default_directory" = tempdir()
    firefox_args = c('--width=1280','--height=800','--memory 1024mb','--headless'),
    firefox_pref = list(
      'browser.download.dir' = tempdir(),
      'browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk' = 'image/png',
      'browser.download.folderList' = 2L,
      'browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting' = FALSE
    rD = NULL,
    cDrv = NULL,
    set_template = function(template = self$get_templates()[16]) {
      .set_template(self, private, template)
    set_window_control_theme = function(theme = self$get_windows_control_themes()[1]) {
      .set_window_control_theme(self, private, theme)
    set_font_family = function(family = self$get_font_families()[6]) {
      .set_font_family(self, private, family)
    get_windows_control_themes = function() {
      .get_windows_control_themes(self, private)
    get_font_families = function() {
      .get_font_families(self, private)
    get_templates = function() {
      .get_templates(self, private)
    options = function(code = self$code) {
      .options(self, private, code)
    uri = function(code = self$code) {
      .uri(self, private, code)
    browse = function() {
      .browse(self, private)
    chromeOptions = function() {
      .chromeOptions(self, private)
    firefoxOptions = function() {
      .firefoxOptions(self, private)
    driver = 'firefox',
    driver_start = function(driver = self$driver) {
      .driver_start(self, private, driver)
    driver_stop = function() {
      .driver_stop(self, private)
    start = function(driver = self$driver) {
      obj <- eval(parse(text = sprintf('self$%sOptions()',driver)))
      .start(self, private, eCap = obj, driver = driver)
    stop = function() {
      .stop(self, private)
    stop_all = function() {
      .stop_all(self, private)
    carbonate = function(file = "rcarbon.png", path = self$download_path, code = self$code, rD = self$rD, driver = self$driver) {
      .carbonate(self, private, file, path, code, rD, driver)
    encode = function(URL, reserved = FALSE, repeated = FALSE) {
      .encode(self, private, URL, reserved, repeated)
    tiny = function(clip = FALSE) {
      .tiny(self, private, clip)
    rtweet = function(media, status = self$tweet_status, media_format = c("png", "gif"), ...) {
      .rtweet(self, private, media, status, media_format = media_format, ...)
    set_port  = function(port = NULL){
    get_port  = function(){
  private = list(
    temp_dir = tempdir(),
    px_vars = c(
    logical_vars = c(
    var_names = c(
      palette = "bg",
      template = "t",
      window_control_theme = "wt",
      language = "l",
      add_drop_shadow = "ds",
      drop_shadow_offset_y = "dsyoff",
      drop_shadow_blur_radius = "dsblur",
      add_window_control = "wc",
      auto_adjust_width = "wa",
      padding_vertical = "pv",
      padding_horizontal = "ph",
      add_line_number = "ln",
      font_family = "fm",
      font_size = "fs",
      line_height_percent = "lh",
      square_image = "si",
      relative_export_size = "es",
      add_watermark = "wm",
      add_timestamp = "ts"
    port = NULL,
    rgba = function(x) {
      .rgba(self, private, x)
    add_unit = function(x, unit = "px") {
      .add_unit(self, private, x, unit)
    map_name = function(name) {
      .map_name(self, private, name)
    add_percent = function(value) {
      .add_percent(self, private, value)
    convert_logical = function(value) {
      .convert_logical(self, private, value)
    map = function() {
      .map(self, private)
    parse_yml = function(yml, silent_yml) {
      .parse_yml(self, private, yml, silent_yml)
yonicd/carbonate documentation built on Sept. 2, 2022, 8:13 a.m.