
Defines functions launch_heatmaply

Documented in launch_heatmaply

#'@title launch_heatmaply
#'@description launch shiny app UI for heatmaply from R console
#'@param obj data.frame or list of data.frames
#'@param plotHeight numeric that sets the height of the plot output (default 800px)
#'@param viewerType character of the viewer to be used to launch the app to c('paneViewer','dialogViewer','browserViewer')
#' \dontrun{
  if(!'list'%in%class(obj)) obj=list(obj)
  if(is.null(names(obj))) names(obj)=paste0('data',seq(1,length(obj)))
yonicd/shinyHeatmaply documentation built on April 7, 2020, 10:44 a.m.