Man pages for yuanwxu/TransPhyloC
Inference of Transmission Tree under a Within-Host Evolution Model

computeMatWIWBuild a matrix of probability of who infected whom from a...
consTTreeBuild a consensus transmission tree from a MCMC output
extractPTreeExtracts phylogenetic tree from a combined...
extractTTreeExtracts transmission tree from a combined...
inferTTreeInfer transmission tree given a phylogenetic tree
makeCtreeFromPTreeCreate a transmission tree compatible with the provided...
makeTTreeSimulate a transmission tree
phyloFromPTreeConverts a phylogenetic tree into an ape phylo object
plotCTreePlot both phylogenetic and transmission trees using colors on...
plotTTreePlot a transmission tree
plotTTree2Plot a transmission tree in an economic format
probPTreeGivenTTreeCalculate the probability of a phylogenetic tree given a...
probTTreeCalculates the log-probability of a transmission tree
ptreeFromPhyloConverts an ape phylo object into a phylogenetic tree
simulateOutbreakSimulate an outbreak
TransPhylo-packageInference of transmission tree under a within-host evolution...
yuanwxu/TransPhyloC documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:35 p.m.