#' add special LP constraints to an existing LP object--pair overlap control
#' @param lp_obj the LP object that has been solved at least one time
#' @param whichSolution whichSolutiion in the lp_obj$formList should be added as a constraint controlling the overlap
#' rate between this solution and those being generated iteratively.
#' @param block_within_forms if TRUE, the overlap rate control per form is added as new constraints.
#' @param block_across_forms if TRUE, the overlap rate control across forms is added as a new constraint.
#' block_within_forms and block_across_forms can both be TRUE.
#' @param maxOverlapRate the maximum overlap rate between the next new solution and the previous solutions.
#' @param assignSolutionWtZero assign the solution items to have objective coef to be zeros.
#' @return a LP object
#' @export
addon_blockSolution = function (lp_obj, whichSolution = NULL, block_within_forms = T, block_across_forms = F,
maxOverlapRate = .8, assignSolutionWtZero = T) {
if (is.null(whichSolution))
whichSolution = length(lp_obj$formList)
if (whichSolution <= 0) {
warning("No solution exists; therefore, no solution is blocked!")
lp_cons = lp_obj$lp$constraint
n.forms = lp_obj$test_inf$n_form
blockSolution = lp_obj$formList[[whichSolution]]
all_items_ind = blockSolution$item_ind %>% unique() %>% sort()
if (block_within_forms) {
for (ind in unique(blockSolution$form_ind)) {
this_form_items = blockSolution %>% filter(form_ind == ind)
lp_cons[[length(lp_cons)+1]] = gen_constraint_within_forms(
forms = ind,
n.items = nrow(this_form_items),
x = this_form_items$item_ind,
x.coef = rep(1, length(this_form_items$item_ind)),
type = "<=",
rhs = round( length(this_form_items$item_ind) * maxOverlapRate, 0),
label = str_c("block within forms solution ", whichSolution))[[1]]
if (block_across_forms) {
# Note that each form has all ind from all forms' solution
# therefore, the overlap across two iteration might be always <= maxOverlapRate
lp_cons[[length(lp_cons)+1]] = gen_constraint_across_forms (
forms = 1:n.forms,
n.items = nrow(lp_obj$items),
x = all_items_ind,
x.coef = rep(1, length(all_items_ind)),
type = "<=",
rhs = round(length(all_items_ind) * maxOverlapRate, 0),
label = str_c("block across forms solution ", whichSolution))[[1]]
# assign the objective coef to be zero for those items in the solution
if (assignSolutionWtZero && "MIN_ITEM_USAGE_WT" %in% toupper(lp_obj$objective)) {
n.items = nrow(lp_obj$items)
x = as.vector(outer(all_items_ind, n.items * (1:n.forms - 1), "+"))
lp_obj$lp$objective[x] = 0
# assign new constraints to lp_obj
lp_obj$lp$constraint = lp_cons
# remove components derived from the previous lp object
lp_obj$lp$x = NULL
lp_obj$output = NULL
#' add special LP constraints to an existing LP object
#' @param lp_obj the LP object that has been solved at least one time
#' @return a LP object
#' @export
addon_accumulative_max_usage = function (lp_obj, max_usage_count) {
lp_cons = lp_obj$lp$constraint
if (length(lp_obj$formList) >= max_usage_count) {
items = lp_obj$items
alias = lp_obj$alias
n.forms = lp_obj$test_inf$n_form
formList = lp_obj$formList %>% bind_rows(.id = "iter") %>% select(-form_ind) %>%
group_by(iter) %>% group_map(~distinct(.x)) %>% bind_rows()
over_usage_item_ind = formList %>% count(item_ind) %>% filter(n > max_usage_count) %>%
# right_join(items %>% mutate(item_ind = 1:nrow(items))) %>% select(item_ind, alias$item_id, n) %>%
# arrange(item_ind)
if (length(over_usage_item_ind) > 0) {
all_labels = map(lp_cons , "label") %>% unlist()
if ("block over-used items" %in% all_labels)
cons_ind = which(all_labels == "block over-used items") else
cons_ind = length(lp_cons)+1
lp_cons[[cons_ind]] = gen_constraint_across_forms (
forms = 1:n.forms,
n.items = nrow(lp_obj$items),
x = over_usage_item_ind,
x.coef = rep(1, length(over_usage_item_ind)),
type = "<=",
rhs = 0,
label = "block over-used items")[[1]]
# assign new constraints to lp_obj
lp_obj$lp$constraint = lp_cons
# remove components derived from the previous lp object
lp_obj$lp$x = NULL
lp_obj$output = NULL
#' Modify objective coefficients to control the maximum item exposure rate in a series of solves
#' Two ways of calculating the item exposure rates: one is based on the number of previous solves
#' (i.e. panels being built so far), and another way is use the total number of solutions that
#' the series of solves will achieve.
#' Two parameters are needed--lp_obj$objective_parameter$max_IE_rate and
#' lp_obj$objective_parameter$IE_rate_denominator (optional). If IE_rate_denominator = 0 or not
#' provided, the number of pervious solves will be used for calculating the item exposure rates.
#' @param lp_obj the LP object that has been initialized and is ready to be solved.
#' @return a LP object
#' @export
modify_objective_for_Overall_max_IE_rate = function (lp_obj) {
# get max_IE_rate and IE_rate_denominator
if (is.null(lp_obj$objective_parameter$max_IE_rate) || lp_obj$objective_parameter$max_IE_rate <= 0 ||
lp_obj$objective_parameter$max_IE_rate > 1.0) {
stop("lp_obj$objective_parameter$max_IE_rate needs to be defined within (0,1]")
max_IE_rate = lp_obj$objective_parameter$max_IE_rate
IE_rate_denominator = if (is.null(lp_obj$objective_parameter$IE_rate_denominator)) 0 else
if (IE_rate_denominator <= 0) IE_rate_denominator = length(lp_obj$formList) + 1.0
if (IE_rate_denominator < 1/max_IE_rate) return(invisible(lp_obj))
# calculate current item exposure counts
n.forms = lp_obj$test_inf$n_form
alias = lp_obj$alias
items = lp_obj$items
n.items = nrow(items)
exposed_item_count = lp_obj$formList %>% bind_rows %>% count(item_ind) %>%
right_join(items %>% mutate(item_ind = 1:nrow(items))) %>% select(item_ind, alias$item_id, n) %>%
# calculate objective coef
# for the items with exposure rate < max_IE_rate, the coef = 0;
# otherwise, the coef are their exposure rates.
updated_obj_coef <- map_dbl ((exposed_item_count$n+1.0)/(IE_rate_denominator) - max_IE_rate, ~{
if (is.na(.x) || .x <=0) 0 else .x
}) %>% unlist()
if (lp_obj$options$verbose)
print(str_c("past_n_iter = ", length(lp_obj$formList), " sum of coef = ", sum(updated_obj_coef)))
objective = lp_obj$lp$objective
x.form.len = n.items
for (k in 1:n.forms) {
# k = 1
x.form.start = ((k - 1) * x.form.len) + 1
x.ind = seq.int(from = x.form.start, length.out = n.items)
# overwrite the x objective coefficients with
objective[x.ind] = updated_obj_coef
# assign new constraints to lp_obj
lp_obj$lp$objective = objective
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