
#' Build the constraint data frame for a linear program from a filter vector.
#' @param x A numeric vector with its length equal to the number of decision variables.
#'          Each entry is either a numeric value or NA.
#' @return A constraint data frame for the linear program
#' @details
#' If x[i] is a numeric value then the i-th decision variable is fixed to be this value;
#' if x[i] is NA then no requirement is placed on the corresponding decision variable.

gen_filter_constraint <- function (x, label = "", consId = NULL) {

    w = which(!is.na(x))

    num.con = length(w)

    if (num.con == 0)
      return (NULL)

    x = x[w]

    constraint = vector(mode = "list", length = num.con)

    for (i in seq(num.con))
      constraint[[i]] = list(
        label = label,
        consId   = consId,
        variable = w[i],
        coef = 1,
        type = "=",
        rhs = x[i])

    return (constraint)
yuehmeir2/myFormAssembler documentation built on June 9, 2021, 3:42 a.m.